Aware together - University Action Day against Discrimination - 24.4.24

Important Information:

When? On the 24th of April, 9:00 - 19:00

Where? Across the Campus

What? You can find the programme here.

Awareness?  You can find the awarenessconcept here.

Contact: Nele Kuhn,  Almut Dietrich und Dr. Inke Du Bois


University Action Day against Discrimination

On the 24th of April 2024, the first university action day against discrimination "Aware together" will take place at the University of Bremen.

Throughout the day, a wide variety of events and formats will invite people to engage with diversity and discrimination (protection) at the university. This will create spaces for reflection and discussion, for meeting other members of the university and for reflection on these topics/issues.

"Aware together" offers various workshops, an elevator quiz, a sound installation on experiences of discrimination, information booths from student initiatives and advice centres, an art exhibition, a performance by the "Theatre of Assembly" and a diversity slam.

The university's new mission statement clearly states the university's responsibility: "We take a critical look at the power and hierarchical relationships that are specific to universities. [...] We are therefore working on reliable structures, practices and attitudes that promote diversity and are anti-discriminatory. Together, we are shaping an inclusive university where we treat each other with respect".

This also means discussing the topics of diversity, discrimination and responsibility more openly, courageously and competently. The University Action Day makes a contribution to this.

When? On the 24th of April, 9:00 - 19:00

Where? Across the Campus

What? You can find the programme here

Contact:  Nele Kuhn,  Almut Dietrich und Dr. Inke Du Bois

HRK Initiative "Vielfalt an deutschen Hochschulen"

The University Action Day against Discrimination is sponsored by the "Vielfalt an deutschen Hochschulen" initiative of the German Rectors' Conference.

Further information on the HRK initiative can be found here.


Have you experienced one or more situations as discriminatory or are you unsure how to assess a situation?



The ADE offers free and confidential counselling to all students and employees of the University of Bremen,
Click on more to go to the ADE website


Events, Workshops und More

Elevator Quiz

Workshops & Talks

11:00 - 12:15
Feierliche Eröffnung

12:00 - 14:00
Information booths

12:00 - 14:30
Echoes of Silence

Theatre performance

Reclaiming Space

13:30 - 16:30
Workshops & Talks

Diversity Slam

Click more for the detailed programme!