Aki Elysee Bekanti

© Matej Meza - Ana Pabon / Universität Bremen
Aki Bekanti Elysee, French and Art student

© Matej Meza - Ana Pabon / Universität Bremen
"The University of Bremen is a place where I have been given the chance to acquire knowledge."
What comes to Aki's mind when she thinks of the University of Bremen? "The University of Bremen is a place where I have been given the chance to acquire knowledge." Above all, she likes that she can study whatever she feels like here and appreciates that a lot is done to facilitate integration. She herself has already organised intercultural events on a voluntary basis.
Aki's professional dream is to teach herself after graduation. If at all possible, she would also like to do a doctorate.
In 50 years' time, Aki envisages that the University of Bremen will have more degree programmes and departments and - she hopes - many more cultural offerings.