Profile & Research
Institute for the Study of Religion and Related Didactics
The Institute for the Study of Religion and Related Didactics encompasses four work areas, each one covering research and teaching on specific topics. All four areas are involved in the training of our students, so that the various focal points are interlinked both in teaching and in day-to-day activities. The general profile and the profiles of the individual work fields are presented here.
This peer-reviewed online journal aims to create and promote a platform for scientific discussions of video games. The aim is to explore both established approaches and new frontiers of research into video games in culture, religion and society.
ISSN 2364-382X
Member's publications
Here you will find publications authored by members of the Institute. They are sorted according to the year of publication and thus provide an insight into current research outputs.
Prof. Dr. Gritt Klinkhammer
Sportturm C6230
Tel. (0421) 218-67920
E-Mail: klinkhammerprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de
Anja Kamrath
Sportturm, C 6110
Tel. (0421) 218 679 01
E-Mail: akamrathprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de
Office hours Monday to Friday from 10 am - 12pm.
Susanne Fliss
Sportturm, C 6120
Tel. (0421)218-67900
E-Mail: flissprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de
Office hours Monday to Friday from 10 am - 12pm.
Postal address
Religionswissenschaft / Religionspädagogik
Sportturm (SpT)
Postfach 330 440
28334 Bremen
Religionswissenschaft / Religionspädagogik
Sportturm (SpT)
Universitäts-Boulevard 18
28359 Bremen