Bremen’s state representation in Brussels / EuropaPunktBremen

Storytime with: Tanja Baerman

WHY does Bremen care about Europe?
HERE’S WHY – The Free Hanseatic City of Bremen is committed to a democratic, social, people-oriented, and cosmopolitan Europe where cities and regions have a strong role. The European Union has influenced the coexistence of people, nature, and the environment on the continent since its foundation, which means that Europe is the framework in which Bremen’s politics are shaped and take place. While EuropaPunktBremen is Bremen’s platform for Europe-focused geopolitical information and publicity activities, Bremen’s state representation in Brussels injects Bremen’s expertise (university expertise, for example) and interests at a European level.
WHY is there a bit of the University of Bremen in Europe?
HERE’S WHY – Since long before the European Union was established, universities have created identity on the European continent, promoted knowledge, and in doing so created the foundations for today’s Europe. Since opening in 1971, the University of Bremen has practiced European values and thought. It is an integral element of the European university landscape through European research and networking projects (including ERASMUS, YUFE, MARUM, and the Research Centre for East European Studies, among others).