Philipp Schulz


Dr. Philipp Schulz

UNICOM, Mary-Somerville-Straße 7 (Haus Wien)

Room: 7.2140

Tel.: +49 421 218-67467

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Philipp Schulz is a Post-Doctoral Researcher at the Institute for Intercultural and International Studies (InIIS) at the University of Bremen. He currently leads three different research projects as principal investigator, focused on: (1) sexual violence against men, funded by the German Research Foundation (2020-2023), on (2) the experiences of queer forced migrants in Uganda and Lebanon (2023-2025); and (3) on practices of love and care in armed conflict, in collaboration with Dr. Roxani Krystalli (University St. Andrews) and funded by the German Research Foundation and the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) (2023-2026).

He obtained his PhD in 2018 from the Transitional Justice Institute (TJI) at Ulster University. Since 2016, he is a research associate at the Refugee Law Project (RLP) at the School of Law at Makerere University. His research interests include international relations, peace and conflict research, feminist security studies as well as research ethics. His research engages with the gender dynamics of armed conflicts and political violence, with a particular focus on masculinities.

  • Gender dynamics of political violence and armed conflicts

  • Peace and conflict research

  • Transitional Justice

  • Conflict-Related sexual and gender-based violence

  • Masculinities perspectives on global politics

  • Gender and feminist theories

  • Research ethics

  • Care


Current research projects:

Beyond Vulnerability: Exploring the Political Agency of Male Survivors of Wartime Sexual Violence (2020-2023, funded by German Research Foundation)

A Different Kind of War Story: Centering Love and Care in Peace and Conflict Studies (2023-2026, in collaboration with Dr. Roxani Krystalli, funded by German Research Foundation und Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC))

Exploring the political agency of forced migrants with diverse sexual orientations, gender identities and expressions and sex characteristics (SOGIESC) in Uganda and Lebanon (2023-2025, funded by Gerda-Henkel Foundation)


2020. ‘Male Survivors of Wartime Sexual Violence: Perspectives from Northern Uganda.’ Berkeley: University of California Press (Open Access).
* Shortlisted für den ‚Conflict Research Society (CRS) Book of the Year 2020 Award‘ und den 'ISA Feminist Theory and Gender Studies (FTGS) Section Book Price 2021'


Edited volumes and handbooks

- 2024. ‘Masculinities and Queer Perspectives in Transitional Justice.’ London: Routledge, with Brandon Hamber und Heleen Touquet.

- 2024. ‘Routledge Handbook of Masculinities, Conflict and Peacebuilding.’ London: Routledge, with Henri Myrttinen, Farooq Yousaf, Chloé Lewis, Elizabeth Laruni, and Heleen Touquet.


Journal articles (peer reviewed):

- 2024. ‘”How did you become interested in this? On personal and academic entanglements.’ International Feminist Journal of Politics. Online First, 1-12.

- 2024. ‘He came as a boy and returned as a man. Parenting, field research and masculinity.’ International Journal of Qualitative Methods. Online First, 1-12.

- 2024. ‘Recognizing the agency of forced migrants with diverse sexual orientations, gender identities and expressions and sex characteristics.’ Journal of Refugee Studies: 1-10.

with Onen David Ongwech and Zeynep Pinar Erdem.

- 2024. ‘Love and Care in the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) in Northern Uganda.’ Global Studies Quarterly, with Eunice Apio and Robin Oryem.

- 2023. ‘How locally-owned and sustainable are victims groups in post-conflict and transitional settings? Reflections from northern Uganda.’ International Journal of Transitional Justice: 1-9.

- 2023. ‘Broadening the scope but reasserting male privilege? Potential patriarchal pitfalls of inclusive approaches to gender-based violence.’ International Feminist Journal of Politics, 25(3): 393-413, with Henri Myrttinen.

- 2022. ‘Taking Love and Care Seriously: An emergent research agenda for remaking worlds in the wake of violence.’ International Studies Review 24(1): 1-15, with Roxani Krystalli.

- 2022. ‘Gender and Transitional Justice.’ Oxford Research Encyclopaedia of International Studies, 1-27, with Maria Martin de Almagro.

- 2022: ‘Political Agency, Victimhood and Gender in Contexts of Armed Conflict: Moving Beyond Dichotomies.’ International Studies Quarterly 66(2), mit Anne-Kathrin Kreft.

- 2022: ‘Self-Care for Gender-Based Violence Researchers: Beyond Bubble-Baths and Chocolate Pralines.’ Qualitative Research, Online First, mit Anne-Kathrin Kreft, Heleen Touquet and Sarah Martin.

- 2022: ‘Accountability for Conflict-Related Sexual Violence.’ Oxford Research Encyclopaedia of International Studies 1-25, mit Anne-Kathrin Kreft.

- 2021: ‘The marketplace of post-conflict assistance in Northern Uganda and beyond.’ Disasters, Online First, with Lars Williams.

- 2021: ‘Researching conflict-related sexual violence: a conversation between early-career-researchers.’ International Feminist Journal of Politics (23)3: 496-504, with Anne-Kathrin-Kreft.

