Carolin Stellmacher

Digital Media Lab
MZH, Room 6060
Bibliothekstr. 5
D-28359 Bremen
cstellmaprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de
Tel: +49 (0)421 218-63595
Research interests
Designing haptic feedback for mixed reality
Haptic perception in mixed reality
Exploring scalable solutions for haptic technology
Possible theses topics:
To contact me, please send me an e-mail containing the following information:
- Your name
- Your university e-mail (if not used in the e-mail)
- Degree program
- Current grade point average
- Language of the thesis
- Text editor for writing (LaTeX, Word etc.)
- Planned month and year for the completion of the thesis
- If you already have an idea, please describe it briefly in a few sentences
- Please add the following to the e-mail: Current transcript of records. If you like, please also include your current resume/CV
Curriculum Vitae
Carolin Stellmacher is a PhD candidate at the Digital Media Lab.
Carolin completed her Bachelor's degree in Media Systems at the Hamburg University of Applied Sciences (HAW) and a Master's degree in Digital Media at the University of Bremen. Her research interests include interactive technologies, haptic feedback and user-friendly data protection. She is currently working on researching scalable solutions for haptic technologies.
Projects and publications
- InviDas, BMBF, 2020 - 2023
Selected publications:
Haptics Research
Continuous VR Weight Illusion by Combining Adaptive Trigger Resistance and Control-Display Ratio Manipulation.Carolin Stellmacher, André Zenner, Oscar Javier Ariza Nunez, Ernst Kruijff, Johannes Schöning. IEEE Conference Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (VR), 2023.
Triggermuscle: Exploring Weight Perception for Virtual Reality Through Adaptive Trigger Resistance in a Haptic VR Controller. Carolin Stellmacher, Michael Bonfert, Ernst Kruijff, Johannes Schöning. Frontiers in Virtual Reality, 2022
Exploring Strategies for Sustainable Design and Deployment of Novel Haptic Interfaces.Carolin Stellmacher. In Workshop on Sustainable Haptic Design at CHI 2022.
Exploring Mobile Devices as Haptic Interfaces for Mixed Reality Carolin Stellmacher, Florian Mathis, Yannick Weiss, Meagan B. Loerakker, Nadine Wagener, Johannes Schöning. 2024 Proc. ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems at CHI 2024
Experiencing Dynamic Weight Changes in Virtual Reality Through Pseudo-Haptics and Vibrotactile Feedback Carolin Stellmacher, Feri Irsanto Pujianto, Tanja Kojić, Jan-Niklas Voigt-Antons, Johannes Schöning. 2024 Proc. ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems at CHI 2024
Usable Data Privacy Research
Understanding Fitness Tracker Users’ and Non-Users’ Requirements for Interactive and Transparent Privacy Information. Sabine Theis, Carolin Stellmacher, Sebastian Pütz, Matthias G. Arend, Verena Nitsch. Extended Abstracts of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2023.
Escaping the Privacy Paradox: Evaluating the Learning Effects of Privacy Policies With Serious Games.Carolin Stellmacher, Jette Ternieten, Daria Soroko, Johannes Schöning. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, 2023. (CHI Play 2023)
Souveräne digitalrechtliche Entscheidungsfindung hinsichtlich der Datenpreisgabe bei der Nutzung von Wearables. Arvid Butting, Niel Conradie, Jutta Croll, Manuel Fehler, Clemens Gruber, Dominik Herrmann, Alexander Mertens, Judith Michael, Verena Nitsch, Saskia Nagel, Sebastian Pütz, Bernhard Rumpe, Elisabeth Schauermann, Johannes Schöning, Carolin Stellmacher, Sabine Theis. In Selbstbestimmung, Privatheit und Datenschutz, 2022.
Best Presentation Award at IEEE VR 2023 for “Continuous VR Weight Illusion by Combining Adaptive Trigger Resistance and Control-Display Ratio Manipulation”
Department Award of Mathematics & Computer Science of the University of Bremen 2020 for the master thesis „Weight Perception in VR: A Novel Haptic VR Controller with Adaptive Trigger Button Resistance“