Center for Computing Technologies (TZI)

Technology that serves humans

The Center for Computing Technologies (TZI) at the University of Bremen conducts research at the core of a massive societal trend: The digital revolution, which affects all areas of our lives. Important research questions include: What kind of technologies will we have in 10 to 20 years? How can we make sure that they will be safe, dependable, and beneficial for society? And most of all: How can technology serve humans–instead of replacing them?

TZI has conducted research in these areas since its foundation in 1995, working on approximately 120 projects per year. One main goal is to transfer results from basic research to industry as quickly as possible in order to generate the greatest benefits for society.

The knowledge generated in our projects has already been applied in a wide range of areas such as healthcare, telecommunication, automotive industry, and “smart homes.” This is made possible by encouraging interdisciplinary cooperation of scientists in different fields. On average, about 150 employees from various areas at the University of Bremen are TZI members. In addition, many projects are based on international cooperation with other research institutions.

TZI focuses on two main research areas:„Everyday Activity Science and Engineering Innovation" and „Empowering Digital Media“.

Ameneh Asafari, Rainer Malaka and Mehrdad Bahrini at ICEC 2024

Ameneh, Mehrdad and Rainer in Manaus at IFIP-ICEC 2024

At The 23rd International Federation for Information Processing – International Conference on Entertainment Computing (IFIP-ICEC 2024), our colleagues Ameneh Asafari and Mehrdad Bahrini presented their respective papers. Together with Prof. Rainer Malaka, they visited the conference from 30th of…

Interaction Fidelity Model

The Interaction Fidelity Model: Free Posters

The Interaction Fidelity Model: Free Posters

VR researchers at the Digital Media Lab devised the Taxonomy of the Interaction Fidelity Model in cooperation with experts from the University of Hamburg and Virginia Tech, US. It's now published in the International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction…

Ein kleines Gewächshaus mit vielen Sensoren und einer Pflanze

IoT lecture: Final Project Presentations

Our students presented their final projects at the end of the two week block lecture.

Final Muhai Meeting in Venice

Final Muhai Meeting

The project participants of our Muhai project met in Venice to finalize and present volume 2 of the book Narrative-based Understanding of Everyday Activities: An AI Cookbook, to discuss the joint activities and to plan the way forward for the last months of the project.

The “cookbook” is a 3-volume…

Two students are working on one IoT device. One can see the device, the hands and their computers.

New course started: Internet of Tings (IoT)

Over 30 students at Universität Bremen registered for our intensive 2-week IoT course. Learn from global experts on 5G, 802.15.4 with 6TiSCH, WiFi, LoRa, Arduino, and more.

Jutta Günther, Peter Haddawy, and Anna Förster at the opening of the DAAD Summer School in September 2024.

DAAD Summer School 2024 in Bremen

DAAD Summer School Network of Excellence in Advanced ICT for Tropical Medicine took place in Bremen.

Rainer Malaka as juror at the student competitions

Explore Science Update: Children and young people conduct research for environmental protection

From September 5-7 the Klaus Tschira Foundation's “Explore Science” experience days were held in Bremen. Around 10,000 children, young people and adults took the opportunity to discover the topic of “Climate & Environment” at exciting hands-on stations, workshops, school competitions and a varied…

Robert Porzel (white shirt) at SynData kick off

SynData project launched as a sub-project of Data Competence Center DataNord

The kick-off meeting of the sub-projects of DataNord, the data competence center for the Bremen region founded in 2023, was held on 6 August 2024. We were represented by our colleague Robert Porzel with our sub-project 'SynData', in which new approaches to generating research data are being…

Leon Dratzidis and Lisa Hesselbarth at Mensch und Computer 2024

At Mensch und Computer (MuC) 2024, we were successfully represented with two workshop papers in the Tangible Interaction workshop! Our PhD students Lisa Hesselbarth and Leon Dratzidis shared their research results in the areas of touchless smartphone interaction in kitchen environments and creative…

The GoodIT Keynote speakers are Paul Spiesberger and Thomas BASIKOLO

GoodIT 2024: Keynote speakers

ComNets proudly presents Thomas BASIKOLO and Paul Spiesberger as the keynote speakers for the GoodIT2024!

Die Vorbereitungen zur GoodIT laufen: Auf dem Bild werden gerade die Beutel für die Teilnehmer gepackt. Es sind Stifte, Taschen und noch viele weitere Goodies zu sehen.

ACM GoodIT 2024

The ACM GoodIT 2024 takes place in Bremen.

Students at SoM conference explaining their work

Poster Session 'Science of the Masters' 2024

On Friday, August 30, 2024, the “Science of Masters” (SOM) conference took place for the second time. Students from the courses 'Applied Computer Science in Sports', 'Embodied Interaction' and 'Current Topics in HCI' presented their results from a self-formulated research question.

With a total of…

Ein 3D Rendering unserer Leiterplatte

Current MoleNet status

Our MoleNet platform is widely used by our students who are doing their research in IoT. Now, we have made a step forward regarding the next hardware version.

Prof. Rainer Malaka at CAMT at Chiang Mai University

Rainer Malaka at CAMT in Chiang Mai

Rainer Malaka is currently at the College of Arts, Media and Technology (CAMT) at Chiang Mai University (Thailand) where he gives lectures in Entertainment Computing, HCI and AI. Also he gave a talk "AI - Hype, Hysteria, and Reality - Towards Human-Centric and Empowering Digital Media".

He's there…

Yvonne Rogers (center) with PhD students

Yvonne Rogers attended the Defenses of her Students at our Lab

Yvonne Rogers, Professor at University College London (UCL) and Director of its Interaction Centre (UCLIC), visited us at the Digital Media Lab by end of June to attend the defenses of her PHD students Nadine Wagner and Evropi Stefanidi, as well as Nima Zargham's, whom she supervised and supportet…

Senator Moosdorf with students from the HyBit-Projekt

Senator Moosdorf visited us at the Digital Media Lab

In June, Ms. Moosdorf, Bremen's Senator for Climate, Environment and Science, visited us in the Digital Media Lab to get an impression of our work in the fields of artificial intelligence (AI) and virtual and augmented reality (VR/AR).

