Lena Ehlers successfully completed her M.Sc. degree in Process-Oriented Materials Research with distinction. The programme team congratulates her warmly on this achievement.
Process-oriented materials research, M.Sc.
Apply now for the summer semester 2025!
- Extended application deadline for the summer semester. -
Applications still possible until 15 March 2025!
moreSemester kick-off
At the beginning of each semester, current and former ProMat students meet for a joint kick-off and welcome breakfast. Just as it was this time.
We wish all of our students lots of success for the upcoming winter semester 24/25!
The ProMat course of studies
The ProMat course of studies includes much more than just attending lectures. Here you will find a short description and a graphical representation of the course of studies.
Study profile
Title: | Master of Science, M. Sc. |
Length of study: | 4 semesters, 120 CP / ECTS |
Programme language: | German and English |
Application deadline: | 15th of January for the summer semester; |
Since the winter semester 2018/2019, the University of Bremen is offering a new, interdisciplinary master's programme: ProMat is addressing students who aim to pursue a scientific career in the STEM fields.
more information in the flyer (in German)
see our new poster (in German)
Office hours and contact information
Process-oriented materials research, ProMat TAB-building, room 3.30
| Prof. Dr.-Ing. Lucio Colombi Ciacchi | Dr. Enis Bicer promatprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de | Britta Hinz | Dr. Hanna Lührs |