Centre for Teacher Education and Educational Research – ZfLB (Zentrum für Lehrerinnen-/Lehrerbildung und Bildungsforschung) / Schulzentrum Walle

Storytime with: Sabine Doff

WHY does the ZfLB train teachers at the university?
HERE’S WHY – Teachers are experts in their subjects, in conveying knowledge, and in interacting with children and teenagers. They have a lasting influence on the following generation’s – and therefore our society’s – access to knowledge and the world. Teacher training does not just mean diverse (academic) expertise. It also means developing an attitude that (future) teachers use to help actively shape their major responsibility.
WHY is there a bit of the University of Bremen at Schulzentrum Walle?
HERE’S WHY – It is where the roots of the University of Bremen lie! The Pädagogische Hochschule (Teacher Training College) was established in 1947 to give teachers comprehensive training with an academic foundation from that point on. The first construction for the Pädagogische Hochschule was completed in the buildings on Lange Reihe in 1950. Teacher education remains one of the University of Bremen’s core duties today and is overseen centrally by the ZfLB. Fourteen percent of students, in nine out of twelve faculties, are training to become teachers. The building on Lange Reihe today is the location of Schulzentrum Walle and thus one of the numerous „main beneficiaries” of teacher education at the University of Bremen.