Storytime with: Peter Stubbe

WHY does GEWOBA try to get close to social-sciences students?
HERE’S WHY – The idea of the GEWOBA-Preis für zukunftsgerechte Stadtentwicklung (GEWOBA Award for Future-Proof Urban Development) is to make social-sciences students engage with current issues in urban development. We look for students’ „real-life” suggestions and perspectives for concrete problems. The presentation of the 2018 award, entitled „Krachmacherstraße 2.0 – Wie wohnen Kinder heute und in Zukunft” („Troublemaker Street 2.0 – How Do Children Live Today and How Will They Live in the Future?”), was the prelude for our 2020 theme of „ungewöhnlich wohnen – Kinder in der Stadt (uw KidS)” („Living Unusually – Children in the City”).
WHY is there a bit of the University of Bremen at GEWOBA?
HERE’S WHY – As one of our neighborhoods with the most children, Lüssumer Heide in Bremen-Nord was one of the areas studied for the 2020’s theme of „uw KidS”. Katharina Bermpohl, a student at the University of Bremen, oversaw the child-participation process in Lüssum, provided academic guidance, and analyzed it all for her master’s thesis. Professor Julia Lossau from the University of Bremen contributed her expertise as a jury member. She is also the jury chairwoman for the GEWOBA-Preis für zukunftsgerechte Stadtentwicklung, which the University of Bremen helped to develop.