Prof. Dr. Thomas Pichler
pichlerprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de
Universität Bremen
Fachbereich Geowissenschaften
GEO1 - Raum 2070
Klagenfurter Straße 4
28359 Bremen

Meine Forschungsinteressen umfassen einen ganzheitlichen Ansatz zur Untersuchung von Wasser-Gesteins-Interaktionen innerhalb der Erd-Systeme. Diese interdisziplinären Untersuchungen integrieren chemische, biologische, hydrogeologische, mineralogische und ingenieurwissenschaftliche Methoden. Konkret umfasst mein Hauptinteresse:
- Quelle, Transport und Verbleib potenziell toxischer Elemente: Ich konzentriere mich auf das Verhalten toxischer Elemente, insbesondere Arsen, in natürlichen und anthropogenen Umgebungen.
- Weiterentwicklung analytischer Methoden: Ich strebe die Entwicklung und Verfeinerung von Techniken in der wässrigen und lithogeochemischen Analyse an, um unser Verständnis geochemischer Prozesse zu vertiefen.
- Flachwasser-Hydrothermalsysteme: Ich untersuche die Dynamik und Eigenschaften dieser einzigartigen Umgebungen und trage so zum breiteren Wissen in der Geochemie und Hydrogeologie bei.
Bubbles: Ein im Magazin Ocean Realm (November 2000) publizierter Artikel
Publikationen (peer-reviewed)
- Aleku, D.L., Biester, H., and Pichler, T. (2025): Elevated mercury (Hg) in groundwater caused by oil and gas production. Applied Geochemistry, 179, 106259. | |
- Aleku, D.L., Dähnke, K., and Pichler, T. (2024): Source, transport, and fate of nitrate in shallow groundwater in the eastern Niger Delta. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. | |
- Aleku, D.L., Biester, H., and Pichler, T. (2024): Pipeline-Related Residential Benzene Exposure and Groundwater Natural Attenuation Capacity in the Eastern Niger Delta, Nigeria. Environments, 11, 221. | |
- Aleku, D.L., Lazareva, O., and Pichler, T. (2024): Mercury in groundwater – Source, transport and remediation. Applied Geochemistry, 170, 106060. | |
- Pichler, T., 2023, Environmental Inventory of mercury (Hg) for the marine shallow water hydrothermal system at Panarea, Italy. Science of the Total Environment. | |
- Koopmann, S., Prommer, H., Siade, A. and Pichler, T., 2023, Molybdenum Mobility During Managed Aquifer Recharge in Carbonate Aquifers. Environmental Science and Technology. | |
- Koopmann, S., Prommer, H. and Pichler, T., 2022, Molybdenum Release Triggered by Dolomite Dissolution: Experimental Evidence and Conceptual Model. Environmental Science and Technology. | |
- Koopmann, S. and Pichler, T., 2022, Celestine and powellite as redox indicators during diagenesis of molybdenum-bearing carbonate aquifers. Applied Geochemistry, 144. | |
- Roberts, H. and Pichler, T., 2022, Hg in the hydrothermal fluids and gases in Bahia di Levante, Vulcano, Itlay. Marine Chemistry. | |
- Kubier, A., Budziak, D., de Vries, D., Elbracht, J., Hamer, K., and Pichler, T., 2021, Cadmium in groundwater of Northwestern Germany — origin, mobilization and assessment according to the European Water Framework Directive. Grundwasser. | |
- Khalil, M. M., Abotalib, A. Z., Farag, M. M., Rabei, M., Abdelhady, A. A., and Pichler, T., 2021, Poor drainage-induced waterlogging in Saharan groundwater-irrigated lands: integration of geospatial, geophysical, and hydrogeological techniques. Catena, v. 207, 105615. | |
- Scheplitz, J., Koopmann, S., Fröllje, H., and Pichler, T., 2021, Optimization and Assessment of a Sequential Extraction Procedure for Calcium Carbonate Rocks, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 193:577. | |
- Khalil, M. M., Hamer, K., Pichler, T., and Abotalib, Z., 2021, Fault zone hydrogeology in arid environments: The origin of cold springs in the Wadi Araba Basin, Egypt. Hydrological Processes. | |
