Center for Computing Technologies (TZI)
Technology that serves humans
The Center for Computing Technologies (TZI) at the University of Bremen conducts research at the core of a massive societal trend: The digital revolution, which affects all areas of our lives. Important research questions include: What kind of technologies will we have in 10 to 20 years? How can we make sure that they will be safe, dependable, and beneficial for society? And most of all: How can technology serve humans–instead of replacing them?
TZI has conducted research in these areas since its foundation in 1995, working on approximately 120 projects per year. One main goal is to transfer results from basic research to industry as quickly as possible in order to generate the greatest benefits for society.
The knowledge generated in our projects has already been applied in a wide range of areas such as healthcare, telecommunication, automotive industry, and “smart homes.” This is made possible by encouraging interdisciplinary cooperation of scientists in different fields. On average, about 150 employees from various areas at the University of Bremen are TZI members. In addition, many projects are based on international cooperation with other research institutions.
TZI focuses on two main research areas:„Everyday Activity Science and Engineering Innovation" and „Empowering Digital Media“.
New colleague Lisa Hesselbarth
Carolin Stellmacher as SV Chair at the SUI 2024 conference
Mehrdad Bahrini successfully defendet his Doctoral Thesis
ComNets at the EWSN '24 in Abu Dhabi
Katharina Hasenlust at the European Public Health Conference in Lisbon
Global Game Jam 2025
Thomas Mildner and Nima Zargham at the MUM 2024 conference
Workshop on Responsible and Ethical AI in CUI-Technologies
AI and Art: Panel Discussion at the Kunsthalle Bremen
Leveraging AI for Wildlife Monitoring: Enhancing Coexistence between Wolves, Humans, and Livestock
Ameneh, Mehrdad and Rainer in Manaus at IFIP-ICEC 2024
The Interaction Fidelity Model: Free Posters
IoT lecture: Final Project Presentations
Final Muhai Meeting
New course started: Internet of Tings (IoT)
DAAD Summer School 2024 in Bremen
Explore Science Update: Children and young people conduct research for environmental protection
SynData project launched as a sub-project of Data Competence Center DataNord
Leon Dratzidis and Lisa Hesselbarth at Mensch und Computer 2024
GoodIT 2024: Keynote speakers
ACM GoodIT 2024
Poster Session 'Science of the Masters' 2024
Current MoleNet status
Rainer Malaka at CAMT in Chiang Mai
Yvonne Rogers attended the Defenses of her Students at our Lab
Senator Moosdorf visited us at the Digital Media Lab
Four Dissertations in Three Days
TZI| EASE| Projekte| Forschung| Lehre|
Graduiertenkolleg mit TZI-Beteiligung bewilligt
TZI| EASE| Projekte| Forschung| Transfer|
Universität Bremen ist Gründungsmitglied des Robotics Institute Germany
Get in touch with MoleNet
Carolin Stellmacher at CHI 2024 on Hawaii
Honourable Mention for Nima Zargham's paper at the CHI 2024
IEEE SmartNets'24
Welcome to Iddo Wald as a new colleague in our working group
KI Innovation made in Bremen
Rainer Malaka attended the IFIP Board Meeting in Toronto, Canada
PHD Defense of Michael Bonfert
Chronische Hauterkrankungen: KI unterstützt die sichere Lichttherapie zu Hause
TZI| Forschung| Transfer|
Volles Haus und eine Wette auf Bremen
Global Game Jam 2024
PHD Defense of Georg Volkmar
Welcome to our new colleague Fenja Schweder
PHD Defense of Supara Grudpan
Johanna Rockstroh receives DAAD scholarship for the PaCoCo project in Paris
Global Game Jam 2024
Load Balancing on Vehicular Networks
Rainer Malaka and Michael Bonfert at the Heidelberg Laureate Forum 2023
IoT course 2023 is over
Poster Session 'Science of the Masters'
Das Goldene Plietsch
This was NetSys'23
Rainer Malaka as a juror at the Explore Science school competitions
IoT Lecture in the Summer Semester
Laura Spillner and Rachel Ringe present at IJCAI 2023.
