Prof. Dr. Martin Diekmann

- Dynamics of forest plant species in a changing environment (FLEUR)
- Biodiversität und Ökosystemfunktionen von Kleinwäldern in Europa (smallFOREST)
- Langzeit-Veränderungen der Wald- und Grünland-Vegetation
- Pflanzliche Biodiversität und ihre Variation entlang von Umweltgradienten
- Ökologische Bedeutung von Art-Reaktionskurven
- Wiedereinbürgerung von Pflanzenarten
Arbeitsgruppe Vegetationsökologie
& Naturschutzbiologie
Institut für Ökologie
Fachbereich 02, BIOM
Universität Bremen
James-Watt-Straße 1
D-28359 Bremen
Telefon: +49421 218-62920
Seit Mai 2001 | Professor für Geobotanik/Vegetationskunde an der Universität Bremen |
1999 | Dozentur für Pflanzenökologie an der Technisch-naturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät der Universität Uppsala |
1997 - 2001 | Biologielektor an der Hochschule in Gävle, Schweden |
1995 - 1996 | Zeitbegrenzte Anstellungen als Lektor an der Universität Uppsala und an der Hochschule in Gävle, Schweden |
1994 | PhD im Fachgebiet 'Ökologische Botanik' |
1989 - 1994 | Doktorand am Institut für Ökologische Botanik, Universität Uppsala, Schweden |
1982 - 1988 | Studium der Biologie an der Georg-August-Universität Göttingen |
1980 - 1982 | Zivildienst in der Altenpflege in Alfeld, Niedersachsen |
1980 | Abitur am Gymnasium Sarstedt, Niedersachsen |
Seit 2011 | Präsident der IAVS |
2006 - 2007 | Mitentwicklung des Master-Studiengangs Ecology an der Universität Bremen |
2006 - 2013 | Studiendekan des Fachbereiches 2 (Biologie/Chemie) der Universität Bremen |
Sept. 2006 | Mitorganisation der 36. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Ökologie in Bremen |
2004 - 2006 | Mitentwicklung des Bachelor-Studiengangs Biologie an der Universität Bremen |
2003 - 2011 | Publications Officer der IAVS |
Seit 2002 | Mitglied im Beirat der Internationalen Vereinigung für Vegetationskunde (IAVS) |
Nationale und internationale Projekt-Gutachtertätigkeit Gutachtertätigkeit für Zeitschriften, ca. 15-20 Reviews pro Jahr: u.a. für Annales Botanici Fennici, Applied Vegetation Science, Basic and Applied Ecology, Biodiversity and Conservation, Biological Conservation, Community Ecology, Ecography, Ecological Applications, Ecology, Ecology Letters, Folia Geobotanica, Forest Ecology and Management, Forstarchiv, Global Ecology and Biogeography, Journal of Applied Ecology, Journal of Biogeography, Journal of Vegetation Science, Nordic Journal of Botany, Oikos, Plant and Soil, Plant Biosystems, Plant Ecology, Plant Ecology and Evolution, Preslia, Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research, Tuexenia
Haupt- oder teilverantwortlich für folgende Lehrveranstaltungen (Übersicht der letzten Jahre):
- Formenkenntnis Pflanzen (Vorlesung & Praktikum)
- Naturschutzbiologie und Naturschutz (Vorlesung)
- Ökologie-Grundkurs (Vorlesung & Praktikum)
- Biodiversität / Biodiversity (Vorlesung & Seminar)
- Ökologisches Praktikum mit statistischer Datenauswertung (Vorlesung & Übungen)
- Ökologisches Kolloquium / Ecological Seminar (Kolloquium)
- Literaturseminar / Literature Club (Seminar)
- Botanische Fortgeschrittenen-Exkursionen
- Projekt Ökologie
Master of Ecology
- Concepts of Ecology (lecture & seminar)
- Population Ecology (lecture & exercises)
- Experimental Design and Data Analysis (lectures & exercises)
- Vegetation Ecology and Conservation Biology (lecture, excursions, exercises & seminar)
- Grant Proposal and Defense (lecture & seminar)
- Research Project (project)
- Literature Club (seminar)
- Mentoring
De Pauw, K., Depauw, L., Calders, K., Cousins, S.A.O., Decocq, G., De Lombaerde, E., Diekmann, M., Frey, D., Lenoir, J., Meeussen, C., Orczewska, A., Plue, J., Spicher, F., Zellweger, F., Vangansbeke, P., Verheyen, K. & De Frenne, P. 2024. Nutrient-demanding and thermophilous plants dominate urban forest edge vegetation across temperate Europe. Journal of Vegetation Science 35:e13236.
De Schuyter, W., de Lombaerde, E., Depauw, L., de Smedt, P., Stachurska-Swakoń, A., Orczewska, A., Teleki, B., Jaroszewicz, B., Closset, D., Máliš, F., Mitchell, F., Høistad Schel, F., Peterken, P., Decocq, G., van Calster, H., Šebesta, J., Lenoir, J., Brunet, J., Reczyńska, K., Świerkosz, K., Diekmann, M., Kopecký, M., Chudomelová, M., Hermy, M., Macek, M., Newman, M., Wulf, M., Vild, O., Eriksson, O., Horchler, P., Petrik, P., Pielech, R., Heinken, T., Dirnböck, T., Nagel, T.A., Durak, T., Standovár, T., Naaf, T., Schmidt, W., Baeten, L., de Frenne, P., Bernhardt-Römermann, M., Hédl, R., Waller, D. & Verheyen K. 2024. Declining potential nectar production of the herb layer in temperate forests under global change. Journal of Ecology.
Huang, S., Feigs, J.T., Holzhauer, S.I.J., Kramp, K., Brunet, J., Decocq, G., de Frenne, P., Diekmann, M., Liira, J., Spicher, F., Vangansbeke, P., Vanneste, T., Verheyen, K. & Naaf, T. 2024. Limited effects of population age on the genetic structure of spatially isolated forest herb populations in temperate Europe. Ecology and Evolution. 14:e10971.
Vanneste, T., Depauw, L., De Lombaerde, E., Meeussen, C., Govaert, S., De Pauw, K., Sanczuk, P., Bollmann, B., Brunet, J., Calders, K., Cousins, S.A.O., Diekmann, M., Gasperini, C., Graae, B.J., Hedwall, P.-O., Iacopetti, G., Lenoir, J., Lindmo, S., Orczewska, A., Ponette, Q., Plue, J., Selvi, F., Spicher, F., Verbeeck, H., Zellweger, F., Verheyen, K., Vangansbeke, P. & De Frenne, P. 2024. Trade-offs in biodiversity and ecosystem services between edges and interiors in European forests. Nature Ecology and Evolution.
Dengler, J., Jansen, F., Chusova, O., Hüllbusch, E., Nobis, M.P., Van Meerbeek, K., Axmanová, I., Bruun, H.H., Chytrý, M., Guarino, R., Karrer, G., Moeys, K., Raus, T., Steinbauer, M.J., Tichý, L., Tyler, T., Batsatsashvili, K., Bita-Nicolae, C., Didukh, Y., Diekmann, M., Englisch, T., Fernandez Pascua, E., Frank, D., Graf, U., Hájek, M., Jelaska, S.D., Jiménez-Alfaro, B., Julve, P., Nakhutsrishvili, G., Ozinga, W.A., Ruprecht, E.-K., Šilc, U., Theurillat, J.-P., Gillet, F. 2023. Ecological Indicator Values for Europe (EIVE) 1.0. Vegetation Classification and Survey 4: 7-29.
De Pauw, K., Depauw, L., Calders, K., Caluwaerts, S., Cousins, S.A.O., De Lombaerde, E., Diekmann, M., Frey, D., Lenoir, J., Meeussen, C., Orczewska, A., Plue, J., Spicher, F., Zellweger, F., Vangansbeke, P., Verheyen, K. & De Frenne, P. 2023. Urban forest microclimates across temperate Europe are shaped by deep edge effects and forest structure. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 341: 109632.
De Pauw, K., Depauw, L., Cousins, S.A.O., Decocq, G., Diekmann, M., Frey, D., Kwietniowska, K., Lenoir, J., Meeussen, C., Orczewska, A., Plue, J., Spicher, F., Vanneste, T., Zellweger, F., Verheyen, K., Vangansbeke, P. & De Frenne, P. 2023. Nutrient-demanding and thermophilous plants dominate urban forest edge vegetation across temperate Europe. Urban Ecosystsms.
Diekmann, M., Heinken, T., Becker, T., Dörfler, I., Heinrichs, S., Leuschner, C., Peppler-Lisbach, C., Osthaus, M., Schmidt, W., Strubelt, I. & Wagner, E.-R. 2023. Resurvey studies of terricolous bryophytes and lichens indicate a widespread nutrient enrichment in German forests. Journal of Vegetation Science 34: e13201.
Govaert, S., Meussen, C., Vanneste, T., Bollmann, K., Brunet, J., Calders, K., Cousins, S.A.O., De Pauw, K., Diekmann, M., Graae, B., Hedwall, P.-O., Iacopetti, G., Lenoir, J., Lindmo, S., Orczewska, A., Ponette, Q., Plue, J., Sanczuk, P., Selvi, F., Spicher, F., Verheyen, K., Vangansbeke, P. & De Frenne, P. 2023. Trait-micro-environment relationships of forest herb communities across Europe. Global Ecology and Biogeography.
Martens, H.R., Laage, K., Eickmanns, M., Drexler, A., Heinsohn, V., Wegner, N., Muster, C., Diekmann, M., Seeber, E., Kreyling, J., Michalik, P. & Tanneberger, F. Paludiculture can support biodiversity conservation in rewetted fen peatlands. Scientific Reports 13: 18091.
