Fenja Schweder

Mitarbeiterin Foto von Fenja Schweder

Digital Media Lab

MZH, Room 6100
Bibliothekstr. 5
D-28359 Bremen


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Tel: +49 (0)421 218-64419

Google Scholar ORCiD


Research Interests

  • Data processing with machine learning
  • infrastructures for explorative data analysis
  • processing of astronomical data
  • usability in scientific computing

Possible theses topics:


If you are interested in writing your Bachelor or Master thesis about interactive data analysis in astronomy, feel free to send me an email. Possible topics may be

  • Designing an interactive visualization suitable for big data archives in astronomy
  • Developing interaction patterns for astronomical data
  • Evaluating systems for explorative data analysis with field experts

You should have programming experience, preferable in Python and especially with pytorch and scipy. Knowledge about astronomy and astrophysics is not necessary, but would be an asset.

Curriculum Vitae

Fenja Schweder ( born Kollasch) is a PhD candidate at  the Digital Media. She has been with the Lab since December 2023.

Fenja completed her Bachelor's degree in Computer Science at the University of Bremen and her Master's degree in Data and Computer Science at the University of Heidelberg. During her stay in Heidelberg, Fenja worked for the Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies (HITS) in the Astroinformatics group and has always had a great interest in working with astronomical data. She is interested in machine learning methods to analyze astronomical data and software applications that combine artificial and human intelligence to create exploratory approaches to data processing. Fenja is still in cooperation with the HITS.

Projects and publications


Google Scholar ORCiD