We presented her a selection of our projects in this context:

Thomas Mildner, Nadine Wagner, Evropi Stefanidi and Nima Zargham with their PHD hats

Four Dissertations in Three Days

Last week we had a doctoral marathon: within three days, four of our PhD candidates successfully defended their dissertations. And all four with top marks!

Thomas Mildner started on Friday, June 21 with his dissertation "Mitigating Dark Patterns Through Responsible Design Ethical Design…

TZI| EASE| Projekte| Forschung| Lehre|

Graduiertenkolleg mit TZI-Beteiligung bewilligt

Das Graduiertenkolleg CAUSE wird sich mit der Entwicklung von technischen Systemen befassen, die ihre Annahmen, Schlüsse und weiteren Vorgehensweisen den menschlichen Nutzerinnen und Nutzern erklären können.

TZI| EASE| Projekte| Forschung| Transfer|

Universität Bremen ist Gründungsmitglied des Robotics Institute Germany

Prof. Michael Beetz und sein Team wurden aufgrund ihrer umfassenden Expertise in der KI-basierten Robotik in das Netzwerk der führenden Forschungseinrichtungen aufgenommen.

MoleNet wird in der Bremer Innenstadt von ComNets Mitarbeitern präsentiert.

Get in touch with MoleNet

MoleNet goes public: Digital Impact Lab in the Bremen city center

Carolin Stellmacher at the CHI 2024 on Hawaii

Carolin Stellmacher at CHI 2024 on Hawaii

Three of our PhD students from he Digital Media Lab published four full papers at this year’s ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2024) held on Hawaii. Thomas Mildner, Nima Zargham und Carolin Stellmacher shared their most recent research in the fields of ethical design…

Nima with his certificate, ©I.Laumann

Honourable Mention for Nima Zargham's paper at the CHI 2024

Nima Zargham received an Honourable Mention at CHI 2024 for his paper ‘I Know What You Mean’: Context-Aware Recognition to Enhance Speech-Based Games. It is located in the scientific field of ‘Games User Research’ and investigates a novel method called context-aware speech recognition, which uses…

Eine Leiterplatte mit dem Schriftzug "ComNets Uni Bremen"

IEEE SmartNets'24

Our work on evaluating Reflexive Forwarding for ICNs was accepted at IEEE SmartNets'24

Iddo Wald, ©Gabriel Baharlia

Welcome to Iddo Wald as a new colleague in our working group

Since April Iddo Wald works as a doctoral student at the Digital Media Lab. He is a multidisciplinary researcher, designer and engineer. In the past he worked as an Electrical Engineer for Intel, completed his MA/MSc in Innovation Design Engineering from the Royal College of Art and Imperial College…

TZI's CEO Prof. Rainer Malaka explains the Muhai Project to University of Bremen’s Chancellor Frauke Meyer

KI Innovation made in Bremen

Beginning of April, the I2B event "TZI Roadshow: AI Innovation made in Bremen" took place in the TAB building of the University of Bremen, where examples of work created at TZI were presented.

As a member of the TZI, we from the Digital Media Lab presented eight projects: With applications such as…

Members ot the IFIP Board at the meeting in Toronto, Canada

Rainer Malaka attended the IFIP Board Meeting in Toronto, Canada

Rainer Malaka attended the IFIP Board Meeting in Toronto, Canada from march 25th to 27th. The International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) is a global organization in Information and Communications Technologies and Sciences and is recognized by the United Nations and other world…

 Michael Bonfert's PHD Defense

PHD Defense of Michael Bonfert

On April 12th, Michael Bonfert successfully defended his dissertation. In his thesis "Unraveling the fidelity of virtual reality interactions: effects of realism in object manipulation and embodiment", Michael deals with immersive experiences created with…

Chronische Hauterkrankungen: KI unterstützt die sichere Lichttherapie zu Hause

In einem gemeinsamen Forschungsprojekt entwickeln das Technologie-Zentrum Informatik und Informationstechnik (TZI) der Universität Bremen und das Start-up Skinuvita neue KI-basierte Bildanalyseverfahren.

TZI| Forschung| Transfer|

Volles Haus und eine Wette auf Bremen

Wirtschaft und Wissenschaft trafen sich am 9. April an der Universität Bremen, um vielfältige Demonstratoren aus der TZI-Forschung zu besichtigen und über Kooperationsmöglichkeiten zu sprechen.

The Organizers of the GGJ 2024, © I.Laumann

Global Game Jam 2024

This year's Global Game Jam (GGJ) took place from January 26-28, 2024. The event is comparable to a hackathon, where people come together in different locations for 48 hours to develop games on a central theme. It is organized worldwide in physical and virtual locations in over a hundred countries…

 Georg Volkmar; ©Rainer Malaka

PHD Defense of Georg Volkmar

In January 2024, Georg Volkmar held the successful defense of his PHD thesis "Empowering novices through playful self-expression - the role of creativity and video games in the context of virtual reality exposure therapy".

Serious games have long been studied in HCI for their potential to support…

Foto unserer neuen Mitarbeiterin Fenja Schweder

Welcome to our new colleague Fenja Schweder

Since 15.12.2023 we have a new colleague in our working group: Fenja Schweder.

