Markus Janczyk

Prof. Dr. phil. habil. Markus Janczyk
Cognium Building, Room 1150
Hochschulring 18
28359 Bremen
Office Hours: Tuesday, 3-4pm (register via email in advance incl. topic and necessary material)
email: janczyk (at)
Phone: +49 (0)421 218-68720
ORCID: 0000-0002-9958-3220
Profile on Google Scholar
Short CV (a full CV can be download here):
- since October 2023: W3-Professor for "Psychological Research Methods and Cognitive Psychology" at the University of Bremen
- since November 2022: W3-Professor at the University of Bremen
- since April 2021: elected member of the Wilhelm-Wundt-Gesellschaft
- April 2020: Award for basic research in psychological science from the Wilhelm-Wundt-Gesellschaft (for more information, see here)
- since April 2019: W2-Professor at the University of Bremen
- Spring 2018: Visiting Researcher at the University of California at Riverside (UCR), CA, USA, Host: Prof. David A. Rosenbaum
- Summer 2017: Representation of the W3 professorship "Language and Cognition" at the Department of Psychology at the University of Tübingen
- Winter 2016/2017: Representation of the W3 professorship "Biological Psychology" at the Department of Psychology at the University of Tübingen
- November 2014: Habilitation at the University of Würzburg
- Oktober 2014-March 2019: Junior professor of general psychology ("cognition and action") at the Department of Psychology at the University of Tübingen
- Oktober 2010-September 2014: Research Assistant (Academic Advisory Council) at the Chair for Psychology III ("Cognitive Psychology") at the University of Würzburg
- August 2010: Doctorate in Dr. phil. at the TU Dortmund
- June 2008: Diploma in psychology from the University of Halle-Wittenberg
- Oktober 2007-September 2010: Research Assistant in the field of "Research Methods in Psychology" at the TU Dortmund
- August 2006-June 2007: Studied "Experimental Psychology" at the University of Nevada at Reno (Reno, USA) with a Fulbright scholarship
- July 2003: First state examination for teaching at special schools at Heidelberg University
Five representative publications (for a list of all publications, please click here):
- Koob, V., Ulrich, R., & Janczyk, M. (2023). Response activation and activation-transmission in response-based backward crosstalk: Analyses and simulations with an extended diffusion model. Psychological Review, 130, 102-136.
- Janczyk, M., & Kunde, W. (2020). Dual tasking from a goal perspective. Psychological Review, 127, 1079-1096.
- Janczyk, M., & Lerche, V. (2019). A diffusion model analysis of the response-effect compatibility effect. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 148, 237-251.
- Liesefeld, H.R., & Janczyk, M. (2019). Combining speed and accuracy to control for speed-accuracy tradeoffs (?). Behavior Research Methods, 51, 40-60.
- Schneider, C., Schonard, C., Franke, M., Jäger, G., & Janczyk, M. (2019). Pragmatic processing: An investigation of the (anti-)presupposition of determiners using mouse-tracking. Cognition, 193, 104024.
Current research projects:
German Research Foundation (DFG) JA2307/10-1: "Validating (easy) measures to combine speed and accuracy". Cooperation project with PD Dr. Heinrich Liesefeld (University of Bremen).
German Research Foundation (DFG) JA2307/8-2: " Executive functions: Are control processes operating on modal or amodal representations?". Cooperation project with Dr. Carolin Dudschig and Prof. Dr. Hartmut Leuthold (University of Tübingen) in the DFG Research Unit FOR 2718 "Modal and amodal cognition: Functions and interactions".
German Research Foundation (DFG) JA2307/8-1: " Executive functions: Are control processes operating on modal or amodal representations?". Cooperation project with Dr. Carolin Dudschig and Prof. Dr. Hartmut Leuthold (University of Tübingen) in the DFG Research Unit FOR 2718 "Modal and amodal cognition: Functions and interactions".
German Research Foundation (DFG) JA2307/7-2: "Amodal and modal representations in planning and control of human action". Cooperation project with Prof. Dr. Volker Franz (University of Tübingen) in the DFG Research Unit FOR 2718 "Modal and amodal cognition: Functions and interactions".
Completed research projects:
- German Research Foundation (DFG) JA2307/7-1: "Modal and amodal representations in planning and control of human action". Cooperation project with Prof. Dr. Volker Franz (University of Tübingen) in the DFG Research Unit FOR 2718 "Modal and amodal cognition: Functions and interactions".
- German Research Foundation (DFG) JA2307 / 6-1: "Revealing mechanisms underlying backward crosstalk effects in multitasking". Cooperation project with Prof. Rolf Ulrich (University of Tübingen) in the DFG Priority Program (SPP) 1772 "Human performance under multiple cognitive task requirements: From basic mechanisms to optimized task scheduling".
- German Research Foundation (DFG) project B2 "Time course of presupposition processing" (with Prof. Dr. Gerhard Jäger, General Linguistics, University of Tübingen, and Prof. Dr. Michael Franke, University of Osnabrück) in the Collaborative Research Center (SFB) 833 "The construction of meaning ".
- German Research Foundation (DFG) JA2307 /1-1 and 1-2: "On distinguishing human behavior by means of their mutual interference".
German Research Foundation (DFG) JA2307 / 3-1: "The role of effect monitoring for dual-task performance." Cooperation project with Prof. Dr. Wilfried Kunde (University of Würzburg) in the DFG Priority Program (SPP) 1772 "Human performance under multiple cognitive task requirements: From basic mechanisms to optimized task scheduling".
- Ministry of Science, Research and Art Baden-Württemberg (MWK): "Types and sources of backward crosstalk".
Teaching experience:
- Methods / statistics: research methods in psychology, (inference) statistics, PSY 210 (Universiity of Nevada at Reno), mathematical models in psychology, cognitive modelling, scientific work, data analysis with R / SPSS, internships
- General psychology: lectures on learning, motivation, emotion. Language, memory. Psychomotor skills and action control, introductory lectures for students of other subjects (topics: awareness, learning, memory, thinking), seminars on various topics (language use, action control, learning and memory), exercises
Other scientifically relevant activities:
- Promotion of young talent: Idea and organization of the 1st doctoral workshop General Psychology (with Roland Pfister) in June 2012 at the University of Würzburg; Organization of two summer / winter schools on human action control in Cluj-Napoca (Romania) with Stefan Scherbaum (September 2015) and in Tübingen (February (2017); organization of HesKoP 2016
- 2017-December 2018: Assessor of the speaker group of the "General Psychology" section of the German Psychological Society (DGPs)
- 2015-2018: PI representative of the speaker group of SPP 1772 (1st funding phase)
Expert activity:
Magazines: Acta Psychologica; Advances in Cognitive Psychology; American Journal of Psychology; Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics; Cognition; Cognitive Science; Cognitive Processing; Consciousness and Cognition; Experimental Brain Research; Experimental Psychology; Frontiers in Psychology; Human Brain Mapping; Journal of Cognitive Psychology; Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance; Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition; Learning and Individual Differences; Memory & Cognition; New Ideas in Psychology; PLoS One; Psychological Research; Psychonomic Bulletin & Review; Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology; The Clinical Neuropsycholoigst
- Third-party funding: German Research Foundation (DFG), Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF), Israel Science Foundation (ISF)