The Health Management of the University of Bremen is based upon the operating agreement on health management of bremens public service.
For the strategic controlling of the university's Workplace Health Management (WHM), the steering committee is in charge.
Working groups within this steering committee, such as the core team of the employee survey, cover specific subjects.
The staff unit Health Management coordinates all activities of the WHM.
The principles of Health Management
Behavioural and environmental prevention
Reduction of health risks respectively buildup of health resources and protective factors.
Active involvement of the employees when it comes to analysing working conditions.
Effective Project Management
WHM as cross-sectional task, which profits by the methods of project management.
Health targets and health tasks are being anchored in the personnell policy. Leaders and managers track those aspects systematically.
WHM core processes as learning cycle

Members of the Steering Committee
Staff Office Health Management
Human Resources Department
Human Resources Development
Occupational Safety
Company Medical Service
State and University Library
Staff Council
Central Women's Representative
Women's representative for the service sector
BEM representative (at the same time person of trust for severely disabled people)