Fenja holds a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science from the University of Bremen and a Master's degree in Data and Computer Science from the University of Heidelberg. During her stay in Heidelberg, Fenja worked for the …

[Translate to English:] Supara Grudpan with her Supervisor Prof. Rainer Malaka

PHD Defense of Supara Grudpan

On November 13, Supara Grudpan successfully defended her doctoral thesis "The M-SG framework: A framework for Multiplayer Cooperative Serious Game Development". Supara was a long and valued member of our research group. Because of Covid, she went back to Thailand and has been working there at Chang…

Johanna Rockstroh

Johanna Rockstroh receives DAAD scholarship for the PaCoCo project in Paris

As part of the DAAD-funded Program for Project-Related Personal Exchange (PROCOPE), Johanna Rockstroh has been awarded a scholarship for the PaCoCo (Parallel Corpus Exploration of Interrogatives with French 'Comment') project in Paris.

She will work there as a developer in the field of NLP together…

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Global Game Jam 2024

The Global Game Jam will take place again on 26.01.2024. This developing a game in a small group with other participants in only 48 hours - snacks and drinks will of course be provided. If you are interested, come on the 26th of January at 4 PM in the E0 of the MZH and register at https://globalgame…

People listening to the presentation of a student

Load Balancing on Vehicular Networks

Distributed Adaptive CPM Generation Control Approach to Minimize the Channel Load in VANETs

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Rainer Malaka and Michael Bonfert at the Heidelberg Laureate Forum 2023

Rainer Malaka and Michael Bonfert are guests at the Heidelberg Laureate Forum 2023 this week. Under the motto "Encouraged by Excellence," laureates of the highest awards in computer science and mathematics will exchange ideas with young scientists from all over the world. For the tenth anniversary,…

IoT course

IoT course 2023 is over

Completion of Internet of Things Course (SoSe 2023)

 Generated with DALL-E

Poster Session 'Science of the Masters'

This year there will be a premiere in our lab: students from three different lectures will present the results they have achieved in the respective courses in a poster session at a joint event. The aim is to introduce students to scientific work such as conference presentations, but in a smaller…

The winners: Julia Twachtmann, Bror Giesenbauer, Anna Förster, Detta Sophie Schütz, Guido Schmiemann (from left)

Das Goldene Plietsch

Receiving the "The Golden Plietsch" award for MoleNet

Eine Leiterplatte mit dem Schriftzug "ComNets Uni Bremen"

This was NetSys'23

Completion of the NetSys'23 Conference in Potsdam, Germany

Rainer Malaka (left) as Juror at Explore Science

Rainer Malaka as a juror at the Explore Science school competitions

Since summer of 2018, the annual science experience days of the Klaus Tschira Foundation, "Explore Science", have been held in Bremen, this year on the topic "Mathematics" .

Rainer Malaka , director of the graduate college "Empowering Digital Media", which is also funded by the Klaus Tschira…

Eine Leiterplatte mit dem Schriftzug "ComNets Uni Bremen"

IoT Lecture in the Summer Semester

Internet of Things Course Preparation for the Summer Semester 2023 (Block Course)

Rachel Ringe (left) and Laura Spillner, ©Rachel Ringe

Laura Spillner and Rachel Ringe present at IJCAI 2023.

Laura Spillner and Rachel Ringe attended the IJCAI 2023 in Macau, an international conference on artificial intelligence and gathering of international AI researchers.

At the Explainable AI (XAI) workshop Laura gave a presentation on the paper '"Finding Uncommon Ground: A Human-Centered Model for…

Eine Leiterplatte mit dem Schriftzug "ComNets Uni Bremen"

NetSys 2023

NetSys'23 Involvement of ComNets

Eine Leiterplatte mit dem Schriftzug "ComNets Uni Bremen"

Content-Centric Networking in the IoT

Completion of Combined Mester Theses on Implementing Content-Centric Networking for the Internet of Things

© Leon Dratzidis

Leon Dratzidis in our hyBit Project

After finishing his master thesis in computer science, Leon Dratzidis joined our research group as a new member in the middle of August. His research interests are Virtual Reality, Haptic Interfaces and Tangible User Interfaces. He is working in our project hyBit, where he will further pursue his…

Eine Leiterplatte mit dem Schriftzug "ComNets Uni Bremen"

The Opportunistic Zoo

New journal paper published

Prof. Rainer Malaka, CEO Digital Media Lab; Screenshot from Buten&Binnen-Video

VR against fear of heights

In the Buten-und-Binnen video "So versucht diese Bremerin ihre Höhenangst zu besiegen" ("How this Bremen woman is trying to overcome her fear of heights"), Prof. Rainer Malaka, head of the "Digital Media Lab", explains how and why virtual reality is being used in research to counteract fear of…

[Translate to English:] ©Michael Bonfert

Making Virtual Worlds Real - Michael Bonfert in the Klaus Tschira Foundation's Alumni Summer Series

With its funding programmes, the Klaus Tschira Foundation supports scientists in many ways, like the graduate school Empowering Digital Media, which is hosted by us in the Digital Media Lab.

This year's summer series "Six Questions for..." features six of its alumni. One of them is Michael Bonfert,…

Eine Leiterplatte mit dem Schriftzug "ComNets Uni Bremen"

LoRa in OMNeT++

Implementation of ContikiMac Protocol on OMNeT++ with FLoRa

Dr. Anke Reinschlüssel, © Laura Maaß

The Digital Media Lab at the Summer School of the Leibniz ScienceCampus Digital Public Health

Our colleague Dr Anke Reinschlüssel, who works as a PostDoc in the Leibniz ScienceCampus Digital Public Health project in cooperation with the Leibniz Institute for Prevention Research and Epidemiology - BIPS, gave a lecture on Monday at their SummerSchool with the title "Designing the Digital in…

Eine Leiterplatte mit dem Schriftzug "ComNets Uni Bremen"

Visiting Students from Sri Lanka

Students from Sri Lanka doing Research Internship

Summer School Logo

Summer School on HCI for Well-being

From the 28th to the 30th of June “Spaces and Interfaces: A Summer School on HCI for Well-being” will take place: Rapid developments in computational sensing, processing, and learning are the source of excitement as well as trepidation. A challenge for Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) is to leverage…

ACM CUI 2023 Conference: Workshop From C-3PO to HAL

With the workshop "From C-3PO to HAL" at the ACM CUI 2023 conference some of our colleages tackle the discourse about "the dark side of multi-modal social agents":

As these agents are more and more integrated in our daily routines and while creating emotional bonds with them, the number of…

Interactivity at the Chi2023

CHI2023: Honorable Mention for Interactivity

Anke Reinschlüssel, Tanja Döring and Thomas Münder received an Honorable Mention for their Interacitvity "Versatile Immersive Virtual and Augmented Tangible OR - Using VR, AR and Tangibles to Support Surgical Practice" at CHI2023, a work developed in the context of the BMBF funded project VIVATOP.

