
Lehrveranstaltungen WiSe 2023/2024

Kunstwissenschaft und Filmwissenschaft, M.A.

Veranstaltungen anzeigen: alle | in englischer Sprache | für ältere Erwachsene | mit Nachhaltigkeitszielen

Modul B1 Archive, Sammlungen und Ausstellungen

1. Fachsemester. Bitte wählen Sie zwei Seminare aus.
VAKTitel der VeranstaltungDozentIn
09-51-M4-5(Themenschwerpunkt: Klima-Wandel-Ästhetiken) Eco Cinema (Veranstaltung in englischer Sprache) (in englischer Sprache)


wöchentlich Mi 10:00 - 12:00 GW2 B3770 (2 SWS)

The ecological concern has recently raised the interest of international film scholars. Scott MacDonald used the term eco cinema to categorize films reflecting the need to develop sustainable forms of coexistence with natural environment. Cinema as a form of discourse looks at the relations of human beings to nonhuman entities and their shared environment which traditionally is believed to be instrumental to humans. How does film reflect this dualism?
Looking at films from various genres and periods the concern is not so much how they deal with environmental issues on a narrative level but on how their aesthetics relate to the ethical questions. Climate catastrophies, immersive woodland experiences as well as the field of human-animal relationships will be explored.

Christine Rüffert