Institute for Economic Research and Policy (IERP)

The Institute for Economic Research and Policy (ierp) integrates the economic research, teaching, and knowledge transfer carried out at the Faculty 7 of the University of Bremen. The institute's application-oriented research agenda is characterized by the use of modern theoretical and empirical methods. These are applied to analyze the socio-economic challenges of contemporary global societies from different perspectives. To this end, we draw on concepts from various areas of economics, such as evolutionary, institutional, and innovation economics as well as macro- and microeconomics.

In line with the guiding principle of our university, members of the ierp work on various aspects of sustainability in research and teaching. In this context, the institute offers a specialization in "Sustainability Economics" in its Bachelor program in "Economics". Most modules of ierp's study programs address economic issues reflected by the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) formulated by the United Nations. Moreover, researchers at the ierp regularly publish articles in leading journals in this field: more than 30 articles have already been written addressing aspects of climate change, energy use, and issues of environmental and resource economics. Third-party funding has also been acquired for projects in the field of sustainability research. In the near future, this study focus will be continued with a Master program in economics titled “The Economics of Global Challenges”. Moreover, a new honorary professorship with the denomination "Institutional Economics, in particular Ocean Governance" further strengthens this profile in sustainability in our study programs.

In addition, the ierp offers a profile area on the topic of "Digital Economics" in its Bachelor program. It tackles the structural, innovation-driven changes in the economy due to the advancing digitalization of all areas of society. The focus here is, for example, on the effects of digitalization on labor markets or innovation systems at various levels. The planned Master program will also address facets of digital change in several modules that will draw on the research of ierp associates as well as further members of the faculty. The institute is also involved in the department's Diginomics initiative, which is paving the way for more structured doctoral training.

The interdisciplinary Master program on "The Economics of Global Challenges" (start date is the winter semester 2024/25), which has already successfully passed the accreditation process, will further develop the department’s teaching profile. Our academic training includes various quantitative econometric methods, advanced micro- and macroeconomic modeling tools as well as concepts with an economic policy, economic history, behavioral science, and innovation economics orientation. The Master provides specific content-related and methodological foundations for future doctoral students who wish to carry out their own research projects in the field of global challenges at the ierp. It will also bring together teaching and research capacities in economics that stem from several institutions and faculties of the university. This increases the visibility of economic research and teaching at the University of Bremen and beyond.

In the area of knowledge transfer, the ierp organizes a regular economics colloquium at which distinguished international guests give lectures on current research topics. Furthermore, the ierp's peer-reviewed discussion paper series "Bremen Papers on Economics & Innovation" significantly increases the visibility and dissemination of the institute's research (indexed via RePEc). Contributions from guests or cooperation partners are included in the series upon invitation. In addition, a weekly seminar at the ierp provides the framework for joint supervision of doctoral students and a high degree of scientific cooperation between its members. ierp researchers also play a leading role in organizing the Bremen Lab, which is used to conduct economic experiments.

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Prof. Dr. Christian Cordes

Prof. Dr. Christian Cordes

Evolutionary Economics

Jutta Günther

Prof. Dr. Jutta Günther

Innovation and Structural Change

Prof. Dr. Andre W. Heinemann

Prof. Dr. André W. Heinemann

Federal and Regional Financial Relations

Bild von Professor Doktor Torben Klarl

Prof. Dr. Torben Klarl


Prof. Dr. Johannes Paha

Innovation and Structural Change

Bild Prof. Dr. Wolfram Elsner (retired)

Prof. Dr. Wolfram Elsner (retired)

Structural research and economic policy



Honorary Professors

Prof. Dr. Dirk Fornahl

Prof. Dr. Dirk Fornahl

Regional and innovation economics

Former members of the ierp

Michael Rochlitz

Prof. Dr. Michael Rochlitz

Institutional economics


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