Cubino, J.P., Lenoir, J., Li, D., Montaño-Centellas, F.A., Retana, J., Baeten, L., Closset, D., De Frenne, P., Diekmann, M., Dirnböck, T., Durak, T., Jaroszewicz, B., Kopecký, M., Máliš, F., Naaf, T., Orczewska, A., Petřík, P., Pielech, R., Reczyńska, K., Schmidt, W., Świerkosz, K., Verheyen, K., Vild, O., Wulf, M., … Chytrý, M. Environmental-driven losses and gains of phylogenetic diversity in temperate forest understories. New Phytologist.
Wei, L., Liira, J., Ehrmann, S., Lenoir, J., Decocq, G., Brunet, J., Wulf, M., Diekmann, M., Naaf, T., Scherer-Lorenzen, M., Hansen, K., De Smedt, P., Valdés, A., Verheyen, K. & De Frenne, P. 2023. Impact of patch age and size on forest soil characteristics in European agricultural landscapes. Science of the Total Environment 898: 165543.
Feigs, J.T., Holzhauer, S.I.J., Huang, S.Y., Brunet, J., Diekmann, M., Hedwall, P.-O., Kramp, K. & Naaf, T. 2022. Pollinator movement activity determines not only pollen-mediated gene flow but also genetic drift in spatially isolated populations of clonal forest herbs. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 10: 908258.
Gasperini, C., Bollmann, K., Brunet, J., Cousins, S., Decocq, G., De Pauw, K., Diekmann, M., Govaert, S., Graae, B., Hedwall, P.-O., Iacopetti, G., Lenoir, J., Lindmo, S., Meeussen, C., Orczewska, A., Ponette, Q., Plue, J., Sanczuk, P., Spicher, F., Vanneste, T., Vangansbeke, P., Zellweger, F., Selvi, F. & De Frenne, P. 2022. Soil seed bank responses to edge effects in temperate European forests. Global Ecology and Biogeography 31: 1877-1893.
Heinken, T., Diekmann, M., Liira, J., Orczewska, A., Schmidt, M., …, Vanneste, T. The European Forest Plant Species List (EuForPlant): Concept and Application. Journal of Vegetation Science 33: e13132.
Jandt, U., Bruelheide, H., Berg, C., Bernhardt-Römermann, M., Blüml, V., Bode, F., Dengler, J., Diekmann, M., Dierschke, H., Dörfler, I., Döring, U., Dullinger, S., Härdtle, W., Haider, S., Heinken, T., Horchler, P., Jansen, F., Kudernatsch, T., Kuhn, G., Lindner, M., Matesanz, S., Metze, K., Meyer, S., Müller, F., Müller, N., Naaf, T., Peppler- Lisbach, C., Poschlod, P., Roscher, C., Rosenthal, G., Rumpf, S., Schmidt, W., Schrautzer, J., Schwabe, A., Schwartze, P., Sperle, T., Stanik, N., Stroh, H.-G., Storm, C., Voigt, W., von Heßberg, A., von Oheimb, G., Wagner, E.R., Wegener, U., Wesche, K., Wittig, B., Wulf, M. 2022. ReSurveyGermany: Vegetation-plot time-series over the past hundred years in Germany. Scientific Data 9: 631.
Jandt, U., Bruelheide, H., Jansen, F., Bonn, A., Grescho, V., Klenke, R.A., Sabatini, F.M., Bernhardt-Romermann, M., Bluml, V., Dengler, J., Diekmann, M., Dörfler, I., Döring, U., Dullinger, S., Haider, S., Heinken, T., Horchler, P., Kuhn, G., Lindner, M., Metze, K., Müller, N., Naaf, T., Peppler-Lisbach, C., Poschlod, P., Roscher, C., Rosenthal, G., Rumpf, S.B., Schmidt, W., Schrautzer, J., Schwabe, A., Schwartze, P., Sperle, T., Stanik, N., Storm, C., Voigt, W., Wegener, U., Wesche, K., Wittig, B. & Wulf, M. 2022. More losses than gains during one century of plant biodiversity change in Germany. Nature
Litza, K., Alignier, A., Closset-Kopp, D., Ernoult, A., Mony, C., Osthaus, M., Staley, J., van Den Berge, S., Vanneste, T. & Diekmann, M. 2022. Hedgerows as a habitat for forest plant species in the agricultural landscape of Europe. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 326: 107809.
Mazalla, L. & Diekmann, M. 2022: Regression to the mean in vegetation science. Journal of Vegetation Science, 33:e13117.
Mazalla, L., Diekmann, M. & Dupré, C. 2022. Microclimate shapes vegetation response to drought in calcareous grasslands. Applied Vegetation Science 25: e12672.
Peet, R.K., Franklin, J., Diekmann, M. & White, P.S. 2022. In Memoriam: Eddy van der Maarel (1934 – 2021). Journal of Vegetation Science 33: e13104.
Naaf, T., Feigs, J.T., Huang, S.Y., Brunet, J., Cousins, S.A.O., Decocq, G., De Frenne, P., Diekmann, M., Govaert, S., Hedwall, P.-O., Lenoir, J., Liira, J., Meeussen, C., Plue, J., Vangansbeke, P., Vanneste, T., Verheyen, K., Holzhauer, S.I.J. & Kramp, J. 2022. Context matters: the landscape matrix determines the population genetic structure of temperate forest herbs across Europe. Landscape Ecology 37: 1365-1384.
Staude, I.R., Pereira, H.M., Daskalova, G.N., Bernhardt-Römermann, M., Diekmann, M., Pauli, H., … Directional turnover towards larger-ranged plants over time and across habitats. Ecology Letters 25: 466-482.
Biurrun, I., Pielech, R., Dembicz, I. …, Diekmann, M., … & Dengler, J. 2021. Benchmarking plant diversity of Palaearctic grasslands and other open habitats. Journal of Vegetation Science 32: e13050.
De Pauw, K., Meeussen, C., Govaert, S., Sanczuk, P., Vanneste, T., Bernhardt-Römermann, M., Bollmann, K., Brunet, J., Calders, K. Cousins, S.A.O., Diekmann, M., Hedwall, P.-O., Iacopetti, G., Lenoir, J., Lindmo, S., Orczewska, A., Ponette, Q., Plue, J., Selvi, F., Spicher, F., Verbeeck, H., Vermeir, P., Zellweger, F., Verheyen, K., Vangansbeke, P. & De Frenne, P. 2021. Taxanomic, phylogenetic and functional diversity of understory plants respond differently to environmental conditions in European forest hedges. Journal of ecology 109: 2629-2648.
Helsen, K., Diekmann, M., Decocq, G., De Pauw, K., Govaert, S., Jessen Graae, B., Hagenblad, J., Liira, J., Orczewska, O., Sanczuk, P., Van Meerbeek, K. & De Frenne, P. 2021. Biological flora of Central Europe: Impatiens glandulifera Royle. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 50, 125609.
Marrec, R., Le Roux, V., Martin, L., Lenoir, J., Brunet, J., Cousins, S., De Smedt, P., Deconchat, M., Diekmann, M. , Ehrmann, S., Gallet-Moron, E., Giffard, B., Liira, J., Lindgren, J., Valdés, A., Verheyen, K., Wulf, M. & Decocq, G. 2021. Multiscale drivers of carabid beetle (Coleoptera: Carabidae) assemblages in small European woodlands. Global Ecology and Biogeography 30: 165-182.
Meeussen, C., Govaert, S., Vanneste, T., Haesen, S., van Meerbeek, K., Bollmann, K., Brunet, J., Calders, K., Cousins, S.A.O., Diekmann, M., Graae, B.J., Iacopettii, G., Lenoir, J., Orczewska, A., Ponette, Q., Plue, J., Selvi, F., Spicher, F., Sørensen, M.V., Verbeeck, H., Vermeir, P., Verheyen, K., Vangansbeke, P. & De Frenne, P. 2020. Drivers of carbon stocks in forest edges across Europe. Science of the Total Environment 759, p. 143497.
Naaf, T., Feigs, J.T., Huang, S.Y., Brunet, J., Cousins, S.A.O., Decocq, G., De Frenne, P., Diekmann, M., Govaert, S., Hedwall, P.-O., Helsen, K., Lenoir, J., Liira, J., Meeussen, C., Plue, J., Poli, P., Spicher, F., Vangansbeke, P., Vanneste, T., Verheyen, K., Holzhauer, S.I.J. & Kramp, J. 2021. Sensitivity to habitat fragmentation sensitivity across European landscapes in three temperate forest herbs. Landscape Ecology 36: 2831-2848.
Sanczuk, P., Govaert, S., Meeussen, C., De Pauw, K., Vanneste, T., Depauw, L., Moreira, X., Schoelynck, J., De Boevre, M., De Saeger, S., Bollmann, K., Brunet, J., Cousins, S.A.O., Plue, J., Diekmann, M., Graae, B., Hedwall, P.-O., Iacopetti, G., Lenoir, J., Orczewska, A., Ponette, Q., Selvi, F., Spicher, F., Vermeir, P., Calders, K., Verbeeck, H., Verheyen, K., Vangansbeke, P. & De Frenne, P. 2021. Physical and chemical defence traits of understorey plants in deciduous forests of Europe. Global Ecology and Biogeography 30: 205-219.
Govaert, S., Meeussen, C., Vanneste, T., Bollmann, K., Brunet, J., Cousins, S., Diekmann, M., Graae, B., Hedwall, P.-O., Heinken, T., Iacopetti, G., Lenoir, J., Lindmo, S., Orczewska, A., Perring, M., Ponette, Q., Plue, J., Selvi, F., Spicher, F., Tolosano, M., Vermeir, P., Zellweger, F., Verheyen, K., Vangansbeke, P. & De Frenne, P. 2020. Edge influence on understorey plant communities depends on forest management. Journal of Vegetation Science 31: 81-92.
