
Senator Moosdorf with students from the HyBit-Projekt

Senator Moosdorf visited us at the Digital Media Lab

In June, Ms. Moosdorf, Bremen's Senator for Climate, Environment and Science, visited us in the Digital Media Lab to get an impression of our work in the fields of artificial intelligence (AI) and virtual and augmented reality (VR/AR).

We presented her a selection of our projects in this context:

Thomas Mildner, Nadine Wagner, Evropi Stefanidi and Nima Zargham with their PHD hats

Four dissertations in three days

Last week we had a doctoral marathon: within three days, four of our PhD candidates successfully defended their dissertations. And all four with top marks!

Thomas Mildner started on Friday, June 21 with his dissertation "Mitigating Dark Patterns Through Responsible Design Ethical Design…

Carolin Stellmacher at the CHI 2024 on Hawaii

Carolin Stellmacher at CHI 2024 on Hawaii

Three of our PhD students from he Digital Media Lab published four full papers at this year’s ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2024) held on Hawaii. Thomas Mildner, Nima Zargham und Carolin Stellmacher shared their most recent research in the fields of ethical design…

Nima with his certificate, ©I.Laumann

Honourable Mention for Nima Zargham's paper at the CHI 2024

Nima Zargham received an Honourable Mention at CHI 2024 for his paper ‘I Know What You Mean’: Context-Aware Recognition to Enhance Speech-Based Games. It is located in the scientific field of ‘Games User Research’ and investigates a novel method called context-aware speech recognition, which uses…

Iddo Wald, ©Gabriel Baharlia

Welcome to Iddo Wald as a new colleague in our working group

Since April Iddo Wald works as a doctoral student at the Digital Media Lab. He is a multidisciplinary researcher, designer and engineer. In the past he worked as an Electrical Engineer for Intel, completed his MA/MSc in Innovation Design Engineering from the Royal College of Art and Imperial College…

TZI's CEO Prof. Rainer Malaka explains the Muhai Project to University of Bremen’s Chancellor Frauke Meyer

KI Innovation made in Bremen

Beginning of April, the I2B event "TZI Roadshow: AI Innovation made in Bremen" took place in the TAB building of the University of Bremen, where examples of work created at TZI were presented.

As a member of the TZI, we from the Digital Media Lab presented eight projects: With applications such as…

Members ot the IFIP Board at the meeting in Toronto, Canada

Rainer Malaka attended the IFIP Board Meeting in Toronto, Canada

Rainer Malaka attended the IFIP Board Meeting in Toronto, Canada from march 25th to 27th. The International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) is a global organization in Information and Communications Technologies and Sciences and is recognized by the United Nations and other world…

 Michael Bonfert's PHD Defense

PHD Defense of Michael Bonfert

On April 12th, Michael Bonfert successfully defended his dissertation. In his thesis "Unraveling the fidelity of virtual reality interactions: effects of realism in object manipulation and embodiment", Michael deals with immersive experiences created with…

The Organizers of the GGJ 2024, © I.Laumann

Global Game Jam 2024

This year's Global Game Jam (GGJ) took place from January 26-28, 2024. The event is comparable to a hackathon, where people come together in different locations for 48 hours to develop games on a central theme. It is organized worldwide in physical and virtual locations in over a hundred countries…

 Georg Volkmar; ©Rainer Malaka

PHD Defense of Georg Volkmar

In January 2024, Georg Volkmar held the successful defense of his PHD thesis "Empowering novices through playful self-expression - the role of creativity and video games in the context of virtual reality exposure therapy".

Serious games have long been studied in HCI for their potential to support…