Anpassbare Interaktion mit materialwissenschaftlichen Forschungsdaten (AimData)
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)
Duration: 2016-2020
Contact: Susanne Putze, Dr. Robert Porzel
Project partner: IWT, TZI, MPA, FIBRE und BIK

In the material sciences, large amounts of research data are created through a variety of experiments. At present, the tools used for data management are based mainly on remote island solutions, which are characterized by a low degree of standardization. This makes internal, national and international exchange of data difficult as well as reducing the long-term usability and usefulness of the data collected. Additionally, this leads to redundant work and experimental procedures and thus avoidable costs.
This project aims to convert the previously decentralized and heterogeneously organized data into a centrally organized infrastructure for scientific data, thereby providing materials science research data for the community of researchers in a long term and sustainable manner.
Together with material scientists is a systematic approach to dealing with research data is developed. Building on this approach a technical software solution is developed. This system should be designed to be open, support standards and provide interfaces to other established databases and search engines.
During the “AimData” project, which originates from a precursor project “InfoSys”, an example of a digital infrastructure for research data is to be developed. The current focus goes beyond customized and user-friendly data entry, but incorporates their subsequent exploitation by third. These extensions to be developed should be applicable to other infrastructures as well. In the new developments a particular focus lies on the integration of user-friendly search and analysis tools. These should not only make it easier for scientists to find relevant information, but also allow one to recognize the quality of research data at hand. To ensure sufficient complexity and transferability of the system developed in Bremen to other types of data from the material sciences the class of fiber-reinforced plastics will be included in the coming years.
Involved in the project are AimData are the Institut für Werkstofftechnik (IWT) Bremen, the Faserinstitut Bremen e.V. (FIBRE), the Institute for Integrated Product Development (BIK) and the technology center for computer science and information technology (TZI).