Jašková, A. Braslavskaya, T.Y., Tikhonova, E., Paal, J., Rūsiņa, S., Laiviņš, M., Kucherov, I.B., Genikova, N.V., Knollová, I., Chernenkova, T.V., Churakova, E.Y., Diekmann, M., Halvorsen, R., Kirichok, E.I., Korotkov, V.N., Kryshen, A.M,; Lugovaya, D.L., Morozova, O.V., Potapov, P.V., Prokazina, T.S., Schei, F.H., Semenishchenkov, Y.A., Shevchenko, NE., Sidorova, O.V., Smirnov, N.S., Smirnova, O.V., Tsvirko, R., Turubanova, S.A. & Chytrý, M. 2020. European Boreal Forest Vegetation Database. Phytocoenologia 50: 79-92.
Litza, K. & Diekmann, M. 2020. The effect of hedgerow density on habitat quality distorts species-area relationships and the analysis of extinction debts in hedgerows. Landscape Ecology 35: 1187-1198.
Meeussen, C., Govaert, S., Vanneste, T., Calders, K., Bollmann, K., Brunet, J., Cousins, S., Diekmann, M., Graae, B., Hedwall, P.-O. Krishna Moorthy, S.M., Iacopetti, G., Lenoir, J., Lindmo, S., Orczewska, A., Ponette, Q., Plue, J., Selvi, F., Spicher, F., Tolosano, M., Verbeeck, H., Verheyen, K., Vangansbeke, P. & De Frenne, P. 2020. Structural variation in forest edges across Europe. Forest Ecology and Management 462: 117929.
Plue, J., Cousins, S.A.O., De Pauw, K., Diekmann, M., Hagenblad, J., Helsen, K., Hermy, M., Liira, J., Orczewska, A., Vanneste, T., Wulf, M. & De Frenne, P. 2020. Biological Flora of the British Isles: Poa nemoralis L. Journal of Ecology 108: 1750-1774.
Valdés, A., Lenoir, J., De Frenne, P., Andrieu, E., Brunet, J., Chabrerie, O., Cousins, S.A.O., Deconchat, M., DeSmedt, P., Diekmann, M., Ehrmann, S., Gallet-Moron, E., Gärtner, S., Giffard, B., Hansen, K., Hermy, M., Kolb, A., Le Roux, V., Liira, J., Lindgren, J., Martin, L., Naaf, T., Paal, T., Proesmans, W., Scherer-Lorenzen, M., Wulf, M., Verheyen, K. & Decocq, G. 2020. High ecosystem service delivery potential of small woodlands in agricultural landscapes. Journal of Applied Ecology 57: 4-16.
Vanneste, T., Govaert, S., De Kesel, W., Van Den Berge, S., Vangansbeke, P., Meeussen, C., Brunet, J., Cousins, S., Decocq, G., Diekmann, M., Graae, B., Hedwall, P.-O., Heinken, T., Helsen, K., Kapás, R.E., Lenoir, J., Liira, J., Lindmo, S., Litza, K., Naaf, T., Orczewska, A., Plue, J., Wulf, M., Verheyen, K. & De Frenne, P. 2020. Plant diversity in hedgerows and road verges across Europe. Journal of Applied Ecology 57: 1244-1257.
Vanneste, T., Govaert, S., Spicher, F., Brunet, J., Cousins, S.A., Decocq, G., Diekmann, M., Graae, B.J., Hedwall, P.-O., Kapás, R.E., Lenoir, J., Liira, J., Lindmo, S., Litza, K., Naaf, T., Orczewska, A., Plue, J., Wulf, M., Verheyen, K. & De Frenne, P. 2020. Contrasting microclimates among hedgerows and woodlands across temperate Europe. Agriculture and Forest Meteorology 281: 107818.
Vanneste, T., Van Den Berge, S., Riské, E., Brunet, J., Decocq, G., Diekmann, M., Graae, B., Hedwall, P.-O., Lenoir, J., Liira, J., Lindmo, S., Litza, K., Naaf, T., Orczewska, A., Wulf, M., Verheyen, K. & De Frenne, P. 2020. Hedging against biodiversity loss: forest herbs’ performance in hedgerows across temperate Europe. Journal of Vegetation Science 31: 817-829.
Blondeel, H., Perring, M.P., Bergès, L., Brunet, J., Decocq, G., Depauw,L., Diekmann, M., Landuyt, D., Liira, J., Maes, S.L., Vanhellemont, M., Wulf, M. & Verheyen, K. 2019. Context-dependency of agricultural legacies in temperate forest soils. Ecosystems 22: 781-795.
De Smedt, P., Baeten, L., Gallet-Moron, E., Brunet, J., Cousins, S., Decocq, G., Deconchat, M., Diekmann, M., Giffard, B., Kalda, O., Liira, J., Paal, T., Wulf, M., Hermy, M. & Verheyen, K. 2019. Forest edges reduce slug (but not snail) activity-density across Western Europe. Pedobiologia 75: 34-37.
De Smedt, P. Baeten, L., Proesmans, W., Van de Poel, S., Van Keer, J., Giffard, B., Martin, L., Vanhulle, R., Brunet, J., Cousins, S., Decocq, G., Deconchat, M., Diekmann, M., Gallet-Moron, E., Le Roux, V., Liira, J., Valdés, A., Wulf, M., Andrieu, E., Hermy, M., Bonte, D. & Verheyen, K. 2019. Strength of forest edge effects on litter dwelling macro-arthropods across Europe is influenced by forest age and edge properties. Diversity and Distributions 25: 963-974.
Diekmann, M., Andres, C., Becker, B., Bennie, J., Blüml, V., Bullock, J.M., Culmsee, H., Fanigliulo, M., Hahn, A., Heinken, T., Leuschner, C., Luka, S., Meißner, J., Müller, J., Newton, A., Peppler-Lisbach, C., Rosenthal, G., van den Berg, L.J.L., Vergeer, P. & Karsten Wesche. 2019. Patterns of long-term vegetation change vary between different types of semi-natural grasslands in Western and Central Europe. Journal of Vegetation Science 30: 187-202.
Hedwall, P.-O., Brunet, J. & Diekmann, M. 2019. With Ellenberg indicator values towards the north: Does the indicative power decrease with distance from Central Europe? Journal of Biogeography 46: 1041-1053.
Litza, K. & Diekmann, M. 2019. Historical age affects the species richness of forest vascular plants in hedgerows. Journal of Vegetation Science 30: 553-563. https:/
Proesmans, W., Bonte, D., Smagghe, G., Meeus, I., Decocq, G., Spicher, F., Kolb, A., Lemke, I., Diekmann, M., Bruun, H. H., Wulf, M., Van Den Berge, S. & Verheyen, K. 2019. Small forests as pollinator habitat: oases in an agricultural desert? Landscape Ecology 34: 487-501.
Strubelt, I., Diekmann, M. , Griese, D. & Zacharias, D. 2019. Inter-annual variation in species composition and richness after coppicing in a restored coppice-with-standards forest. Forest Ecology and Management 432: 132-139.
Strubelt, I., Diekmann, M., Peppler-Lisbach, C., Gerken, A. & Zacharias, D. 2019. Vegetation changes in the Hasbruch forest nature reserve (NW Germany) depend on management and habitat type. Forest Ecology and Management 444: 78-88.
Vanneste, T., Valdés, A., Verheyen, K., Perring, M.P., Bernhardt-Römermann, M., Andrieu, E., Brunet, J., Cousins, S.A.O., Deconchat, M., De Smedt, P., Diekmann, M., Ehrmann, S., Heinken, T., Hermy, M., Kolb, A., Lenoir, J., Liira, J., Naaf, T., Paal, T., Wulf, M., Decocq, G. & De Frenne, P. 2019. Functional trait variation of forest understorey plant communities across Europe. Basic and Applied Ecology, 34: 1-14.
De Frenne, P., Blondeel, H., Brunet, J., Caron, M.M., Chabrerie, O., Cougnon, M., Cousins, S.A.O., Decocq, G., Diekmann, M., Graae, B.J., Hanley, M.E., Heinken, T., Hermy, M., Kolb, A., Lenoir, J., Liira, J., Orczewska, A., Shevtsova, A., Vanneste, T. & Verheyen, K. 2018. Atmospheric nitrogen deposition on petals enhances seed quality of the forest herb Anemone nemorosa. Plant Biology 20: 619-626.
De Lombaerde, E., Verheyen, K., Perring, M.P., Bernhardt-Römermann, M., van Calster, H., Brunet, J., Chudomelová, M., Decocq, G., Diekmann, M., Durak, T., Hédl, R., Heinken, T., Hommel, P., Jaroszewicz, B., Kopecký, M., Lenoir, J., Macek, M., Máliš, F., Mitchell, F.J.G., Naaf, T., Newman, M., Petřík, P., Reczyńska, K., Schmidt, W., Świerkosz, K., Vild, O., Wulf, M. & Baeten, L. Responses of competitive understorey species to spatial environmental gradients inaccurately explain temporal changes. Basic and Applied Ecology 30: 52-64.
Dengler, J. et al. 2018. GrassPlot - a database of multi-scale plant diversity in Palaearctic grasslands. Phytocoenologia 48: 331-347.
De Smedt, P., Baeten, L., Berg, M.P., Gallet-Moron, E., Brunet, J., Cousins, S.A.O., Decocq, G., Diekmann, M., Giffard, B., De Frenne, P., Hermy, M., Bonte, D. & Verheyen, K. 2018. Desiccation resistance determines distribution of woodlice along forest edge-to-interior gradients. European Journal of Soil Biology 85: 1-3.
De Smedt, P., Baeten, L., Proesmans, W., Berg, M.P., Brunet, J., Cousins, S.A.O., Decocq, G., Deconchat, M., Diekmann, M., Gallet-Moron, E., Giffard, B., Liira, J., Martin, L., Ooms, A., Valdés, A., Wulf, M., Hermy, M., Bonte, D. & Verheyen, K. 2018. Linking macrodetritivore distribution to desiccation resistance in small forest fragments embedded in agricultural landscapes in Europe. Landscape Ecology 33: 407-421.
