At the moment, there are no further workshops planned, as the current program period of perspektive promotion ends on 31.07.2024. We will keep you updated on the perspektive promotion website as soon as there is any news.
Until then, you can use this page to get an overview of the workshops we have offered in the past.
Are you a university staff member who would like to plan a specific measure for female students interested in a doctorate and/or doctoral candidates in your field? Regardless of whether you want to offer a workshop in your department, your research group or your research association, I would be happy to support you with my expertise - either with a format already offered by us or with the conceptual development of demand-oriented workshops. Simply contact me by e-mail: Kathrin Faber.
The workshops are an essential component of the perspektive promotion program. They teach (prospective) female* doctoral candidates key skills of academic work, such as giving lectures and writing articles for academic journals. Other workshops offer support throughout the doctoral process and in terms of career orientation. With our broad range of services, we deliberately work in a needs-orientated way: We distinguish between the subject groups of the Humanities and Social Sciences on the one hand and of the STEM subjects on the other. Some of the key points are also aimed at participants from all faculties.
Are you interested in a certain topic and cannot find a suitable workshop? We will gladly take up your suggestions!
Online-Workshop for Female Scientists of the STEM Faculties (Fac. 1 – 5 & 11)
Coach: Dr Eva Müller, biologist, scientific authorand writing coach
Empowerment and Self-Care Workshop for Black Women and Women of Color of all Faculties (Fac. 1 – 12)
Coach: Dr Cassandra Ellerbe, anthropologist, certified diversity,social justice trainer andsomatic educator
in Kooperation mit BIG - A Bridge between Internationalization and Gender
An Information Workshop for International Graduate Women
Presenters: Dr Saumya Pant, A Bridge between Internationalization and Gender – BIG
Dr Madeleine Löning & Kathrin Faber, perspektive promotion
Online-Workshop for Female Scientists of the STEM Faculties (Fac. 1 –5 & 11)
Coach: Dr. Karin Bodewits, Biochemist and Coach,NaturalScience.Careers
Presentation-Workshop for Female Doctoral Researchers of all Faculties
Coach: Dr. Saskia Schottelius, trainer for communicationand teacher for martial artsand meditation
Kathrin Faber
E-Mail: kathrin.faberprotect me ?!vw.uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de
Phone: +49 421 218 - 60185
Building: Unicom 2, House Oxford
Room: 2.1090