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10-Years Impact Award for Tanja Döring

The paper "A Design Space for Ephemeral User Interfaces" by our colleague Tanja Döring et al. received the 10-Year Impact Award at the TEI 2023,  In the photo, she is seen together with Eva Hornecker and Paweł W. Woźniak at the Copernicus Science Center in Warsaw.

Congrats, Tanja! We're very…

Talk about Usable Security from Florian Alt

Florian Alt, Professor of Usable Security at BW University Munich, will give a talk at our Graduate College on Monday, May 15, 2023, from 2pm to 3pm, titled "Where Ubicomp Meets Usable Security - Novel Security User Interfaces based on User Behavior and Physiology". Those interested are welcome to…

Digital Media Lab at the CHI2023

The Digital Media Lab at CHI 2023

The CHI 2023 will take place in Hamburg this year. We are pleased to be represented several times:

Thomas Mildner will give talks on "About Engaging and Governing Strategies: A Thematic Analysis of Dark Patterns in Social Networking Services", where the underlying paper was awarded an Honorable…

Visit from Johannes Pfau from the GUII Lab from the University of California, Santa Cruz

Our former colleague Johannes Pfau visited us today and gave us an overview of his work as a PostDoc at the Game User Interaction and Intelligence Labs (GUII-Lab) with topics like Smart Cities, Religion & Virtual Reality, Player-Driven Game Analytics, etc.. It was exciting to get a closer look about…

ACM CHI 2023: Paper and "Honorable Mention"

We are pleased to announce that a paper titled 'About Engaging and Governing Strategies: A Thematic Analysis of Dark Patterns in Social Networking Services'  has been accepted for publication at the 2023 ACM CHI conference. The paper's contribution to the field of dark patterns and online ethics has…

Eine Leiterplatte mit dem Schriftzug "ComNets Uni Bremen"

Girls Day 2023

Das war der Girls Day 2023 organisiert von ComNets

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New Member of our Working Group

Since the beginning of February, Johanna Rockstroh is a new member of our research group.

Johanna has a master's degree in foreign language linguistics and additionally studied computational linguistics. Her research interests are in natural language processing (NLP) and human-robot interaction.…

Retreat in Bremerhaven

Digital Media Lab Retreat in Wilhelmshaven

This year we were finally able to go on an AG retreat together again. We had three days in a hotel at the North Sea in Wilhelmshaven in a relaxed atmosphere to discuss scientific as well as working group related topics that are relevant for us. In between we had time for 'team building' activities…

Mr. Bovenschulte at the Digital Media Lab

Mr. Bovenschulte visits the Digital Media Lab

Bremen's mayor Mr. Bovenschulte visited us last Wednesday, to inform himself about virtual reality (VR) technologies at the TZI. Colleagues from our and other TZI working groups presented him projects realized in VR such as Vivatop, a system to support surgeons during surgery. A detailed overview of…

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Global Game Jam 2023

At last: This year the Global Game Jam (GGJ) will be held again in person here at the university!

The GGJ is an annual event that takes place simultaneously all over the world and where players develop a computer or board game within 48 hours. You don't have to be a professional game developer.…

"Der Denker"-Robot

I AI, you Jane

Bremen Innovativ published an exciting article about the project MUHAI - "Meaning and Understanding in Human-centric AI", in which we are involved. The research project is looking for solutions for human-centric AI that can make sense of content when interacting with spoken language. "We want to…

Dr. Thomas Münder

Thomas Münder new post-doctoral fellow

In November 2022, Thomas Münder successfully defended his doctoral thesis "Understanding natural haptic interaction: investigating haptic feedback in professional virtual reality applications".

His dissertation investigates the theoretical foundation of natural interaction with haptic feedback in…

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Welcome to two new colleagues in our working group

We welcome two new colleagues in our working group: Rachel Ringe in the project MUHAI and Vino Avanesi in our PHD program EDM.

Rachel is interested in exploring the possibilities of using smartphones with all their included sensors and cameras in combination with VR applications.

Vino's background…

Eine Leiterplatte mit dem Schriftzug "ComNets Uni Bremen"


New Seminar on the Internet

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Project hyBit: Interaction design for a hydrogen hub

This week was the official kick-off event for the new research project hyBit - Hydrogen for Bremen's Industrial Transformation. With nearly 100 people from science, business and politics participating, it was three days of engaging exchanges and an impressive visit to Bremen's steel mill.


The Digital Media Lab organizes CHI Play 2022

From 02 to 05 November 2022, we are organizing the Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play (CHI PLAY 2022) at the Congress Centrum Bremen (CCB). CHI PLAY is an annual international conference of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). In the field of player-computer…

Eine Leiterplatte mit dem Schriftzug "ComNets Uni Bremen"

Grundlagen der Informationstechnik

New lecture is starting this Winter Semester

FairTragen Event; © I.Laumann

The Digital Media Lab likes fairness

In the context of the Fair Week 2022, the Bremen Information Center for Human Rights and Development (BIZ) organized an eco-fair fashion show. The red carpet for fair trade fashion was rolled out in the Markthalle 8 on 16.09.2022. Five of our scientists, including the head of the working group,…

Eine Leiterplatte mit dem Schriftzug "ComNets Uni Bremen"

Smart Farming Made Simple

New project started!

