
“Freigeist” Fellowship for Researcher at the University of Bremen

The Volkswagen "Freigeist” Fellowship has been awarded to the chemical marine ecologist Christina Roggatz from the University of Bremen, who will now receive around 1.3 million euros for her research project. It is the first time that one of the fellowships has gone to the University of Bremen.

"Communities of photosynthesizing and nutrient-cycling microorganisms are fundamental to life on Earth. They rely on chemical interactions to communicate and function efficiently," explains ChristinaRoggatz, Ph.D., who earned her doctoral degree at the University of Hull in the United Kingdom. In her project, Roggatz, a chemical marine ecologist within the Faculty of Biology / Chemistry, is using microalgae, which live closely with bacteria, to investigate whether these chemicals depend on fluctuating pH and oxygen levels. Roggatz says, "This would be a previously unexplored mechanism that could fundamentally change our understanding of ecosystem processes." The project is being funded with around 1.3 million euros and is scheduled to run for five years.

ChristinaRoggatz's research focuses on the effects of climate change on the interactions of marine organisms and their function in ecosystems. She is particularly interested in the interplay between chemistry, biology, and the environment.

The Funding

“Freigeist” Fellowships are for researchers from all disciplines in the first four years after earning their doctorate. To become a "Freigeist” Fellow, researchers must not only have outstanding technical expertise, but also be able to look beyond the boundaries of their own discipline and combine critical analytical skills with new perspectives and approaches. A total of 13 scientists were awarded a “Freigeist” Fellowship in 2022.

Further Information:


ChristinaRoggatz, Ph.D.
Email: roggatzprotect me ?!outlookprotect me ?!.com
Phone: +49 01637 180253

Prof. Dr. Tilmann Harder
Marine Chemistry
University of Bremen
Phone: +49 421 218-50250
Email: t.harderprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

portrait of Dr. Christina Roggatz
Dr. Christina Roggatz