Ehrmann, S., Ruyts, S.C., Scherer-Lorenzen, M., Bauhus, J., Brunet, J., Cousins, S.A.O., Deconchat, M., Decocq, G., De Frenne, P., De Smedt, P., Diekmann, M., Gallet-Moron, E., Gärtner, S., Hansen, K., Kolb, A., Lenoir, J., Lindgren, J., Naaf, T., Paal, T., Panning, M., Prinz, M., Valdés, A., Verheyen, K., Wulf, M. & Liira, J. 2018. Habitat properties are key drivers of Borrelia burgdorferi s.l. prevalence in Ixodes ricinus populations of deciduous forest fragments. Parasites & Vectors 11: 23.
Gentili, R., Solari, A., Diekmann, M., Duprè, C., Monti, G.S., Armiraglio, S., Assini, S. & Citterio, S. 2018. Genetic differentiation, local adaptation and phenotypic plasticity in fragmented populations of a rare forest herb. PeerJ 4929.
Michaelis, J. & Diekmann, M. 2018. Effects of soil types and bacteria inoculum on the cultivation and reintroduction success of rare plant species. Plant Ecology 219: 441-453.
Perring, M.P., Bernhardt-Römermann, M., Baeten, L., Midolo, G., Blondeel, H., Depauw, L., Landuyt, D., Maes, S.L., De Lombaerde, E., Carón, M.M., Vellend, M., Brunet, J., Chudomelová, M., Decocq, G., Diekmann, M., Dirnböck, T., Dörfler, I., Durak, I., De Frenne, P., Gilliam, F.S., Hédl, R., Heinken, T., Hommel, P., Jaroszewicz, B., Kirby, K., Kopecký, M., Lenoir, J., Li, D., Máliš, F., Mitchell, F.J.G., Naaf, T., Newman, M., Petřík, P., Reczyńska, K., Schmidt, W., Standovár, T., Świerkosz, K., Van Calster, H., Vild, O., Wagner, E.R., Wulf, M. & Verheyen, K. 2018. Global environmental change effects on plant community composition trajectories depend upon management legacies. Global Change Biology 24:1722-1740.
Perring, M.P., Diekmann, M., Midolo, G., Schellenberger Costa, D., Bernhardt-Römermann, M., Otto, J.C.J., Gilliam, F.S., Hedwall, P.-O., Nordin, A., Dirnböck, T., Simkin, S.M., Máliš, F., Blondeel, H., Brunet, J., Chudomelová, M., Durak, T., De Frenne, P., Hédl, R., Kopecký, M., Landuyt, D., Li, D., Manning, P., Petřík, P., Reczyńska, K., Schmidt, W., Standovár, T., Świerkosz, K., Vild, O., Waller, D.M. & Verheyen, K. 2018. Understanding context dependency in the response of forest understorey plant communities to nitrogen deposition. Environmental Pollution 242B: 1787-1799.
Acharya, K.P., De Frenne, P., Brunet, J., Chabrerie, O., Cousins, S.A.O., Diekmann, M., Hermy, M., Kolb, A., Lemke, I., Plue, J., Verheyen, K. & Graae, B.J. 2017. Latitudinal variation of life-history traits of an exotic and a native impatiens species in Europe. Acta Oecologica 81: 40-47.
Immoor, A., Zacharias, D., Müller, J. & Diekmann, M. 2017. A re-visitation study (1948 – 2015) of wet grassland vegetation in the Stedinger Land near Bremen, North-western Germany. Tuexenia 37: 271-288.
Litza, K. & Diekmann, M. 2017. Resurveying hedgerows in Northern Germany: Plant community shifts over the past 50 years. Biological Conservation 206: 226-235.
Michaelis, J. & Diekmann, M. 2017. Biased niches – Species response curves and niche attributes from Huisman-Olff-Fresco models change with differing species prevalence and frequency. PLOS ONE 12(8): e0183152.
Plue, J., De Frenne, P., Acharya, K., Brunet, J., Chabrerie, O., Decocq, G., Diekmann, M., Graae, B., Heinken, T., Hermy, M., Kolb, A., Lemke, I., Liira, J., Naaf, T., Verheyen, K., Wulf, M. & Cousins, S. 2017. Where does the community start, and where does it end? Including the seed bank to reassess forest herb layer responses to the environment. Journal of Vegetation Science 28: 424-435.
Strubelt, I., Diekmann, M. & Zacharias, D. 2017. Changes in species composition and richness in an alluvial hardwood forest over 52 years. Journal of Vegetation Science 28: 401-412.
Decocq, G., Andrieu, E., Brunet, J., Chabrerie, O., De Frenne, P., De Smedt, P., Deconchat, M., Diekmann, M., Ehrmann, S., Giffard, B., Górriz Mifsud, E., Hansen, K., Hermy, M., Kolb, A., Lenoir, J., Liira, J., Moldan, F., Prokofieva, I., Rosenqvist, L., Varela, E., Valdés, A., Verheyen, K. & Wulf, M. 2016. Ecosystem services from small forest patches in agricultural landscapes. Current Forestry Reports 2: 30-44.
Diekmann, M., Effertz, H., Baranowski, M. & Dupré, C. 2016. Weak effects on plant diversity of two invasive Impatiens species. Plant Ecology 217: 1503-1514.
Michaelis, J., Pannek, A., Diekmann, M. 2016. Soil pH limits of forest vascular plants determine range size and threat level. Journal of Vegetation Science, 27: 535-544.
Pannek, A., Manthey, M., Diekmann, M. 2016. Comparison of resource based and co-occurrence based determinats of species niche breadth. Journal of Vegetation Science 27: 596-605.
Reinecke, R., Wulf, M., Baeten, L., Brunet, J., Decocq, G., De Frenne, P., Diekmann, M., Graae, B.J., Heinken, T., Hermy, M., Jamoneau, A., Lenoir, J., Plue, J., Orczewska, A., Van Calster, H., Verheyen, K. & Naaf, T. 2016. Acido- and neutrophilic temperate forest plants display distinct shifts in ecological pH niche across north-western Europe. Ecography 39: 1164-1175.
Bacaro, G., Rocchini, R., Diekmann, M., Gasparini, P., Gioria, M., Maccherini, S., Marcantonio, M., Amici, V., Landi, S., Torri, D., Castello, M., Altobelli, A. & Chiarucci, A. Shape matters in sampling plant diversity: evidence from the field. Ecological Complexity 24: 37-45. |
Carón, M. M., De Frenne, P., Chabrerie, O., Cousins, S.A.O., De Backer, L., Decocq, G., Diekmann, M., Heinken, T., Kolb, A., Naaf, T., Plue, J., Selvi, F., Strimbeck, G. R. , Wulf, M. & Verheyen K. 2015. Impacts of warming and changes in precipitation frequency on the regeneration of two Acer species. Flora 214: 24-33. |
Carón, M.M., De Frenne, P., Brunet, J., Chabrerie, O., Cousins, S.A.O., Decocq, G., Diekmann, M., Graae, B.J., Heinken, T., Kolb, A., Lenoir, J., Naaf, T., Plue, J., Selvi, F., Wulf, M. & Verheyen, K. 2015. Divergent regeneration responses of two closely related tree species to direct abiotic and indirect biotic effects of climate change. Forest Ecology and Management 342: 21-29. |
Carón, M.M., De Frenne, P., Brunet, J., Chabrerie, O., Cousins, S.A.O., De Backer, L., Decocq, G., Diekmann, M., Heinken, T., Kolb, A., Naaf, T., Plue, J., Selvi, F., Strimbeck, G.R., Wulf, M. & Verheyen, K. 2015. Interacting effects of warming and drought on regeneration and early growth of Acer pseudoplatanus and A. platanoides. Plant Biology 17: 52–62. |
Diekmann, M. 2015. Wälder von Fennoskandien. Berichte der Reinhold-Tüxen-Gesellschaft 27: 111-122. |
Diekmann, M., Michaelis, J. & Pannek, A. 2015. Know your limits - the need for better data on species responses to soil variables.Basic and Applied Ecology 16: 563-572. |
Diekmann, M., Müller, J., Heinken, T. & Dupré, C. 2015. Wiederansiedlungen von Gefäßpflanzenarten in Deutschland – eine Übersicht und statistische Auswertung. Tuexenia 35: 249-265. |
Hagenblad, J., Hülskötter, J., Acharya, K.P., Brunet, J., Chabrerie, O., Cousins, S.A.O., Dar, P.A., Diekmann, M., De Frenne, P., Hermy, M., Jamoneau, A., Kolb,A., Lemke, I., Plue, J., Reshi, Z.A. & Graae, B.J. 2015. Strong loss of genetic diversity despite multiple introductions of the invasive plant species Impatiens glandulifera in Europe. BMC Genetics 16:103. |
Lemke, I.H., Kolb, A., Graae, B.J., De Frenne, P., Acharya, K.P., Blandino, C., Brunet, J., Chabrerie, O., Cousins, S.A.O., Decocq, G., Heinken, T., Hermy, M., Liira, J., Schmucki, R., Shevtsova, A., Verheyen, K. & Diekmann, M. 2015. Patterns of phenotypic trait variation in two temperate forest herbs along a broad climatic gradient. Plant Ecology 216: 1523–1536. |
Lemke, I.H., Kolb, A., Graae, B.J., De Frenne, P., Acharya, K.P., Blandino, C., Brunet, J., Chabrerie, O., Cousins, S.A.O., Decocq, G., Heinken, T., Hermy, M., Liira, J., Schmucki, R., Shevtsova, A., Verheyen, K. & Diekmann, M. 2015. Patterns of phenotypic trait variation in two temperate forest herbs along a broad climatic gradient. Plant Ecology 216: 1523–1536. |
Pannek, A., Duprè, C., Gowing, D.J.G., Stevens, C.J. & Diekmann, M. 2015. Spatial gradient in nitrogen deposition affects plant species incidence in acidic grasslands. Oecologia 177: 39-51. |
