
Successful meeting of the Mod-Block-GDR research consortium at the European University Viadrina

The BMBF-funded Mod-Block-DDR research consortium met at the European University Viadrina in Frankfurt/Oder from 22-23.02.24.

The subject of the consortium meeting was the progress, questions and approaches in the individual sub-projects as well as the planned knowledge transfer activities in Frankfurt/Oder, Bremen and Jena. We would like to thank the organizers for the warm welcome in Frankfurt/Oder and the pleasant meeting!

Our next event will take place on 20.03.24 from 17-19:30 pm in Berlin (Representation of the State of Brandenburg to the Federal Government), where the latest publications of Mod-Block-GDR will be discussed together with Carsten Schneider and Prof. Dr. André Steiner. Interested parties can register for participation until 15.03.24 here (

Heide Fest