NetSys 2023
Content-Centric Networking in the IoT
Leon Dratzidis in our hyBit Project
The Opportunistic Zoo
VR against fear of heights
Making Virtual Worlds Real - Michael Bonfert in the Klaus Tschira Foundation's Alumni Summer Series
LoRa in OMNeT++
The Digital Media Lab at the Summer School of the Leibniz ScienceCampus Digital Public Health
Visiting Students from Sri Lanka
Summer School on HCI for Well-being
ACM CUI 2023 Conference: Workshop From C-3PO to HAL
CHI2023: Honorable Mention for Interactivity
10-Years Impact Award for Tanja Döring
Talk about Usable Security from Florian Alt
The Digital Media Lab at CHI 2023
Visit from Johannes Pfau from the GUII Lab from the University of California, Santa Cruz
ACM CHI 2023: Paper and "Honorable Mention"
Girls Day 2023
New Member of our Working Group
Digital Media Lab Retreat in Wilhelmshaven
Mr. Bovenschulte visits the Digital Media Lab
Global Game Jam 2023
I AI, you Jane
Thomas Münder new post-doctoral fellow
Welcome to two new colleagues in our working group
Project hyBit: Interaction design for a hydrogen hub
The Digital Media Lab organizes CHI Play 2022
Grundlagen der Informationstechnik
The Digital Media Lab likes fairness
Smart Farming Made Simple
New PostDoc Anke Reinschlüssel
New member in our working group
Get together in our new location
3 Ph.D. Positions (m/f/d) to be filled
New Colleague in the Digital Media Lab
Presentations on CHI 2022 in New Orleans
Network of Excellence in Advanced ICT for Tropical Medicine
Biosignals in Virtual Reality
Student Thesis Club
TZI| EDM| Lehre| Transfer|
FabLab exhibition: City Campus in 3D
We have moved up to the 6th floor of the MZH!
New member of our working group
PHD Defense of Susanne Putze
University of Bremen in "Low Poly"
Best Paper award!
PHD Defense of Dmitry Alexandrovsky
Exchange with the University College Dublin
Talk with Maximilian A. Friehs from University College Dublin
IoT Innovation Project starts
New members for our working group
General Studies Seminar "Aspects of Sustainability"
PHD Defense of Johannes Pfau
CHI2021 Late-Breaking Work “Ethical User Interfaces - Exploring the Effects of Dark Patterns on Facebook”
#CHI2021 Late-Breaking Work based on the VIVATOP Project
CHI 2021 Workshop “Evaluating User Experiences in Mixed Reality”
Publication at CHI 2021
EU-Project MUHAI goes online
Best Full Paper Award at IFIP-ICEC 2020 for Nat Sarakit and Rainer Malaka
'Honorable Mention Award' for a Publication at the CHIPlay 2020
Digital-Media-Lab Meeting in SocialVR
Surgery Training with Robots and Virtual Reality
Accepted Publications at CHI 2020
Publication of a Theory of Affordance
Global Game Jam 2020
Lecture by Ioannis at the graduation ceremony of FB3
Successful publication at the CHI2020
Rainer Malaka visits Chiang Mai University, Thailand
Ioannis Bikas new Colleague of the Digital Media Lab Bremen
DMLab at the ICEC-JCSG 2019 in Arequipa, Peru
EU-Projekt first.stage finished and reviewed
Digital Media Lab at the "Mensch und Computer 2019" Conference
TZI researches the use of chatbots in the Bremen Citizen Service
Himanshu Sarma successfully defends his doctoral thesis
Game Jam: Serious Games and Gamification at MuC 2019
VIVATOP: How Virtual Reality and 3D-printed models make surgery easier
Direktor und Vorstand neu gewählt
Nima Zargham new Colleague of the Digital Media Lab Bremen
We welcome a new PHD student in our group
MAL Project at the BMBF Future Congress
TZI| Forschung| Lehre| Transfer|
Prof. Herzog als einer der zehn prägenden Persönlichkeit der KI-Forschung ausgezeichnet
EASE| Projekte| Transfer|
German HCI Party