Valdés, A., Lenoir, J., Gallet-Moron, E., Andrieu, E., Brunet, J., Chabrerie, O., Closset-Kopp, D., Cousins, S.A.O., Deconchat, M., De Frenne, P., De Smedt, P., Diekmann, M., Hansen, K., Hermy, M., Kolb, A., Liira, J., Lindgren, J., Naaf, T., Paal, T., Prokofieva, I., Scherer-Lorenzen, M., Wulf, M., Verheyen, K. & Decocq, G. 2015. The contribution of patch-scale conditions is greater than that of macroclimate in explaining local plant species diversity in fragmented forests across Europe. Global Ecology and Biogeography 24: 1094–1105. |
Wasof, S., Lenoir, J., Aarrestad, P.A., Alsos, I.G., Armbruster, W.S., Austrheim, G., Bakkestuen, V., Birks, H.J.B., Bråthen, K.A., Broennimann, O., Brunet, J., Bruun, H.H., Dahlberg, C.J., Diekmann, M., Dullinger, S., Dynesius, M., Ejrnæs, R., Gégout, J.-C., Graae, B.J., Grytnes, J.-A., Guisan, A., Hylander, K., Jónsdóttir, I.S., Kapfer, J., Klanderud, K., Luoto, M., Milbau, A., Moora, M., Nygaard, B., Odland, A., Pauli, H., Ravolainen, V., Reinhardt, S., Sandvik, S.M. Schei, F.H., Speed, J.D.M., Svenning, J.-C., Thuiller, W., Tveraabak, L.U., Vandvik, V., Velle, L.G., Virtanen, R., Vittoz, P., Willner, W., Wohlgemuth, T., Zimmermann, N.E., Zobel, M. & Decocq, G. 2015. Disjunct populations of European vascular plant species keep the same climatic niches. Global Ecology and Biogeography. 24: 1401-1412. |
Carón, M.M., De Frenne, P., Brunet, J., Chabrerie, O., Cousins, S.A.O., De Backer, L., Diekmann, M., Graae B.J., Heinken, T., Kolb, A., Naaf, T., Plue, J., Selvi, F., Strimbeck, G.R., Wulf, M. & Verheyen, K. 2014. Latitudinal variation in seeds characteristics of Acer platanoides and A. pseudoplatanus. Plant Ecology 215: 911-925. |
Ceulemans, T., Stevens, C.J., Duchateau, L., Jacquemyn, H., Gowing, D.J.G., Merckx, R., Wallace, H., van Rooijen, N., Goethem, T., Bobbink, R., Dorland, E., Gaudnik, C., Alard, D., Corcket, E., Muller, S., Dise, N.B., Dupré, C., Diekmann, M. & Honnay, O. 2014. Soil phosphorus constrains biodiversity across European grasslands. Global Change Biology 20: 3814-3822. |
Diekmann, M., Jandt, U., Alard, D., Bleeker, A., Corcket, E., Gowing, D.J.G., Stevens, C.J. & Duprè, C. 2014. Long-term changes in calcareous grassland vegetation in North-western Germany – No decline in species richness, but a shift in species composition. Biological Conservation 172: 170-179. |
Maes, S.L., De Frenne, P., Brunet, J., de La Peña, E., Chabrerie, O., Cousins, S.A.O., Decocq, G., Diekmann, M., Gruwez, R., Hermy, M., Kolb, A. & Verheyen, K. 2014. Effects of enhanced nitrogen inputs and climate warming on a forest understorey plant assessed by transplant experiments along a latitudinal gradient. Plant Ecology 215: 899-910. |
Stevens, C.J., Duprè, C., Dorland, E., Gaudnik, C., Gowing, D.J.G., Bleeker, A., Diekmann, M., Alard, D., Bobbink, R., Fowler, D., Corcket, E., Mountford, J.O., Vandvik, V., Aarrestad, P.A., Muller, S. & Dise, N.B. 2014. Biodiversity of acid grasslands in the Atlantic regions of Europe: The impact of nitrogen deposition. In: Sutton, M.A. et al. (eds.): Nitrogen deposition, critical loads and biodiversity, Springer, pp. 243-250. |
Wärner, C., Wosniok, W. & Diekmann, M. 2014. River corridor plants in North-western Germany are threatened by small population size and short-term environmental events. Tuexenia 34: 233-245. |
Amici, V., Santi, E., Filibeck, G., Diekmann, M., Geri, F., Landi, S., Scoppola, A. & Chiarucci, A. 2013. Influence of secondary forest succession on plant diversity patterns in a Mediterranean landscape. Journal of Biogeography 40: 2335-2347. |
De Frenne, P., Graae, B., Rodríguez-Sánchez, F., Kolb, A., Chabrerie, O., Decocq, G., De Kort, H., De Schrijver, A., Diekmann, M., Eriksson, O., Gruwez, R., Hermy, M., Lenoir, J., Plue, J., Coomes, D. & Verheyen, K. 2013. Latitudinal gradients as natural laboratories to infer species' responses to temperature. Journal of Ecology 101: 784–795. |
Dorland, E., Stevens, C.J., Gaudnik, C., Corcket, E., Rotthier, S., Wotherspoon, K., Jokerud, M., Vandvik, V., Soons, M.B., Hefting, M.M., Aarrestad, P.A., Alard, D., Diekmann, M., Duprè, C., Dise, N.B., Gowing, D.J.G. & Bobbink, R. 2013. Differential effects of oxidised and reduced nitrogen on vegetation and soil chemistry of species-rich acidic grasslands. Water, Air and Soil Pollution 224(9): 1664. |
Kolb, A. & Durka, W. 2013. Reduced genetic variation mainly affects early rather than late life-cycle stages. Biological Conservation 159: 367-374. |
Lenoir, J., Graae, B., Aarrestad, P.A., Greve Alsos, I., Armbruster, W.S., Austrheim, G., Bergendorff, C., Birks, H.J.B., Bråthen, K.A., Brunet, J., Bruun, H.H., Dahlberg, C.J., Decocq, G., Diekmann, M., Dynesius, M., Ejrnæs, R., Grytnes, J.-A., Hylander, K., Klanderud, K., Luoto, M., Milbau, A., Moora, M., Nygaard, B., Odland, A., Ravolainen, V.T., Reinhardt, S., Sandvik, S.M., Schei, F.H., Speed, J.D.M., Tveraabak, L.U., Vandvik, V., Velle, L.G., Virtanen, R., Zobel, M. & Svenning, J.C. 2013. Local temperatures inferred from plant communities suggest strong spatial buffering of climate warming across Northern Europe. Global Change Biology 19: 1470-1481. |
Nehring, S., Kowarik, I., Von der Lippe, M., Lauterbach, D., Seitz, B., Isermann, M., Etling, K. 2013. Naturschutzfachliche Invasivitätsbewertungen für in Deutschland wild lebende gebietsfremde Gefäßpflanzen. I. Einführung, Auswertung und Schlussfolgerungen. BfN-Skripten 352, 7-28. |
Nehring, S., Lauterbach, D., Seitz, B., Kowarik, I., Von der Lippe, M., Hussner, A., Alberternst, B., Starfinger, U., Essl, F., Nawrath, S., Isermann, M. 2013. Naturschutzfachliche Invasivitätsbewertungen für in Deutschland wild lebende gebietsfremde Gefäßpflanzen. III. Steckbriefe. BfN-Skripten 352, 35-202. |
Pannek, A., Ewald, J. & Diekmann, M. 2013. Resource-based determinants of range sizes of forest vascular plants in Germany.Global Ecology and Biogeography 22: 1019-1028. |
Pélabon, C., Osler, N.C., Diekmann, M. & Graae, B.J. 2013. Decoupled phenotypic variation between floral and vegetative traits: distinguishing between developmental and environmental correlations. Annals of Botany 111: 935-944. |
Plue, J., De Frenne, P., Acharya, K., Brunet, J., Chabrerie, O., Decocq, G., Diekmann, M., Graae, B.J., Heinken, T., Hermy, M., Kolb, A., Lemke, I., Liira, J., Naaf, T., Shevtsova, A., Verheyen, C., Wulf, M. & Cousins, S.A.O. 2013. Climatic control of forest herb seed banks along a latitudinal gradient. Global Ecology and Biogeography 22: 1106-1117. |
Rabitsch, W., Gollasch, S., Isermann, M., Starfinger, U., Nehring, S. 2013. Erstellung einer Warnliste in Deutschland noch nicht vorkommender invasiver Tiere und Pflanzen. BfN-Skripten 331, 154 S. |
Wasof, S., Lenoir, J., Gallet-Moron, E., Jamoneau, A., Brunet, J., Cousins, S.A.O., De Frenne, P., Diekmann, M., Hermy, M.,Kolb, A., Liira, J., Verheyen, K., Wulf, M. & Decocq, G. 2013. Ecological niche shifts of understory plants along a latitudinal gradient of temperate forests in north-western Europe. Global Ecology and Biogeography 22: 1130-1140. |
Weber, A. & Kolb, A. 2013. Population size, pollination and phenotypic trait selection in Phyteuma spicatum.Acta Oecologica 47: 46-51. |
Weber, A. & Kolb, A. 2013. Local plant density, pollination and trait-fitness relationships in a perennial herb.Plant Biology 15: 335-343. |
Axmanová, I., Chytrý, M., Zelený, D., Li, C.-F., Vymazalová, M., Danihelka, J., Horsák, M., Kočí, M., Kubešová, S., Lososová, Z., Otýpková, Z., Tichý, L., Martynenko, V.B., Baisheva, E.Z., Schuster, B. & Diekmann, M. 2012. The species richness-productivity relationship in the herb layer of European deciduous forests. Global Ecology and Biogeography 21: 657-667. |
Bacaro, G., Rocchini, D., Duprè, C., Diekmann, M., Carnesecchi, F., Gori, V. & Chiarucci, A. 2012. Absence of distance decay in the similarity of plots at small extent in an urban brownfield. Community Ecology 13: 36-44. |
De Frenne, P., Graae, B.J., Brunet, J., Shevtsova, A., De Schrijver, A., Chabrerie, O., Cousins, S.A.O., Decocq, G., Diekmann, M., Hermy, M., Heinken, T., Kolb, A., Nilsson, C., Stanton, S. & Verheyen, K. 2012. The response of forest plant regeneration to temperature variation along a latitudinal gradient. Annals of Botany 109: 1037-1046. |
Ehrlén, J., Borg-Karlson, A.-K. & Kolb, A. 2012. Selection on plant optical traits and floral scent: effects via seed development and antagonistic interactions. Basic and Applied Ecology 13: 509–515. |
