perspektive promotion
For gender-equitable ways to a doctorate
With the perspektive promotion program, the Equal Opportunities Office wants to pave the way for female graduates to a doctoral degree and support female doctoral candidates in the course of their work. Numerous studies underscore gender-specific discrimination of women in academic life, starting with the doctorate and at all subsequent career stages: Professors are more likely to promote male candidates, for example by encouraging male students to pursue a doctorate, offer them jobs, facilitate their conference visits and introduce them to the academic community. The ideal of as well as the working conditions characterizing academic careers are often still aligned with life plans that have distinctly male connotations. Conversely, the myth of the academic, whose life is entirely filled with research, often makes female students refrain from pursuing a doctoral degree. The low level of formalization within the doctoral process also makes it difficult for women* to enter the academic world.
perspektive promotion was designed in the idea of promoting women in science and research by the “Professorinnenprogramm", a program of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research. All cis and trans women as well as inter, non-binary and agender people who can locate themselves in this context are cordially invited to use our offers. We particularly invite BIWoCs, female doctoral candidates with disabilities, female first generation doctoral researchers, female doctoral candidates of all ages and female doctoral candidates with and without care tasks to participate.
You can find offers for doctoral researchers of all genders at BYRD. If you are interested in further Europe-wide training offers, please take a look at the website of YUFE.
- Questions about the doctoral process
- Process-orientated counseling and continuous support
- Project management
With perspektive promotion, we promote networking, interaction and self-organisation among female doctoral researchers.
Design your Doctorate – Tackle Challenges Together
Doctors ‚n’ kid
"Time for Exchange" - Online talk session
You can subscribe to our mailing list to receive our newsletter for latest information about our services for female doctoral researchers.
After nine years of workshops, networking opportunities, writing support and consulting within the framework of perspektive promotion – a collaborative effort to facilitate and support female* candidates to start and complete a doctoral project – we have subjected the program to external evaluation.
University of Bremen
Equal Opportunities Office
perspektive promotion
Post Address:
Postfach 330440
28334 Bremen
Kathrin Faber
Pronouns: she/her
Building: Unicom 2, Haus Oxford; Mary- Somerville- Str. 2
Room: 2.1090
Phone: +49 421 218 - 60185
E-Mail: kathrin.faberprotect me ?!vw.uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de