- 2021: Pandemie und Politik. Politiken des Lebens in Zeiten der Corona-Krise. Forum Wissenschaft 1/2021, with Gundula Ludwig: 38-44.

- 2021: ‘From “It Rarely Happens” to “It’s Worse for Men”: Dispelling Misconceptions about Sexual Violence against Men and Boys in Conflict and Displacement.’ Journal of Humanitarian Affairs 2(3): 25-34, with Heleen Touquet, Sarah Chynoweth, Sarah Martin, Chen Reis, Henri Myrttinen, Philipp Schulz, Lewis Turner, David Duriesmith.

- 2020: ‚Politiken des Lebens – ein Lehr- und Ausstellungsprojekt in Zeiten der Covid-19-Pandemie.‘ Femina Politica – Zeitschrift für feministische Politikwissenschaft 2(2020): 149-152, with Gundula Ludwig.

- 2020: ‘Queering Explanatory Frameworks for Wartime Sexual Violence Against Men.’ International Affairs 96(5): 1169-1187, with Heleen Touquet.

- 2020: ‘Navigating vulnerabilities and masculinities – how gendered contexts shape the agency of male sexual violence survivors.’ Security Dialogue 52(3): 213-230, with Heleen Touquet.

- 2020: ‘Recognizing Research Participants Multiple Positionalities in (Post-)Conflict Zones’. Qualitative Research 21(4): 550-567.

- 2019: ‘Towards Inclusive Gender in Transitional Justice: Gaps, Blind-Spots and Opportunities.’ Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding 14(5): 691-710.

- 2019: ‘Quasi-experimental research designs as a tool for assessing the impact of transitional justice instruments.’ The International Journal of Human Rights (Online First): 1-23, with Elisabeth Bunselmeyer.

- 2019: ‘To me, justice means to be in a group.' Survivors' Groups as a Pathway to Justice in Northern Uganda.’ Journal of Human Rights Practice 11(1): 171-189.

- 2019: ‘Examining Male Wartime Rape Survivors' Perspectives on Justice in Northern Uganda.’ Social & Legal Studies. 20(1): 19-40.

- 2018: ‘Luk pe Coo,’ or Compensation as Dowry? Gendered Reflections on Reparations for Conflict-Related Sexual Violence against Men.’ International Journal of Transitional Justice 12(3): 537-548.

- 2018: ‘Displacement from gendered personhood: sexual violence and masculinities in northern Uganda.’ International Affairs 94(5): 1101-1119.*
 * 2018 Cedric Smith Prize, Conflict Research Society (CRS), for best article by a PhD student.

- 2018: ‘The 'Ethical Loneliness' of Male Sexual Violence Survivors in Northern Uganda: Gendered Reflections on Silence.’ International Feminist Journal of Politics (20)4: 583-601.

- 2017: ‘Discussing Community-Based Outreach Activities by the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR).’ Journal of Eastern African Studies 11(2): 347-366.

- 2016: ‘Developing Gender Principles for Dealing with the Legacy of the Past. International Journal of Transitional Justice 10(3): 527-537, with Ahmed, O'Rourke, et al.

- 2016: ‘Justice Seen is Justice Done? – Assessing the Impact of Outreach Activities by the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR).’ Croatian International Relations Review (CIRR) 22(74): 63-93.

- 2015: ‘Transitional Justice for Male Victims of Conflict-Related Sexual and Gender-Based Violence?’ International Journal on Rule of Law, Transitional Justice and Human Rights 6: 39-50.


Chapters in edited volumes


- 2023: ‘Masculinities and Transitional Justice.‘ In: Luke Moffet, Cheryl Lawther and Dov Jacobs (eds.): Research Handbook on Transitional Justice. London: Edward Elgar Publishing (im Erscheinen).

- 2023: ‘Introduction: Developing an Inclusive Conception of Gender in Transitional Justice.’ In: Philipp Schulz, Brandon Hamber und Heleen Touquet (eds.): Masculinities and Queer Perspectives in Transitional Justice. Cambridge: Intersentia (im Erscheinen, with Brandon Hamber und Heleen Touquet).

- 2023: ‘Masculinities and Transitional Justice – Mapping the Field and Critical Questions.’ In: Philipp Schulz, Brandon Hamber und Heleen Touquet (eds.): Masculinities and Queer Perspectives in Transitional Justice. Cambridge: Intersentia (im Erscheinen, with Brandon Hamber).

- 2022: ‘Conducting Participatory Action Research with Sexual Violence Survivors. Reflections on Ethics, Methods and Knowledge Production.’ In: Joel Quirk und Annie Bunting (eds.): Enslavement, conflict and forced marriage in Africa: Methods, ethics, and knowledge production. Ohio University Press (im Erscheinen).

- 2021: ‘Resilience, Transformative Peacebuilding and Transitional Justice in Northern Uganda.’ In: Janine Clark und Michael Unger (eds.): Resilience, Adaptive Peacebuilding and Transitional Justice: How Societies Recover after Collective Violence. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press: 119-142, with Fred Ngomokwe.

