The wall painting

About the wall painting "Theatersaal"


The large-format wall painting titled "Theatersaal" that points the way to the Theatersaal from the street car stop "Universität / Zentralbereich" was created by Niels Schröder, Diplom-Designer and a master student of the UdK in Berlin. The idea to create a wall painting as an artistic means of drawing attention to the diverse cultural offerings presented by the Theatersaal was thought up by graphic designer Wolfgang Zimmermann and Dr. Susanne Gläß, the University of Bremen’s former Director of Musical Activities. Wolfgang Zimmermann then arranged the contact to the Bremen-born artist, Niels Schröder, whose design was eventually implemented. The wall painting illustrates the artistic diversity offered by the Theatersaal – film, theater, and music – as well as the diversity, colorfulness and joie de vivre of the audiences and guests who breathe life into it.

Filmfigur aus dem Wandbild „Theatersaal
Filmfigur aus dem Wandbild „Theatersaal"

Excerpts from the wall painting

On this homepage you can see several excerpts from the wall painting as well as the signs and posters showing the way to the Theatersaal on the University campus. The wall painting and the individual figures it depicts can be separately downloaded and may be used freely on condition of stating details of origin.