- Roberts, H., Price, R. E., Brombach, C. C., and Pichler, T., 2021, Mercury in the Hydrothermal Fluids and Gases in Paleochori Bay, Milos, Greece. Marine Chemistry. | |
- Khimasia, A., Renshaw, C.E., Price, R.E. and Pichler, T., 2021, Hydrothermal flux and porewater geochemistry in Paleochori Bay, Milos, Greece. Chemical Geology, v. 571, 120188. | |
- Hamer, K., Gudenschwager, I. and Pichler, T., 2020, Manganese (Mn) Concentrations and the Mn-Fe Relationship in Shallow Groundwater: Implications for Groundwater Monitoring. SoilSystems, 4, 49, p. 19. | |
- Khimasia, A., Rovere, A. and Pichler, T., 2020, Hydrothermal areas, microbial mats and sea grass in Paleochori Bay, Milos, Greece. Journal of Maps, v. 16, no. 2, p. 348-356. | |
- Kubier, A., Hamer, K. and Pichler, T., 2020, Cadmium background levels in groundwater in an area dominated by agriculture in Northwestern Germany. Integr Environ Assess Manag. | |
- Pichler, T. and Koopmann, S., 2020, Should Monitoring of Molybdenum (Mo) in Groundwater, Drinking Water and Well Permitting Made Mandatory?. Environmental Science and Technology, v. 54, no. 1, p. 1-2. | |
- Koopmann, S., Fröllje, H., Hamer, K., Kubier, A., Pichler, T., 2020, Iron-manganese-anomalies of groundwater - Analysis of influencing processes. Grundwasser, v. 25, p. 113-126. | |
- Kubier, A., Wilkin, R. T., and Pichler, T., 2019, Cadmium in soils and groundwater: A review. Applied Geochemistry, v. 108, p. 104388. | |
- Zeng, J., Qi, P., Shi, J., Pichler, T., Wang, F., Wang, Y., and Sui, K., 2019, Chitosan functionalized iron nanosheet for enhanced removal of As(III) and Sb(III): Synergistic effect and mechanism: Chemical Engineering Journal. v. 382. | |
- Lehner, K., Fröllje, H., Kubier, A., and Pichler, T., 2019, Distribution of stable isotope values in groundwater in Northwestern Germany - Evaluation of continental, altitude and land use effects. Grundwasser, v. 24, no. 3, p. 185-196. | |
- Kubier, A., and Pichler, T., 2019, Cadmium in groundwater − A synopsis based on a large hydrogeochemical data set. Science of The Total Environment, no. 689, p. 831-842. | |
- Qi, P., Luo, R., Pichler, T., Zeng, J., Wang, Y., Fan, Y. and Sui, K., 2019. Development of a magnetic core-shell Fe3O4@TA@UiO-66 microsphere for removal of arsenic(III) and antimony(III) from aqueous solution. Journal of Hazardous Materials, v. 378, p.120721. | |
- Seewald, J.S., Reeves, E.P., Bach, W., Saccocia, P., Craddock, P.R., Walsh, E., Shanks, W.C., Sylva, S.P., Pichler, T. and Rosner, M., 2019. Geochemistry of Hot-Springs at the SuSu Knolls Hydrothermal Field, Eastern Manus Basin: Advanced Argillic Alteration and Vent Fluid Acidity. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta: v. 255, p. 25-48. | |
- Durán-Toro, V.M., Price, R.E., Maas, M., Brombach, C.-C., Pichler, T., Rezwan, K. and Bühring, S.I., 2019. Amorphous arsenic sulfide nanoparticles in a shallow water hydrothermal system. Marine Chemistry, v. 211, p. 25-36. | |
- Brombach, C.-C., and Pichler, T., 2019. Determination of ultra-low volatile mercury concentrations in sulfur-rich gases and liquids: Talanta, v. 199, p. 277-284. | |
- Pichler, T., Biscéré, T., Kinch, J., Zampighi, M., Houlbrèque, F., and Rodolfo-Metalpa, R., 2019, Suitability of the shallow water hydrothermal system at Ambitle Island (Papua New Guinea) to study the effect of high pCO2 on coral reefs: Marine Pollution Bulletin, v. 138, p. 148-158. | |
- Biscere, T., Ferrier-Pages, C., Gilbert, A., Pichler, T., and Houlbreque, F., 2018, Evidence for mitigation of coral bleaching by manganese: Scientific Reports, v. 8, no. 1, p. 16789. | |