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New PostDoc Anke Reinschlüssel

The digital media lab has a new PostDoc among its members: Dr. Anke Reinschlüssel!

Anke successfully defended in June her thesis "Empowering Surgeons - A Multimodal Interaction Approach to Improve Computer-Assisted Surgical Planning and Interventions", which summarises her research efforts to…

Kamyar Javanmar

New member in our working group

We welcome a new colleague to our PHD program EDM. Kamyar Javanmardi studied computer science and obtained a master's degree in Computational Linguistics. His research interests include natural language processing (NLP), formal semantics and machine learning models in languge processing. He is…

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Get together in our new location

At the beginning of the month we met for a little drink in our new premises on the 6th level of the MZH. There was a delicious international buffet we brought ourselves, a table soccer tournament, video games and finally, the most important thing, social interaction. We enjoyed it very much!

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3 Ph.D. Positions (m/f/d) to be filled

The doctoral program Empowering Digital Media (EDM), funded by the Klaus-Tschira Foundation, invites applications for 3 Ph.D. positions (m/f/d) at the University of Bremen, Germany, to be filled as soon as possible. Successful candidates will receive a stipend in the amount of 1,500 EUR per month…

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New Colleague in the Digital Media Lab

We have a new colleague in our working group, Katharina Hasenlust.

Within the scope of her thesis Katharina is going to explore different eHealth components (e.g. electronic health record, mobile health apps) as well as their (potential) interaction. In this context, she wants to identify untapped…

Group Photo CHI2022

Presentations on CHI 2022 in New Orleans

The Digital Media Lab was represented with five papers at this year's CHI 2022 in New Orleans. Nima Zargham presented his paper '"I Didn't Catch That, But I'll Try My Best": Anticipatory Error Handling in a Voice Controlled Game' on research in the field of voice assistants, which was a…

Eine Leiterplatte mit dem Schriftzug "ComNets Uni Bremen"

Network of Excellence in Advanced ICT for Tropical Medicine

ComNets Bremen is involved into a new cooperation with Thailand

Biosignals in Virtual Reality

In the project "Design Space of Virtual Environments: Creating a Feedback Loop for Users using Physical and Mental Health Data Gathered by Smartwatches", part of the university's scientific focus Minds.Media.Machines, the Digital Media Lab is researching the possibility of incorporating…

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Student Thesis Club

The DMLab is happy to announce a biweekly Student Theses Club where students writing their final thesis (both Bachelor and Master Theses) are invited to meet and discuss current stages of their thesis progression, receiving immediate help from 1-2 PhDs, as well as helping others!

With in-person…

TZI| EDM| Lehre| Transfer|

FabLab exhibition: City Campus in 3D

Students have been developing design ideas for a City Campus at the city centre and turning them into models using the latest 3D technologies.

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We have moved up to the 6th floor of the MZH!

At the end of last year we moved with the whole working group and all labs: You can find us now on the 6th level of the MZH (Bibliothekstr. 5). It was a lot of work and exhausted all our capacities. That's why the news has been a bit neglected lately. This will change. And we would be happy to…

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New member of our working group

Since the beginning of February we have new support in our working group from Marc Robin Nolte. Robin is interested in the modularity of ontologies and in hybrid and non-monotonic reasoning & query answering, which he is now working on with us in the EASE project.

A warm welcome to Robin!

PHD Defense of Susanne Putze

In September 2021, Susanne Putze successfully passed her PhD exam on "Model Based Research Data Management -Maintainable and Concurrent Management of Experimental Research Data With Domain-specific Knowledge Models" The dissertation explores usable and practical usage of experiment model based…

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University of Bremen in "Low Poly"

On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the University of Bremen, our bachelor project developed a game to get to know the campus. An article about it appeared in the up2date.

Eine Leiterplatte mit dem Schriftzug "ComNets Uni Bremen"

Best Paper award!

Best paper award for our PhD student Gibson Kimutai

[Translate to English:] Dmitry Alexandrovsky mit Doktorhut und Sektglas

PHD Defense of Dmitry Alexandrovsky

In August, Dmitry Alexandrovsky successfully passed his PhD exam on "Engaging Interaction - Designing for Immersive and Sustained User Experiences."

The dissertation explores how interaction design can sustain engagement with interactive systems. Involving emotional, cognitive and behavioral…

Exchange with the University College Dublin

We are happy to annouce that a lab exchange between Bremen and Dublin will take place on the 20. July 2021 from 14:00 time. We are looking forward to see a broad range of interesting and inspiring lightning talks both from University College Dublin and Digital Media Lab Bremen.

Talk with Maximilian A. Friehs from University College Dublin

We are happy to announce that on July 12th 2021 Maximilian A. Friehs from the psychology department at the University College Dublin will give a talk at our EDM (Empowering Digital Media) round.

Dr. Maximilian A. Friehs is a cognitive neuroscientist with a PhD in Psychology from the University of…

Eine Leiterplatte mit dem Schriftzug "ComNets Uni Bremen"

IoT Innovation Project starts

Detection of Wolves is one of the Tasks of ComNets Bremen

New members for our working group

In the last six months we have received strong reinforcement for our working group.

Bastian Dänekas joined us last November as support for our part of the project KI-SIGS and is working in parallel on his doctoral thesis on "Developing and researching methods to measure quality of strenght…

Eine Leiterplatte mit dem Schriftzug "ComNets Uni Bremen"

General Studies Seminar "Aspects of Sustainability"

New upcoming seminar.