Graae, B.J., De Frenne, P., Kolb, A., Brunet, J., Chabrerie, O., Verheyen, K., Pepin, N., Heinken, T., Zobel, M., Shevtsova, A., Nijs, I. & Milbau, A. 2012. On the use of weather data in ecological studies along altitudinal and latitudinal gradients. Oikos 121: 3-19. |
Kolb, A. 2012. Differential effects of herbivory and pathogen infestation on plant population dynamics. Plant Ecology 213: 315-326. |
Lemke, I., Kolb, A. & Diekmann, M. 2012. Region and site conditions affect phenotypic trait variation in five forest herbs. Acta Oecologica 39: 18-24. |
De Frenne, P., Baeten, L., Graae, B.J., Brunet, J., Wulf, M., Orczewska, A., Kolb, A., Jansen, I., Jamoneau, A., Jacquemyn, H., Hermy, M., Diekmann, M., De Schrijwer, A., De Sanctis, M., Decocq, G., Cousins, S.A.O. & Verheyen, K. 2011. Interregional variation in the floristic recovery of post-agricultural forests. Journal of Ecology 99: 600-609. |
De Frenne, P., Brunet, J., Shevtsova, A., Kolb, A., Graae, B.J., Chabrerie, O., Cousins, S.A.O., Decocq, G., de Schrijver, A., Diekmann, M., Gruwez, R., Heinken, T., Hermy, M., Nilsson, C., Stanton, S., Tack, W., Willaert, J. & Verheyen, K. 2011. Temperature effects on forest herbs assessed by warming and transplant experiments along a latitudinal gradient. Global Change Biology 17: 3240-3253. |
De Frenne, P., Graae, B.J., Kolb, A., Shevtsova, A., Baeten, L., Brunet, J., Chabrerie, O., Cousins, S.A.O., Decocq, G., Dhondt, R., Diekmann, M., Gruwez, R., Heinken, T., Hermy, M., Öster, M., Saguez, R., Stanton, S., Tack, W., Vanhellemont, M. & Verheyen, K. 2011. An intraspecific application of the leaf-height-seed ecology strategy scheme on forest herbs along a latitudinal gradient. Ecography 34: 132-140. |
Isermann, M. 2011. Pattern in species diversity during succession of coastal dunes. Journal of Coastal Research 27, 661-671. |
De Frenne, P., Kolb, A., Graae, B.J., Decocq, G., Baltora, S., de Schrijver, A., Brunet, J., Chabrerie, O., Cousins, S.A.O., Dhondt, R., Diekmann, M., Gruwez, R., Heinken, T., Hermy, M., Liira, J., Saguez, R., Shevtsova, A., Baskin, C.C. & Verheyen, K. 2011. A latitudinal gradient in seed nutrients of the forest herb Anemone nemorosa. Plant Biology 13: 493-501. |
Stevens, C.J., Duprè, C., Dorland, E., Gaudnik, C., Gowing, D.J.G., Bleeker, A., Diekmann, M., Alard, D., Bobbink, R., Fowler, D., Corcket, E., Mountford, J.O., Vandvik, V., Aarrestad, P.A., Muller, S. & Dise, N.B. 2011. The impact of nitrogen deposition on acid grasslands in the Atlantic region of Europe. Environmental Pollution 159: 2243-2250. |
Stevens, C.J. Duprè, C., Dorland, E., Gaudnik, C., Gowing, D.J.G., Diekmann, M., Alard, D., Bobbink, B., Corcket, E., Mountford, J.O., Vandvik, V., Aarrestad, P.A., Muller, S. & Dise, N.B.. Grassland species composition and biogeochemistry in 153 sites along environmental gradients in Europe. Ecology 92: 1544. |
Stevens, C.J., Duprè, C., Gaudnik, C., Dorland, E., Dise, N.B, Gowing, D.J.G., Bleeker, A., Alard, D., Bobbink, R., Fowler, D., Vandvik, V., Corcket, E., Mountford, J.O., Aarrestad, P.A., Muller, S. & Diekmann, M. 2011. Changes in species composition of European acid grasslands observed along an gradient of nitrogen deposition. Journal of Vegetation Science 22: 207-215. |
Stevens, C.J., Gowing, D.J.G., Wotherspoon, K.A ., Alard, D., Aarrestad, P.A., Bleeker, A., Bobbink, R., Diekmann, M., Dise, N.B., Duprè, C. , Dorland, E., Gaudnik, C., Rotthier, S., Soons, M.B. & Corcket, E. Addressing the impact of atmospheric nitrogen deposition on Western European grasslands. Environmental Management 48: 885-894. |
Thiele J, Isermann M, Kollmann J, Otte A 2011. Impact scores of invasive plants are biased by disregard of environmental co-variation and non-linearity. NeoBiota 10, 65-79. |
Weber, A. & Kolb, A. 2011. Evolutionary consequences of habitat fragmentation: population size and density affect selection on inflorescence size in a perennial herb. Evolutionary Ecology 25: 417-428. |
Tsaliki, M. & Diekmann, M. 2011. Population size, pollinati on and reproductive success in two endangered Genista species. Flora 206: 246-250. |
Wärner, C., Welk, E., Durka, W., Wittig, B. & Diekmann, M. 2011. Biological flora of Central Europe: Euphorbia palustris L. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 13: 55-69. |
De Frenne, P., Graae, B.J., Kolb, A., Brunet, J., Chabrerie, O., Cousins, S., Decocq, G., Diekmann, M., Eriksson, O., Heinken, T., Hermy, M., Jõgar, Ü., Stanton, S., Shevtsova, A., Zindel, R., Zobel, M. & Verheyen, K. 2009. The significance of temperature on the reproduction of the forest herb Anemone nemorosa L. Forest Ecology and Management 259: 809-817. |
Duprè, C., Stevens, C.J., Ranke, T., Bleeker, A., Peppler-Lisbach, C., Gowing, D.J.G., Dise, N.B., Dorland, E., Bobbink, R. & Diekmann, M. 2010. Changes in species richness and composition in European acidic grasslands over the past 70 years – the contribution of cumulative atmospheric nitrogen deposition. Global Change Biology 16: 344-357. |
Isermann, M., Koehler, H., Mühl, M. 2010. Interactive effects of rabbit grazing and environmental factors on plant species-richness on dunes of Norderney. Journal of Coastal Conservation, Planning and Management 14, 103-114. |
Kolb, A., Dahlgren, J.P. & Ehrlén, J. 2010. Population size affects vital rates but not population growth rate of a perennial plant. Ecology 91: 3210-3217. |
Kolb, A. & Barsch, K. 2010. Environmental factors and seed abundance influence seedling emergence of a perennial forest herb. Acta Oecologica 36: 507-513. | |
Kollmann J, Brink-Jensen K, Isermann M 2010. Invasive Pflanzenarten als Indizien des Klimawandels? Die Situation in Norddeutschland und Dänemark. Berichte der Reinhold-Tüxen-Gesellschaft 22, 81-95. |
Thiele, J., Isermann, M., Otte, A., Kollmann, J. 2010. Competitive displacement or biotic resistance? Disentangling relationships between community diversity and invasion success of tall herbs and shrubs. Journal of Vegetation Science 21, 213-220. |
Kolb, A. & Ehrlén, J. 2010. Environmental context drives seed predator-mediated selection on a floral display trait. Evolutionary Ecology 24: 433-445. |
Stevens, C.J., Duprè, C., Dorland, E., Gaudnik, C., Gowing, D.J.G., Bleeker, A., Diekmann, M., Alard, D., Bobbink, R., Fowler, D., Corcket, E., Mountford, J.O., Vandvik, V., Aarrestad, P.A., Muller, S. & Dise, N.B. 2010. Nitrogen deposition threatens species richness of grasslands across Europe. Environmental Pollution 158: 2940-2945. |
Tsaliki, M. & Diekmann, M. 2010. Effects of habitat fragmentation and soil quality on reproduction in two heathland Genista species. Plant Biology 12: 622-629. |
De Frenne, P., Kolb, A. , Verheyen, K., Brunet, J., Chabrerie, O., Decocq, G., Diekmann, M., Eriksson, O., Heinken, T., Hermy, M., Jõgar, Ü., Stanton, S., Quataert, P., Zindel, R., Zobel, M. & Graae, B.J. 2009. Unraveling the effects of temperature, latitude and local environment on the reproduction of forest herbs. Global Ecology and Biogeography 18: 641-651. |
Graae, B.J., Verheyen, K., Kolb, A., Van der Veken, S., Heinken, T., Chabrerie, O., Diekmann, M., Valtinat, K., Zindel, R., Karlsson, E., Ström, L., Decocq, G., Hermy, M. & Baskin, C. 2009. Germination requirements and seed mass of slow- and fast-colonizing temperate forest herbs along a latitudinal gradient. Ecoscience 16: 248-257. |
Isermann, M. 2009. Expansion of Rosa rugosa in coastal dunes. Bulletin of the European Dry Grassland Group 2, 14-15. |
Peyrat, J., Braun, M., Dolnik, C., Isermann, M., Roweck, H. 2009. Vegetation dynamics on the Leba Bar/Poland: a comparison of the vegetation in 1932 and 2006 with special regard to endangered habitats. Journal of Coastal Conservation, Planning and Management 13, 235-246. |
Tsaliki, M. & Diekmann, M. 2009. Fitness and reproductive success in fragmented populations of Narthecium ossifragum(Liliaceae) distributed at the species' range margin. Acta Oecologica 35: 415-421. |
Tsaliki, M. & Wittig, B. 2009. Pflanzenvielfalt adé –Ursachen für den Artenverlust in Deutschland. Online-Dossier Umwelt. Bundeszentrale für Politische Bildung. |