Challenge for more practical experience in study programme
Immerse yourself in virtual worlds: Interaction design research for virtual reality
Get a Grip! - Variable Grip for Controller-Based VR Systems
EASE| Projekte|
Polite interaction with language assistants
EASE| Forschung| Internationalisierung|
Professor Michael Beetz erhält Ehrendoktorwürde
Climbing in Virtual Reality
If You Ask Nicely
TZI| AK| Projekte| Transfer|
TZI unterstützt Bewerbung als 5G-Modellregion
TZI| AK| Forschung| Transfer|
Wie 5G unser Leben verändert
TZI| EDM| Projekte| Forschung| Transfer|
Mini-Computer bewährt sich in der Grundschule
TZI| EDM| Projekte| Forschung| Transfer|
Bildung wird digital
TZI| EDM| Projekte| Forschung| Transfer|
Neue Lerntechnologien ausprobieren bei der Info-Tour „Erfahrbares Lernen“
TZI| EASE| Transfer| Internationalisierung|
Oberösterreich zu Gast im TZI
TZI| EDM| Projekte| Transfer|
TZI-Team belegt ersten Platz beim Gründerwettbewerb
TZI| AK| Transfer|
Leitthema Adaptive Kommunikation auf der Forschungsmeile
TZI| EDM| Projekte| Forschung|
Virtuelle Marslandschaft ermöglicht Test von Roboterschwärmen
TZI| EASE| Forschung| Transfer|
Automatica-Besucher beteiligten sich an KI-Forschung
Presentation in Ruzena Bajcsy Lectures on Communications
ComNets goes to space!
kids4mint - ran an die Elektrotechnik!
New Miner Location System
Minds, Media, Machines
Teaching the Internet of Things
Prof. Förster's TEDxTUHH talk now available online
Introduction to Wireless Sensor Networks
Vortrag "Entscheidungsprozesse in Kommunikationsnetzen: Naturinspirierte Verfahren"
Talk: Pervasive Systems at a Glance
Useful, real-life solutions require a combination of competencies. Structuring the research on the basis of three main topics enables the TZI to bring together the best specialists for each project. This interdisciplinary approach makes it possible to work successfully on increasingly complex application problems.
TZI board members
Prof. Dr. Rainer Malaka (Director)
Prof. Dr. Michael Beetz
EASE innovation
Prof. Dr. Anna Förster
Prof. Dr. Gabriel Zachmann
Research managers
Dr. Karsten Sohr
Sabine Veit
EASE innovation
Dr. Gerald Volkmann
- Prof. Schneider (High Frequency Technology)
- Prof. U. Bormann, Prof. C. Bormann (Computer Networks)
- Prof. Förster (Communication Netzworks)
- Prof. Dekorsy (Communications Engineering)
- Prof. Garcia-Ortiz (Integrated Digital Systems)
EASE Innovation
- Prof. Beetz (Artificial Intelligence)
- Prof. U. Bormann, Prof. C. Bormann (Computer Networks)
- Prof. Malaka (Digital Media)
- Prof. Zachmann (Computer Graphics & Virtual Reality)
Empowering Digital Media
- Prof. Beetz (Artificial Intelligence)
- Prof. Malaka (Digital Media)
- Prof. Zachmann (Computer Graphics & Virtual Reality)
- Prof. Schöning (Human-Computer Interaction)
- Prof. U. Bormann, C. Bormann (Computer Networks)
- Prof. Gogolla (Database Systems)
- Prof. Koschke (Software Engineering)
Professors emeriti
- Prof. Schelhowe (Digital Media in Education)
- Prof. Otthein Herzog
- Prof. Kreowski (Theoretical Computer Science)
Associate members
In addition to the full members of the TZI, we work with the following professors of the University of Bremen and the University of Applied Sciences Bremen via associated memberships:
TZI Center for Computing Technologies
Faculty 03: Mathematics/Computer Science, Faculty 01: Physics/Electrical Engineering
University Bremen
P.O. Box 33 04 40, D-28334 Bremen
Bibliothekstr. 5, D-28359 Bremen
Fon: +49-(0) 421 218-64090
E-Mail: info(at)
David Wewetzer
Bibliothekstr. 5, D-28359 Bremen
Fon: +49-(0) 421 218-64093
E-Mail: wewetzer(at)