- Wallis, I. and Pichler, T., 2018. Generating false negatives and false positives for As and Mo concentrations in groundwater due to well installation, Science of the Total Environment. v. 631-632, p. 723-732. | |
- Brombach, C.-C., Froellje, H., Pichler, T., Guzzonato, A., and Lindemann, T., 2018, Speciation analysis of methylmercury via species specific isotope dilution GC-ICP-MS. ThermoFisher, Technical Note 30465, pp. 6. | PDF |
- Oehler, T., Mogollón, J.M., Moosdorf, N., Winkler, A., Kopf, A., Pichler, T., 2017. Subbmarine groundwater discharge within a landslide scar at the French Mediterranean coast. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, v. 198, no. Part A, p. 128-137. | |
- Pop Ristova, P., Pichler, T., Friedrich, M. W., and Bühring, S. I., 2017, Bacterial Diversity and Biogeochemistry of Two Marine Shallow-Water Hydrothermal Systems off Dominica (Lesser Antilles): Frontiers in Microbiology, v. 8. | |
- Kleint, C., Pichler, T. and Koschinsky, A. (2017) Geochemical characteristics, speciation and size-fractionation of iron (Fe) in two marine shallow-water hydrothermal systems, Dominica, Lesser Antilles. Chemical Geology, v. 454, p. 44-53. | |
- Qi, P. and Pichler, T., 2017. Competitive adsorption of As(III), As(V), Sb(III) and Sb(V) onto ferrihydrite in multi-component systems: Implications for mobility and distribution. Journal of Hazardous Materials, v. 330, p. 142-148. | |
- Villinger, H. W., Pichler, T., Kaul, N., Stephan, S., Pälike, H. and Stephan, F. 2017, Formation of hydrothermal pits and the role of seamounts in the Guatemala Basin (Equatorial East Pacific) from heat flow, seismic, and core studies, Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., 18. | |
- Pichler, T., Mozaffari, A., 2017. Reply to a comment to "Distribution and mobility of geogenic molybdenum and arsenic in a limestone aquifer matrix, Applied Geochemistry". | |
- Masoumi, R., Calagari, A.A., Siahcheshm, K., Porkhial, S. and Pichler, T. (2017) Consideration of geological aspects and geochemical parameters of fluids in geothermal field, south of mount Sabalan, NW Iran. Journal of African Earth Sciences, v. 129, p.. 692-700. | |
- Pichler, T., Renshaw, C.E. and Sültenfuß, J., 2017. Geogenic As and Mo groundwater contamination caused by an abundance of domestic supply wells. Journal of Applied Geochemistry, v. 77, p. 68-79. | |
- Price, R.E., Breuer, C., Reeves, E., Bach, W., Pichler, T., 2016. Arsenic bioaccumulation and biotransformation in deep-sea hydrothermal vent organisms from the PACMANUS hydrothermal field, Manus Basin, PNG. Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers v. 117, p. 95-106. | |
- Qi, P. and Pichler, T., 2016. Competitive Adsorption of As(III) and As(V) by Ferrihydrite: Equilibrium, Kinetics, and Surface Complexation. Water Air and Soil Pollution v. 227:387, p. 1-9. | |
- Gomez-Saez, G.V., Niggemann, J., Dittmar, T., Pohlabeln, A.M., Lang, S.Q., Noowong, A., Pichler, T., Wörmer, L. and Bühring, S.I., 2016. Molecular evidence for abiotic sulfurization of dissolved organic matter in marine shallow hydrothermal systems. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta v. 190, p. 35-52. | |
- Qi, P. and Pichler, T., 2016. Sequential and simultaneous adsorption of Sb(III) and Sb(V) on ferrihydrite: Implications for oxidation and competition. Chemosphere, v. 145, p. 55-60. | |
- Purnomo, B., Pichler, T., 2016. Boron isotope variations in geothermal systems on Java, Indonesia, Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, v. 311, p. 1-8. | |
- Gomez-Saez, G.V., Riedel, T., Niggemann, J., Pichler, T., Dittmar, T. and Bühring, S.I., 2015. Interaction between iron and dissolved organic matter in a marine shallow hydrothermal system off Dominica Island (Lesser Antilles). Marine Chemistry, v. 177, p. 677-686. | |