Wehling, S. & Diekmann, M. 2009. Hedgerows as an environment for forest plants: a comparative case study of five species. Plant Ecology 204: 11-20. |
Wehling, S. & Diekmann, M. 2009. Importance of hedgerows as habitat corridors for forest plants in agricultural landscapes. Biological Conservation 142: 2522-2530. |
Wozniewski, R. & Diekmann, M. 2009. Die Moosvegetation auf Fichtentotholz nach Windwurf. Forstarchiv 80: 173-180. |
Diekmann, M., Duprè, C., Kolb, A. & Metzing, D. 2008. Forest vascular plants as indicators of plant species richness: A data analysis of a flora atlas from northwestern Germany. Plant Biosystems 142: 584-593. |
Kolb, A. 2008. Habitat fragmentation reduces plant fitness by disturbing pollination and modifying response to herbivory. Biological Conservation 141: 2540-2549. |
Isermann, M. 2008. Classification and habitat characteristics of plant communities invaded by the non-native Rosa rugosa Thunb. in NW Europe. Phytocoenologia 38, 133-150. |
Isermann, M. 2008. Expansion of Rosa rugosa and Hippophaë rhamnoides in coastal grey dunes: effects at different spatial scales. Flora 203, 273-280. |
Isermann, M. 2008. Effects of Rosa rugosa invasion in different coastal dune vegetation types. In: Tokarska-Guzik B, Brock J-H, Brundu G, Child L, Daehler CC, Pyšek (eds.) Plant Invasions: Human perception, ecological impacts and management. Backhuys Publishers, Leiden, The Netherlands, pp. 289-306. |
Isermann, M. 2008. (Sand dune inventory of) Germany. In: Doody JP (ed) Sand dune inventory of Europe. 2nd edition. Brampton, Uk, pp. 40-48. |
Bertke, E., Klimek, S. & Wittig, B. 2008. Developing result-orientated payment schemes for environmental services in grasslands: Results from two case-studies in North-Western Germany. Biodiversity 9: 91-95. |
Wehling, S. & Diekmann, M. 2008. Factors influencing the spatial distribution of forest plant species in hedgerows of North-Western Germany. Biodiversity and Conservation 17: 2799-2813. |
Winter, C., Lehmann, S. & Diekmann, M. 2008. Determinants of reproductive success: A comparative study of five endangered river corridor plants in fragmented habitats. Biological Conservation 141: 1095-1104. |
Diekmann, M., Kühne A., Isermann, M. 2007. Random vs non-random sampling: effects on species abundance, species richness and vegetation-environment relationships. Folia Geobotanica 42, 179-190. |
Isermann, M., Diekmann, M., Heemann, S. 2007. Effects of the expansion by Hippophaë rhamnoides on plant species richness in coastal dunes. Applied Vegetation Science 10, 33-42. |
Isermann, M. 2007. Diversity of bryophytes in an urban area of NW Germany. Lindbergia 32, 75-81. |
Isermann, M., Kiehl, K., (eds.) (2007) Restoration of coastal ecosystems. Coastline Reports 7. 67 pp.EUCC (1997) Natürliche Dynamik oder Management für den Naturschutz. Beiträge des Workshops vom 08.08.-10.08.96 in Dornumersiel. Schriftenreihe Nationalpark Niedersächsisches Wattenmeer 2, 1-65. |
Isermann, M. 2007. Phytodiversity in relation to Hippophaë rhamnoides and Rosa rugosa scrub. In: ICCB. Santander, Spain, pp. 32-36. |
Isermann, M. 2007. Impact of Rosa rugosa on dune ecosystems at the German North Sea coast in comparison with Hippophae rhamnoides. In: Weidema I, Ravn HP, Vestergaard P (eds.) Rynket rose (Rosa rugosa) i Danmark, Biologisk Institut, Kobenhavns Universitet, Forskningscenter for Skov- og Landskab samt Skov- og Naturstyrelsen, Kobenhavn, pp. 24-29. |
Kolb, A., Ehrlén, J. & Eriksson, O. 2007. Ecological and evolutionary consequences of spatial and temporal variation in pre-dispersal seed predation. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 9: 79-100. |
Kolb, A., Leimu, R. & Ehrlén, J. 2007. Environmental context influences the outcome of a plant-seed predator interaction. Oikos 116: 864-872. |
Vellend, M., Verheyen, K., Flinn, K.M., Jacquemyn, H., Kolb, A., van Calster, H., Peterken, G., Graae, B.J., Bellemare, J., Honnay, O., Brunet, J., Wulf, M., Gerhardt, F. & Hermy, M. 2007. Homogenization of forest plant communities and weakening of species-environment relationships via agricultural land use. Journal of Ecology 95: 565-573. |
Wittig, B., Waldmann, T., Diekmann, M. 2007. Veränderungen der Grünlandvegetation im Holtumer Moor über vier Jahrzehnte. Hercynia 40: 285-300. |
Bahtke, M., Brahms, E., Diekmann, M., Drachenfels, O. v., Garve, E., Gehlken, B., Hertwig, R., Horr, C., Isselstein, J., Keienburg, T., Kleine-Limberg, W., Klimek, S., Most, A., Prüter, J., Richter gen. Kemmermann, A., Schreiner, J., Steinmann, H.-H., Wicke, G., Wittig, B., Zacharias, D. 2006. Entwicklung einer Kennartenliste für die ergebnisorientierte Honorierung im Grünland Nordwestdeutschlands. NNA-Berichte 19 (1): 20-30 [PDF] (12.9 MB). |
Chiarucci, A., Viciani, D., Winter, C. & Diekmann, M. 2006. Effects of productivity on species-area curves in herbaceous vegetation: evidence from experimental and observational data. Oikos 115: 475-483. |
Cordes, H., Feder. J., Hellberg, F., Metzing, D. & Wittig, B. (Hrsg.) 2006. Verbreitungsatlas der Farn- und Blütenpflanzen im Elbe-Weser-Gebiet. Verlag Hauschild. Bremen. 512 S. |
Dengler, J., Rūsiņa, S., Boch, S., Bruun, H.H., Diekmann, M., Dierßen, K., Dolnik, C., Duprè, C., Golub, V.B., Grytnes, J.-A., Helm, A., Ingerpuu, N., Löbel, S., Pärtel, M., Rašomavičius, V., Tyler, G., Znamenskiy, S.R. & Zobel, M. 2006. Working group on dry grasslands in the Nordic and Baltic region – Outline of the project and first results for the class Festuco-Brometea. Annali di Botanica 6: 73-100. |
Ehrlén, J., Münzbergova, Z., Diekmann, M. & Eriksson, O. 2006. Long-term assessment of seed limitation in plants: results from an 11-year experiment. Journal of Ecology 94: 1224-1232. |
Hoffmeister, T.S. & Diekmann, M. 2006. Verhandlungen der Gesellschaft für Ökologie Band 36. Abstracts of the talks and posters presented at the 36th Annual Conference of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland in Bremen, September 11-15, 2006. 423 pp. |
Isermann, M., Diekmann M., Ewald J 2006. 5. Workshop der Arbeitsgruppe Vegetationsdatenbanken zum Thema Dauerbeobachten in Bremen. Tuexenia 26, 397-398. |
Kolb, A. & Lindhorst, S. 2006. Forest fragmentation and plant reproductive success: a case study in four perennial herbs. Plant Ecology 185: 209-220. |
Kolb, A., Barsch, F. & Diekmann, M. 2006. Determinants of local abundance and range size in forest vascular plants. Global Ecology and Biogeography 15: 237-247. |
Kolb, A., Koperski, M. Wittig, B., Diekmann, M. 2006. Der Fahlenbruch (Wesermünder Geest, NW-Deutschland): Artenliste und Vorschläge zur forstlichen Nutzung unter Naturschutzgesichtspunkten. Abhandlungen des Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins zu Bremen 46 (1): 81-85. |
Most, A., Wittig, B.· 2006. Fachlich-methodische Grundlagen der ergebnisorientierten Honorierung im Grünland Nordwestdeutschlands – Ergänzende Untersuchungen von Hochmoorgrünland. NNA-Berichte 19 (1): 143-158. [PDF] (12.9 MB) |
Most, A., Keienburg, T., Wittig, B.· 2006. Ergebnisorientierte Honorierung im Grünland Nordwestdeutschlands – Zusammenfassende regionsübergreifende Auswertung der Ergebnisse. NNA-Berichte 19 (1): 166-188. [PDF] (12.9 MB) |
Vellend, M., Verheyen, K., Jacquemyn, H., Kolb, A., van Calster, H., Peterken, G. & Hermy, M. 2006. Extinction debt of forest plants persists for more than a century following habitat fragmentation. Ecology 87: 542-548. |
Wittig, B., Diekmann, M. 2006, Fachlich-methodische Grundlagen der ergebnisorientierten Honorierung im Grünland Nordwestdeutschlands - Beispielregion Fehntjer Tief-Niederung. NNA-Berichte 19 (1): 31-48. [PDF] (12.9 MB) |
Wittig, B., Diekmann, M., Kleine-Limberg, W., Fachlich-methodische Grundlagen der ergeb-nisorientierten Honorierung im Grünland Nordwestdeutschlands - Beispielregion Untere Allerniederung. NNA-Berichte 19 (1): 49-64. [PDF] (12.9 MB) |
Wittig, B., Richter gen. Kemmermann, A., Zacharias, D. 2006. An indicator species approach for success-orientated subsidies of ecological services in grasslands – an investigation in Northwestern Germany. Biological Conservation 133: 186-197. |
Becker, G. & Wittig, B. 2005. Blütenreiche Magerwiesen im mittleren Wümmegebiet von Hellwege bis Ottersberg. Drosera 2005 (2): 127-134. |