- 2020: ‘Research, relationships and reciprocity in Northern Ugandan.’ In: Annie Bunting, Allen Kicongo und Joel Quirk (eds.): Research as more than extraction? Knowledge production and sexual violence in post conflict African societies. London: openDemocracy: 14-16.

- 2019: Gendered Post-Conflict Justice: Male Sexual Violence Victims in Northern Uganda. In: Arnaud Kurze und Christopher Lamont (eds.): New Critical Spaces in Transitional Justice: Gender, Art and Memory. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press: 89-112.


Review Articles and Book Reviews


- 2020: ‘To be a man is not a one day job. Masculinity, Money and Intimacy in Nigeria.’ Africa 90(2): 411-412.

- 2019: ‘Sexual Violence Against Men in Global Politics.’ International Affairs 95(6): 1448-1449.

- 2016: ‘Evelyn Amony. I Am Evelyn Amony: Reclaiming My Life from the Lord's Resistance Army.’ International Feminist Journal of Politics 18(2): 312-314.


Policy Papers and Field Notes


- 2021: ‘Beyond Passive Victims and Agentic Survivors: Responses to Conflict-Related Sexual Violence’ E-International Relations, with Anne-Kathrin Kreft.

- 2016: ‘Workshops Report: Developing Gender Principles for Dealing with the Legacy of the Past.’ Transitional Justice Institute Research Paper Series 14-15: 1-25, with Catherine O'Rourke.

- 2015: ‘Queen's University Belfast's Human Rights Centre (HRC) and University of Ulster's Transitional Justice Institute (TJI) Submission on Reparations Issues pursuant to Article 75 of the Statute.’ Submission to the International Criminal Court (ICC), with Luke Moffett; Rachel Killean; Kieran McEvoy et. al.

- 2014: ‘Outreach and the ICTR: Assessing the Impact of Outreach Activities by the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR).’ Holocaust and Genocide Studies Working Paper: 2. Uppsala: Uppsala University.

- 2012: ‘Paying back what belongs to us: Victim’s Groups in Northern Uganda and their Quest for Reparation.’ Field Note XVI, Justice and Reconciliation Project, with Evelyn Akullo.

- 2012: ‘When a gunman speaks, you listen – Victims’ Experiences and Memories of Conflict in Palabek Sub-County.’ Field Note XV, Justice and Reconciliation Project, with Emon Komakec.

- 2011: To Pardon or To Punish? Current Perceptions and Opinions on Uganda's Amnesty in Acholi-land." Situational Analysis, Justice and Reconciliation Project, with Evelyn Akullo Otwili, Kate Lonergan und Lino Owor Ogora.

- 2011: ‘Moving Forward: Thomas Kwoyelo and the Quest for Justice. Situational Analysis, Justice and Reconciliation Project.

Online Publications


- 2020: ‘Writing about Violence during the Pandemic.’ Duck of Minerva, 17 December 2020.

- 2020: ‘Why it’s time to apply queer perspectives to wartime sexual violence against men.’ International Affairs Blog, 9 October 2020, with Heleen Touquet.

- 2020: ‘Practicing Academic Kindness in the Classroom.’ Duck of Minerva, 17 February 2020.
* Re-Print: Toolbox-Blog, Gender und Diversitykompetenz in der Lehre, Frei Universität Berlin, 5 March 2020.

- 2019: ‘Justice for Male Survivors of Sexual Violence.’ Justice Hub, 13 February 2019.

- 2018: ‘Male Survivors are not ‘emasculated’, but experience ‘displacement from gendered personhood’. LSE Women, Peace and Security Blog, London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), 26 October 2018.

- 2018: ‘How wartime sexual violence affects men.’ International Affairs Blog, September 2018.

- 2017: ‘Born of War: Uganda and Post-Conflict Integration.’ Warscapes, March 2017.

- 2015: ‘Developing Gender Principles for Dealing with the Legacy of the Past.’ RightsNI Blog, with Catherine O'Rourke, December 2015.

- 2015: ‘The importance of victim-centric research on transitional justice.’ Voices Magazine, Ausgabe 10, Justice and Reconciliation Project, November 2015.

- 2015: ‘Conflict-related sexual and gender-based violence against males, in Uganda and Beyond.’ Voices Magazine, Ausgabe 9, Justice and Reconciliation Project, July 2015.

- 2015: ‘The ICC and crimes of sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV).’ Justice Hub, 25 March 2015.

- 2015: ‘Towards 'Justice seen' in the Ntaganda case?’ Justice Hub, 23 March 20115.

  • ‘Gender Perspectives on Peace and Security in International Relations‘, SoSe 2020, Uni Bremen

  • 'War and Peace‘, MA International Relations: Global Governance and Social Theory, University Bremen & Jacobs University of Bremen, WiSe 2019/2020

  • 'Gender and Security‘, SoSe 2019, Uni Bremen

  • Einführung in die Internationalen Beziehungen, Tutorien, WiSe 2918/2019, Uni Bremen

  • 'Transitional Justice', WiSe 2017/2018, Uppsala University

  • 'Introduction to Crime and Deviance', WiSe 2015/2016, Ulster University

*Nominated and shortlisted for the Excellence in Teaching Award