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PHD Defense of Johannes Pfau

Under the topic "Deep Player Behaviour Modelling", Johannes Pfau defended his dissertation with distinction ("summa cum laude") last week, which deals with the behaviour modelling and generation of individual players in video games. The method, which uses various machine learning approaches to…

CHI2021 Late-Breaking Work “Ethical User Interfaces - Exploring the Effects of Dark Patterns on Facebook”

This paper examines the social networking site Facebook with a focus on the phenomenon ‘Dark Patterns”. Dark Patterns are interface elements designed to deceive or even harm users. To find out if Facebook has integrated such elements, the authors compared changes in the user interface since its…

#CHI2021 Late-Breaking Work based on the VIVATOP Project

We are happy to announce that the paper "A Study on the Size of Tangible Organ-shaped Controllers for Exploring Medical Data in VR", which reports on research results from the VIVATOP project, was accepted to this year's CHI! The work investigates whether users, i.e. surgeons, benefit from a…

CHI 2021 Workshop “Evaluating User Experiences in Mixed Reality”

The DMLab joined forces with Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences, Aalto University, the Open Lab at the University of Newcastle, and the German Research Center for ArtificialIntelligence (DFKI) and prepared the CHI ’21 Workshop “Evaluating User Experiences in Mixed Reality”. The workshop…

Publication at CHI 2021

Congratulations to Dmitry Alexandrovsky, Maximilian Achim Friehs, Jendrik Grittern, Susanne Putze, Max V. Birk, Rainer Malaka and Regan L. Mandryk for the accepted paper “Serious Snacking: A Survival Analysis of how Snacking Mechanics affect Attrition in a Mobile Serious Game” at CHI ’21. The paper…

EU-Project MUHAI goes online

The EU Project MUHAI (Meaning and Understanding for Human-centric AI) that is spearheaded by the Center for Computing Technologies (TZI) of the Bremen University goes online. On the Web at as well as in the social media via:

Twitter -

Instagram - https:/…

Best Full Paper Award at IFIP-ICEC 2020 for Nat Sarakit and Rainer Malaka

Congratulations to Nat Sararit and Rainer Malaka for their publication “Serious Violence: The Effects of Violent Elements in Serious Game”, which received the best full paper award at IFIP_ICEC 2020. This paper explores the effects of violent versus non-violent audiovisual and narrative elements.…

'Honorable Mention Award' for a Publication at the CHIPlay 2020

Congratulations to Dmitry Alexandrovsky, Georg Volkmar, Maximilian Spliethöver, Stefan Finke, Marc Herrlich, Tanja Döring, Jan David Smeddinck, Rainer Malaka for their publication “Playful User-Generated Treatment: A Novel Game Design Approach for VR Exposure Therapy” at CHIPlay 2020 which received…

Digital-Media-Lab Meeting in SocialVR

We now had our second lab meeting in Social VR on Altspace. Everybody is equipped with a headset and joins with their avatar. Over the next weeks, we will explore how meetings in virtual environments affect our productivity and social interactions. Our first impressions: Presentations and group…


Surgery Training with Robots and Virtual Reality

The insertion of hip implants places high demands on surgeons. To help young doctors practice this operation under realistic conditions, scientists are developing a hip implant simulator.

Accepted Publications at CHI 2020

The DMLab will present two papers on the topic around question-asking in VR on the CHI 2020: “Examining Design Choices of Questionnaires in VR User Studies” explores the design space of questionnaire administration in VR. (DOI:, Video preview: https://you…

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Publication of a Theory of Affordance

At the European Conference for Artificial Intelligence (ECAI 2020), a publication containing a "Theory of Affordance", that was developed in cooperation between the Digital Media Lab and scientists from artificial intelligence and linguistics, was accepted. In this publication, a logical framework…

[Translate to English:]

Global Game Jam 2020

Again the Uni-Bremen site was represented at the Global Game Jam this year. In 48 hours 17 great prototypes (15 video games and 2 board games) were created from concepts for the "Repair" theme. With over 80 registrations, Bremen is one of the largest locations in Germany. The games can be tried out…

Lecture by Ioannis at the graduation ceremony of FB3

The lecture hall of the so called "Keksdose" marks the venue of this years graduate celebration of the FB3 for mathematics and computer science. It took place on Saturday the 25. of January and invited graduate students and their families to enjoy a diverse program of music, talks and presentations.…

Successful publication at the CHI2020

Last year, comprehensive evaluations of the prototype developed in the EU project first.stage took place. In cooperation with professional users from the creative industries (film, theatre & animation), we conducted a study on the usability of "Natural User Interfaces" (NUI). Using the experimental…

Rainer Malaka visits Chiang Mai University, Thailand

Prof. Rainer Malaka just visits Chaing Mai University, one of the top three Universities in Thailand. He was invited by CAMT , the College of Arts Media and Technology and gave an invited lecture there. CAMT is a great match to our Digital Media program and we want to open up exchange possibilities…

Ioannis Bikas new Colleague of the Digital Media Lab Bremen

Ioannis Bikas is our new PDH student in the graduate college 'Empowering Digital Media' at the Digital Media Lab, University of Bremen. He started his studies in computer science here at the University in 2012. After writing his bachelor thesis about planar graphs, he focused on human computer…

DMLab at the ICEC-JCSG 2019 in Arequipa, Peru

At this year's IFIP-ICEC, co-hosted with the JCSG and COIDEV in Arequipa, Peru, Rainer Malaka and Johannes Pfau presented their papers "Exploring the Effect of Game Premise in Cooperative Digital Board Games" (, "Procedural Content…

EU-Projekt first.stage finished and reviewed

Our EU-Project first.stage has ended and was reviewed very positively. Our previsualization software for VR will be further developed by our partner Moviestorm and you can expect a beta version next year. If you want to find out more about our results or be notified about the software check out the …

Digital Media Lab at the "Mensch und Computer 2019" Conference

Digitale Media Lab Bremen visited this years "Mensch und Computer 2019"-conference. Tanja Doering was one of the conference chairs. Mehrdad Bahrini presented his paper Make my Phone Secure! Using Gamification for Mobile Security Settings. at the conference.