Diekmann, M., Duprè, C. & van der Maarel, E. 2005. Fine-scale species associations in alvar limestone grasslands. Nordic Journal of Botany 23: 115-128. |
Isermann, M., Friedrichs, L., Grave, C., Wagner, A. 2005. Species richness in Sea-Buckthorn scrub. In: Herrier, J.-L., Mees, J., Salman, A., Seys, J., H. van Nieuwenhuse & Dobbelaere, I. (eds.) Dunes and Estuaries. Nature restoration practices in European coastal habitats. Koksijde, Belgium, pp. 597-600. |
Isermann, M. 2005. Soil pH and species diversity in coastal dunes. Plant Ecology 178, 111-120. |
Kolb, A. 2005. Reduced reproductive success and offspring survival in fragmented populations of the forest herb Phyteuma spicatum. Journal of Ecology 93: 1226-1237. |
Kolb, A. & Diekmann, M. 2005. Effects of life-history traits on responses of plant species to forest fragmentation. Conservation Biology 19: 929-938. |
Schuster, B. & Diekmann, M. 2005. Species richness and environmental correlates in deciduous forsets of Northwest Germany. Forest Ecology and Management 206: 197-205. |
Urban, K. 2005. Oscillating vegetation dynamics in a wet heathland. Journal of Vegetation Science 16: 111-120. |
Wittig, B. & Kleine-Limberg, W. 2005. "Landwirte machen Naturschutz" im Unteren Allertal. Eine Projektvorstellung. Mitteilungen aus der NNA1/2005: 20-22 |
Berg C., Dengler, Abdank, A. & Isermann, M. (Hrsg.) 2004. Die Pflanzengesellschaften Mecklenburg-Vorpommerns und ihre Gefährdung - Textband. Weissdorn-Verlag. Jena. |
Diekmann, M., Dupré, C. & van der Maarel, E. 2004. Fine-scale species associations in alvar limestone grasslands. Nordic Journal of Botany 23: 115-128. |
Diekmann, M. 2004. Sommergrüne Laubwälder der boreo-nemoralen Zone Nordeuropas. Tuexenia 24: 73-88. |
Isermann, M., Kuhbier, H. 2004. Wacholder auf den Ostfriesischen Inseln. Drosera 2004, 31-36. |
Isermann, M. 2004. Differences in species richness of non-native and native plants between the East and North Frisian Islands. In: Green DR (ed.) Delivering Sustainable Coasts. Cambridge Publications, pp. 737-738. |
Dengler, J., Koska, I., Timmermann, T., Berg, C., Clausnitzer, U., Isermann, M., Linke, C., Päzolt, J., Polte, T., Spangenberg, A. 2004. New descriptions and typifications of syntaxa within the project 'Plant communities of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern and their vulnerability' . Part II. Feddes Repertorium 115, 343-392. |
Abdank, A., Berg, C., Dengler, J., Isermann, M. 2004. Bilanz der Roten Liste und Konsequenzen für den Naturschutz. In: Berg, C., Dengler, J., Abdank, A., Isermann, M. (Hrsg.) Die Pflanzengesellschaften Mecklenburg-Vorpommerns und ihre Gefährdung. Textband. Weissdorn-Verlag, Jena, 494-507. |
Berg, C., Dengler, J., Abdank, A., Isermann, M. (Hrsg.) 2004. Die Pflanzengesellschaften Mecklenburg-Vorpommerns und ihre Gefährdung. Textband. Weissdorn-Verlag. Jena. 606 S. |
Isermann, M. 2004. Ammophiletea. In: Berg, C., Dengler, J., Abdank, A., Isermann, M. (Hrsg.) Die Pflanzengesellschaften Mecklenburg-Vorpommerns und ihre Gefährdung. Textband. Weissdorn-Verlag, Jena, pp. 354–361. |
Isermann, M. 2004. Cakiletea maritimae. In: Berg, C., Dengler, J., Abdank, A., Isermann, M. (Hrsg.) Die Pflanzengesellschaften Mecklenburg-Vorpommerns und ihre Gefährdung. Textband. Weissdorn-Verlag, Jena, pp. 246–256. |
Kolb, A. & Diekmann, M. 2004. Effects of environment, habitat configuration and forest continuity on the distribution of forest plant species. Journal of Vegetation Science 15: 199-208. |
Kirchner, D.E. 2004. Molekulare Phylogenie und Biogeographie der Gattung Pulmonaria L. (Boraginaceae). Dissertation, 221 pp. Verlag Mainz, Aachen. (ISBN 3-9284493-52-3) |
Kolb, A. 2004. Die Verbreitung krautiger Laubwaldarten in einer fragmentierten Landschaft. In: Bundesamt für Naturschutz, Bonn (ed.) Treffpunkt Biologische Vielfalt IV, pp. 77-83. Landwirtschaftsverlag, Münster. |
Wittig, B., Kleine-Limberg, W. & Ballnus, F. 2004. Vertragsnaturschutz in der Unteren Allerniederung. Ein Plädoyer für eine flexibler gehaltene Bewirtschaftung im Grünland. Naturschutz und Landschaftsplanung 36: 219-224. |
Dengler, J., Berg, C., Eisenberg, M., Isermann, M., Jansen, F., Koska, I., Löbel, S., Manthey, M., Päzolt, J., Spangenberg, A., Timmermann, T., Wollert, H. 2003. New descriptions and typifications of syntaxa within the project 'Plant communities of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern and their vulnerability' Part I. Feddes Repertorium 114, 587-631. |
Diekmann, M. 2003 Species indicator values as an important tool in applied plant ecology - a review. Basic and Applied Ecology4: 493-506. |
Falkengren-Grerup, U. & Diekmann, M. 2003. Use of a gradient of N-deposition to calculate effect-related soil and vegetation measures in deciduous forests. Forest Ecology and Management 180: 113-124. |
Kolb, A. & Alpert, P. 2003. Effects of nitrogen and salinity on growth and competition between a native grass and an invasive congener. Biological Invasions 5: 229-238. |
Schuster, B. & Diekmann, M. 2003. Changes in species density along the soil pH gradient – evidence from German plant communities. Folia Geobotanica 38: 367-379. |
Weih, M., Karacic, A., Munkert, H., Verwijst, T. & Diekmann, M. 2003. Influence of young poplar stands on floristic diversity in agricultural landscapes (Sweden). Basic and Applied Ecology 4: 149-156. |
Wittig, B., Urban, K. & Hellberg, F. 2003. Bedeutung der Nutzung für die Phytodiversität in Feuchtheiden. Nova Acta LeolpoldinaNF 87, 328: 423-428. |
Wittig, B. 2003. Zur Ausbreitung des Chaerophylletum bulbosi im niedersächsischen Tiefland. Abhandlungen des Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins zu Bremen 45 (2): 421-425. |
Diekmann, M. & Falkengren-Grerup, U. 2002. Prediction of species response to atmospheric nitrogen deposition by means of ecological measures and life history traits. Journal of Ecology 90: 108-120. |
Duprè, C. & Ehrlén, J. 2002. Habitat configuration, species traits and plant distributions. Journal of Ecology 90: 796-805. |
Duprè, C., Wessberg, C. & Diekmann, M. 2002. Species richness in deciduous forests: Effects of species pools and environmental variables. Journal of Vegetation Science 13: 505-516. |
Kirchner, D. 2002. Phylo-Geographie von Arabis alpina L. (Brassicaceae). Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 124: 183-210. |
Kolb, A., Alpert, P., Enters, D. & Holzapfel, C. 2002. Patterns of invasion within a grassland community. Journal of Ecology 90: 871-881. |
Duprè, C. & Diekmann, M. 2001. Differences in species richness and life-history traits between grazed and abandoned grasslands in southern Sweden. Ecography 24: 275-286. |
Isermann, M. 2001. Cakiletea maritimae. In: Berg, C., Dengler, J., Abdank, A. (Hrsg.) Die Pflanzengesellschaften Mecklenburg-Vorpommerns und ihre Gefährdung. Tabellenband. Weissdorn-Verlag, Jena, pp. 90-92. |
Isermann, M. 2001. Ammophiletea. In: Berg, C., Dengler, J., Abdank, A. (Hrsg.) Die Pflanzengesellschaften Mecklenburg-Vorpommerns und ihre Gefährdung. Tabellenband. Herausgegeben vom Landesamt für Umwelt, Naturschutz und Geologie Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, pp. 157-158. Weissdorn-Verlag, Jena. |
Isermann, M. 2001. Körnungsverhältnisse in Küstendünen Mecklenburg-Vorpommerns. In: Sandachse Franken (Hrsg.) Forschung und Naturschutz in Sandlebensräumen, Tagungsband zum Symposium 15.-17.02.2001, Erlangen, pp. 61-64. |
Kesel, R., Kundel, W. & Sinning, F. 2001. Die Grabenvegetation in der Bremer Niederung und den Wesermarschen. Bremer Beiträge für Naturkunde und Naturschutz 5: 41-64. |
Kolb, A. & Spribille,T. 2001. Calicium corynellum (Ach.) Ach. in the United States, and Calicium montanum Tibell new for North America. Evansia 18 (3): 90-92. |
Mirsch, A., Bruns, M., Dresing, N., Tobaben, P., Wagner,U., Wendelken, B. & Wittig, B. 2001. Die Moosflora des Stadtwaldes in Bremen. Abhandlungen des Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins zu Bremen: 45 (1): 181-184. |
Wittig, B., Feder, J., Arkenau, T, Schneider-Höke, D. & Bargen, D. v. 2001. Die Rote und Blaue Liste der Gefäßpflanzen für den Landkreis Verden. Landkreis Verden, Verden. |