
Public discussion "Poland - A state under the rule of law in danger?“

The Civic Education Forum Lower Saxony of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation organized a discussion on current political developments in Poland in the Zollhaus of Leer on October 7th, 2020 with the participation of Mareike zum Felde.

PD Dr. Kamil Marcinkiewicz from the University of Hamburg introduced the topic of the evening with a lecture on the current state of the (constitutional) judiciary in Poland and the development of the Polish party system since 1989. Afterwards, Mareike zum Felde and Kamil Marcinkiewicz together answered questions from the moderator and the audience based on the current state of research and observations from everyday life in Poland.  The topics of the evening ranged from Polish-Transatlantic and German-Polish relations to the effects of a strongly divided Polish society and the role of history in the rhetoric and politics of the current government.

Mareike zum Felde is a research assistant in subproject 7. Her PhD project deals with Polish higher education policies after 1989.

Mareike zum Felde auf dem Podium