TZI researches the use of chatbots in the Bremen Citizen Service

In the future artificial intelligence could help to answer citizens' questions around the clock.

Himanshu Sarma successfully defends his doctoral thesis

At the beginning of July our former colleague Himanshu Sarmasuccessfully defended his doctoral thesis "Virtual Movement fromNatural Language Text".The aim of the project is to develop a text-to-animation system fortext based physical exercise instruction which contains thecombination of a semantic…

Game Jam: Serious Games and Gamification at MuC 2019

In cooperation with the TU Kaiserslautern, the Leibniz-Informationsszentrum, Kiel and the TU Darmstadt, we offer a Game Jam with the topic Serious Games and Gamification at the Mensch und Computer 2019 in Hamburg. Further information can be found here:…

VIVATOP: How Virtual Reality and 3D-printed models make surgery easier

Read here ( the article about our VIVATOP project on Innovation Origins.

Logo des TZI - die drei Buchstaben T Z I mit rotem Punkt

Direktor und Vorstand neu gewählt

Auf der Mitgliederversammlung am 26. Juni wurde turnusgemäß der Direktor und der Vorstand neu gewählt. Prof. Rainer Malaka wurde im Amt bestätigt und der Vortand wird zukünftig durch Prof. Anna Förster verstärkt.

Nima Zargham new Colleague of the Digital Media Lab Bremen

Nima started his bachelors of "Information Technology" at the Universityof Debrecen, Hungary in 2010. During his bachelor's he grew an interestin 2D animations and multimedia. His bachelor thesis was designedand developed as an online animation and entertainment platform. He thenstarted his master's…

We welcome a new PHD student in our group

Sara Stadler is a Ph.D. student in the graduate school Empowering DigitalMedia (EDM).  Before, she studied computer science at the Universityof Bremen focusing on safety, security and quality.  Her main researchinterests are privacy, cryptography and information security.  Inparticular, she is…

MAL Project at the BMBF Future Congress

<p>On 21 and 22 May, the BMBF Future Congress took place in Bonn at the World Congress Centre. We were invited with the <a href="">  MAL project </a> to participate and to demonstrate our three demonstrators. In addition, we were honoured to…

TZI| Forschung| Lehre| Transfer|

Prof. Herzog als einer der zehn prägenden Persönlichkeit der KI-Forschung ausgezeichnet

Die interdisziplinäre Jury des GI-Fachbereichs „Künstliche Intelligenz“, besetzt mit Expertinnen aus der Informatik, Publizistik, Gesellschafts- und Rechtswissenschaft sowie Philosophie und Kunst, hat die zehn prägende Köpfe und Erfindungen der deutschen KI Geschichte identifiziert.

EASE| Projekte| Transfer|


Drei Studentinnen des Leitthemas EASE Innovation informierten in Oldenburg über die Berufsperspektiven für Informatikerinnen, über die nächsten Robotik-Workshops im Institut für Künstliche Intelligenz und gaben den Schülerinnen eine praktische Einführung in die Programmierung des Pepper-Roboters.

German HCI Party

The Digital Media Lab Bremen is part of the organising and funding team of this year’s German CHI Party at ACM CHI2019 in Glasgow. Together with over 20 work groups doing HCI research from all over Germany we will host the party on Wednesday, 8pm at Argyle St. Arches in Glasgow. Together we also…

Challenge for more practical experience in study programme

The student startup ekipa from the Goethe-Unibator in Frankfurt would like to offer students the possibility of more practical experience during their studies.To this end, they are currently carrying out a challenge. This challenge, named "Digital Customer Experience", addresses the question of how…

Immerse yourself in virtual worlds: Interaction design research for virtual reality

In the recent years Virtual Reality (VR) is experiencing a hype. For more than fifty years, science has been concerned with the computer simulation of virtual worlds. However, it is only now that we have reached the point where technology is so advanced that we can display credible 360° scenes in…

Get a Grip! - Variable Grip for Controller-Based VR Systems

Our paper on variable grip for virtual reality has been accepted at IEEE VR'19. It will be presented in Osaka, Japan in March. Have a sneak peek in our teaser video!

EASE| Projekte|


Mädels, macht doch mal MINT!

Polite interaction with language assistants

Language assistants in many households nowadays fulfil almost every wish - that is how they are programmed. They often receive their orders in a command tone. If you were comparably rough with your human surroundings, you would not make friends with it. Michael Bonfert and Robert Porzel report on…

EASE| Forschung| Internationalisierung|

Professor Michael Beetz erhält Ehrendoktorwürde

Professor Michael Beetz hat für seine Leistungen auf dem Gebiet der künstlichen Intelligenz, des maschinellem Lernens und der Robotik die Ehrendoktorwürde der schwedischen Universität Örebro erhalten.

Climbing in Virtual Reality

A team from the University of Bremen presents its research work on"Climbing in Virtual Reality" for overcoming the fear of falling.

If You Ask Nicely

Students of the Digital Media study program together with Dr. Robert Porzel from the Digital Media Lab (both University of Bremen) conducted an experiment with 20 participants with a simulated courteous language assistant. Inquiries to "Eliza" had to be answered with "Please" and "Thank you" or to…

Übergabe der Interessenbekundung
TZI| AK| Projekte| Transfer|

TZI unterstützt Bewerbung als 5G-Modellregion

Die beiden Stadtgemeinden Bremen und Bremerhaven sowie die Landkreise Osterholz und Cuxhaven haben eine gemeinsame Interessenbekundung an das Bundesministerium für Verkehr und digitale Infrastruktur übergeben.

