Caroline Birau, M.A.

Portraitfoto von Caroline Birau

Research Assistant

Public Health, M.A. / Physiotherapist


University of Bremen

Mary-Somerville-Straße 3, room 9.3130 (Haus Salzburg)

28359 Bremen

Phone: 0421/218-68668

E-Mail: cbirauprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

  • Social inequality and health

  • Health promotion in seldom heard communities

  • Qualitativ research on infectious diseases
  • Language and communication in public health and medicine

Scientific career

since 2020

Research Assistent / University of Bremen

Project: BRISE – Bremen Initiative to Foster Early Childhood Development

Research Assistent / Department of General Practice at the University Medical Center Göttingen

Project: interprofACT - Strategies to improve general practitioner-nurse collaboration in nursing homes and their effects on hospital admissions of nursing home residents

M.A. in Public Health, Health Promotion / Prevention

University of Bremen

Master Thesis topic: The evil in our living-room.” A critical discourse analysis about Ebola


B.A. in Public Health

University of Bremen

Bachelor thesis topic: Metaphors in health sciences – about war metaphors in medicine, using the example of cancer diseases”

2006State Examination: Physiotherapy


Teaching experience

2018-2022Teaching assignment: FOM Bremen:

Degree course: B.A.Gesundheitspsychologie & Medizinpädagogik

  • Medizinische Theorie & Terminologie
  • Praxisprojekt
  • Spezielle Krankheitslehre & Therapie

Teaching assignment: University Medical Center Göttingen: Participation in teaching at Department of General Practice, in

  • Modul 1.1 Medizinische Basisfertigkeiten, Anamneseübungen

Teaching assignment: Hochschule Bremen:

Degree course: B.Sc. Applied Therapeutic Sciences in Speech and Language Therapy and Physiotherapy

  • Klinische Urteilsbildung I, Physiotherapie


  • Birau, C., Gärtner, L., Balzer, K., Fleischmann, N., Friede, T., König, H. H., Köpke, S., Maurer, I., Müller, C. A., Tetzlaff, B., Scherer, M., Hummers, E. (2020): „interprof ACT - Effekte von Strategien zur Verbesserung ärztlich-pflegerischer Zusammenarbeit auf Krankenhausaufnahmen von Pflegeheimbewohner*innen. (interprof ACT - Effects of strategies to improve doctor-nurse collaboration on hospital admissions of nursing home residents).  Poster presentation at the expert conference “Menschen mit chronischen Einschränkungen im Mittelpunkt multiprofessionellen Handelns – Innovationen für eine gute Praxis“ (People with chronic disabilities at the centre of multi-professional action - innovations for good practice)

Scientific presentation

  • Birau, C. (2017): „Ebola - die fremde Bedrohung im Wohnzimmer. Eine wissenssoziologische Diskursanalyse“. 2. Konferenz für Studentische Forschung 2017, Humboldt Universität Berlin. (“Ebola – the unknown threat in the living room. A sociological discourse analysis”. 2nd Conference on student research 2017, Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany.