Contents of the Workshops & useful tools

Here the contents of the mental health impulse workshops are summarized and enriched with information and useful tools beyond the context of the workshop.

The workshop on this topic is scheduled for 17.03.2021 from 16h - 17:30h and is divided in two parts.
A theoretical part on understanding focus, personal distractions, the importance of taking breaks and how to make the most oft them. And an active part where you train different practices and get tools at hand that may help you strenghten your mental health in everyday life. In the workshop Stay Focused / The Power of Breaks you learn how to stay focused and leave distractions outside, optimize your time management, learn about the power of walking and integrate active break movements (desk yoga) in your work life. 

You can join the workshops via Zoom Link.

You can sign up via this registration form (you do not necessarily have to sign up for the workshops but we would be happy, if you did)

The workshop on this topic is scheduled for 21.04.2021 from 16h - 17:30h and is divided in two parts.
A theoretical part on habits for starting and ending the workday, especially when working from home. And an active part where you train different practices and get tools at hand that may help you strenghten your mental health in everyday life. In the workshop Start Strong, Finish Strong you learn how to design your personal start and end of the day (in small groups).

You can join the workshops via Zoom Link.

You can sign up via this registration form (you do not necessarily have to sign up for the workshops but we would be happy, if you did)

The workshop on this topic is scheduled for 19.05.2021 from 16h - 17:30h and is divided in two parts.
A theoretical part on the research on positive emotions and the psychology of gratitude. And an active part where you train different practices and get tools at hand that may help you strenghten your mental health in everyday life. In the workshop The Power of Gratitude you learn strategies to bring more gratitude into your daily life.

You can join the workshops via Zoom Link.

You can sign up via this registration form (you do not necessarily have to sign up for the workshops but we would be happy, if you did)


The workshop on this topic is scheduled for 16.06.2021 from 16h - 17:30h and is divided in two parts.
A theoretical part on the role of mindset and beliefs – or our inner voices – and creating beliefs that serve us rather than limit us. And an active part where you train different practices and get tools at hand that may help you strenghten your mental health in everyday life. In the workshop Build your Inner Team you learn how to identify your inner saboteurs and allies – or “limiting beliefs” and based on that you will learn how to counter them with beliefs that serve you.

You can join the workshops via Zoom Link.

You can sign up via this registration form (you do not necessarily have to sign up for the workshops but we would be happy, if you did)

The workshop on this topic is scheduled for 21.07.2021 from 16h - 17:30h and is divided in two parts.
A theoretical part on the power of cognitive reframing and learning from challenging situations or “failure” &  Personal Leadership in critical moments. And an active part where you train different practices and get tools at hand that may help you strenghten your mental health in everyday life. In the workshop No Mud, No Lotus you learn how to use your inner appreciator for cognitive reframing and develop Personal Leadership techniques.

You can join the workshops via Zoom Link.

You can sign up via this registration form (you do not necessarily have to sign up for the workshops but we would be happy, if you did)