Prof. A. Dekorsy
TZI| AK| Forschung| Transfer|

Wie 5G unser Leben verändert

- ein Interview im hr-INFO mit Prof. Dekorsy

Kiste mit Süssigkeiten und Computerbauteilen im Deckel
TZI| EDM| Projekte| Forschung| Transfer|

Mini-Computer bewährt sich in der Grundschule

Wissenschaftlerinnen des TZI haben untersucht, ob der Einsatz von Calliope-Computern in der Grundschule sinnvoll ist. Die Ergebnisse ihrer Studie wurden jetzt veröffentlicht.

TZI| EDM| Projekte| Forschung| Transfer|

Bildung wird digital

Die Informationstour „Erfahrbares Lernen“ präsentierte am 6. November in Bremen Forschungsprojekte, die digitale Technologien mit neuen Lehrkonzepten verbinden.

TZI| EDM| Projekte| Forschung| Transfer|

Neue Lerntechnologien ausprobieren bei der Info-Tour „Erfahrbares Lernen“

BMBF-geförderte Veranstaltung des TZI lädt Vertreter aus Schulen, Wissenschaft, Unternehmen und Politik am 6. November 2018 in die Bremer Überseestadt ein.

TZI| EASE| Transfer| Internationalisierung|

Oberösterreich zu Gast im TZI

Am 17.10.2018 war der stellv. Landeshauptmann (Ministerpräsidet) Oberösterreichs Mag. Dr. Michael Strugl mit einer knapp 20 köpfigen Delegation aus Politik, Wirtschaft und Wissenschaft zu Gast am TZI.

TZI| EDM| Projekte| Transfer|

TZI-Team belegt ersten Platz beim Gründerwettbewerb

Nina und Dirk Wenig setzten sich mit ihrem innovativen Chatbot IDA bei den „Campusideen 2018“ durch.

TZI| AK| Transfer|

Leitthema Adaptive Kommunikation auf der Forschungsmeile

Wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse aus der Nachrichtentechnik konnten sich Besucher der Forschungsmeile in Bremen am letzten Wochenende direkt vom Experten erklären lassen.

TZI| EDM| Projekte| Forschung|

Virtuelle Marslandschaft ermöglicht Test von Roboterschwärmen

Das TZI entwickelt eine detailgetreue Simulation des Canyon-Systems „Valles Marineris“ auf dem Mars.

TZI| EASE| Forschung| Transfer|

Automatica-Besucher beteiligten sich an KI-Forschung

Die Nutzung von Robotern und Künstlicher Intelligenz (KI) zur Bewältigung von Alltagsaufgaben wie Tischdecken oder Abwaschen steht im Mittelpunkt des Sonderforschungsbereichs EASE an der Universität Bremen.

Eine Leiterplatte mit dem Schriftzug "ComNets Uni Bremen"

Presentation in Ruzena Bajcsy Lectures on Communications

Organic Data Dissemination in Opportunistic Networks

Eine Leiterplatte mit dem Schriftzug "ComNets Uni Bremen"

ComNets goes to space!

Development of a new sensor for space applications.

Eine Leiterplatte mit dem Schriftzug "ComNets Uni Bremen"

kids4mint - ran an die Elektrotechnik!

Ferienkurs für Schüler wird durch ComNets Bremen durchgeführt.

Eine Leiterplatte mit dem Schriftzug "ComNets Uni Bremen"

New Miner Location System

PhD student of ComNets develops miner location system

Eine Leiterplatte mit dem Schriftzug "ComNets Uni Bremen"

Minds, Media, Machines

We are member of the high-profile area Minds, Media, Machines

Eine Leiterplatte mit dem Schriftzug "ComNets Uni Bremen"

Teaching the Internet of Things

Paper about teaching Internet of Things published

Eine Leiterplatte mit dem Schriftzug "ComNets Uni Bremen"

Prof. Förster's TEDxTUHH talk now available online

Prof. Förster gave a talk with the topic "Gossiping in digital communication networks" in the 2015 TEDxTUHH event in Hamburg. The video of the talk is now available online.

Eine Leiterplatte mit dem Schriftzug "ComNets Uni Bremen"

Introduction to Wireless Sensor Networks

New book by Anna Förster got published!

Eine Leiterplatte mit dem Schriftzug "ComNets Uni Bremen"

Vortrag "Entscheidungsprozesse in Kommunikationsnetzen: Naturinspirierte Verfahren"

Im Rahmen der Ringvorlesung "Universelle Eigenschaften des Entscheidens" hält Frau Prof. Anna Förster am 11. Mai einen Vortrag zum Thema "Entscheidungsprozesse in Kommunikationsnetzen: Naturinspirierte Verfahren".

Eine Leiterplatte mit dem Schriftzug "ComNets Uni Bremen"

Talk: Pervasive Systems at a Glance

The Department of Sustainable Communication Networks had the pleasure to welcome Prof. Paul Havinga and Prof. Nirvana Meratnia from the University of Twente, Netherlands, for a Talk on Pervasive Systems.

Useful, real-life solutions require a combination of competencies. Structuring the research on the basis of three main topics enables the TZI to bring together the best specialists for each project. This interdisciplinary approach makes it possible to work successfully on increasingly complex application problems.

TZI board members

Prof. Dr. Rainer Malaka (Director)

Prof. Dr. Michael Beetz
   EASE innovation

Prof. Dr. Anna Förster

Prof. Dr. Gabriel Zachmann


Research managers

Dr. Karsten Sohr

Sabine Veit
   EASE innovation

Dr. Gerald Volkmann


TZI Center for Computing Technologies
Faculty 03: Mathematics/Computer Science, Faculty 01: Physics/Electrical Engineering
University Bremen
P.O. Box 33 04 40, D-28334 Bremen

Bibliothekstr. 5, D-28359 Bremen
Fon: +49-(0) 421 218-64090
E-Mail: info(at)


David Wewetzer
Bibliothekstr. 5, D-28359 Bremen
Fon: +49-(0) 421 218-64093

E-Mail: wewetzer(at)


Where to find us: Map

Updated by: TZI