- Wu, D., Pichler, T., 2015. Preservation of co-occuring As, Sb and Se species in water with EDTA and acidification. Geochemistry: Exploration, Environment, Analysis, v. 16, p. 117-125. | |
- Godelitsas, A., Price, R.E., Pichler, T., Amend, J., Gamaletsos, P., Göttlicher, J., 2015. Amorphous As-sulfide preciptates from the shallow-water hydrothermal vents off Milos Island (Greece), Marine Chemistry, v. 177, p. 687-696. | |
- Purnomo, B., Pichler, T., 2015. Geothermal systems on the island of Bali, Indonesia, Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, v. 304, p. 349-358. | |
- Pichler, T., Mozaffari, A., 2015. Distribution and mobility of geogenic molybdenum and arsenic in a limestone aquifer matrix, Applied Geochemistry, v. 63, p. 623-633. | |
- Seewald J.S., Reeves E.P., Bach W., Saccocia P., Craddock P.R., Shanks W.C., Sylva, S.P., Pichler, T., Rosner, M., Walsh, E., 2015. Submarine Venting of Magmatic Volatiles in the Eastern Manus Basin, Papua New Guinea. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, v.163, p. 178-99. | |
- Price, R.E., LaRowe, D.E., Italiano, F., Savov, I., Pichler, T. and Amend, J.P., 2015. Subsurface hydrothermal processes and the bioenergetics of chemolithoautotrophy at the shallow-sea vents off Panarea Island (Italy). Chemical Geology, v. 407-408, p. 21-45. | |
- Engel, B.E., Hallock, P., Price, R.E. and Pichler, T., 2015. Shell dissolution in larger benthic fromainfers exposed to pH and temperature extremes: results from an in situ experiment. Journal of Foraminiferal Research, v. 45(2), p. 190-203. | |
- Lazareva, O., Druschel, G., and Pichler, T., 2015. Understanding arsenic behavior in carbonate aquifers: Implications for aquifer storage and recovery (ASR). Applied Geochemistry, v. 52, no. 0, p. 57-66. | |
- Qi, P and Pichler, T., 2014. Closer look at As(III) and As(V) adsorption onto ferrihydrite under competitive conditions. Langmuir, 30, 11110-11116. | |
- Purnomo, B.J. and Pichler, T., 2014. Geothermal systems on the island of Java, Indonesia. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 285, 47-59. | |
- Wu, D. and Pichler, T., 2014. Simultaneous speciation analysis of As, Sb and Se redox couples by SF-ICP-MS coupled to HPLC. Analytical Methods, 6, 5112-5119. | |
- Price, R.E., Lesniewski, R., Nitzsche, K.S., Meyerdierks, A., Saltikov, C., Pichler, T., Amend, J.P., 2013. Archaeal and bacterial diversity in an arsenic-rich shallow-sea hydrothermal system undergoing phase separation. Front. Microbiol. 4, Article 158, p. 1-19. | |
- Bundschuh, J., Pichler, T., 2013. Arsenic in marine hydrothermal systems: Source, fate and environmental implications. Chemical Geology 348, 1. | |
- Breuer, C. and Pichler, T. 2013, Arsenic in marine hydrothermal fluids, Chemical Geology, v. 348. p. 2-14. | |
- Price, R.E., Planer-Friedrich, B., Savov, I., Bühring , S., Amend, J. and Pichler, T. 2013, Processes influencing extreme As enrichment in shallow-sea hydrothermal fluids of Milos Island, Greece, Chemical Geology, v. 348. p. 15-26. | |
- Ruiz-Chancho, M.J., Pichler, T., and Price, R.E., 2013, Arsenic occurrence and speciation in Cyclope neritea, a gastropod inhabiting the arsenic-rich marine shallow-water hydrothermal system off Milos Island, Greece, Chemical Geology, v. 348. p. 56-64. | |
- Price, R.E., London, J., Walllschäger, D., Ruiz-Chancho, M.J., Pichler, T., 2013, Enhanced bioaccumulation and biotransformation of As in coral reef organisms surrounding a marine shallow-water hydrothermal vent system, Chemical Geology, v. 348. p. 48-55. | |
- Fox, D.I., Pichler, T., Yeh, D.H. and Alcantar, N., 2012, Removing Heavy Metals in Water: The Interaction of Cactus Mucilage and Arsenate (As (V)), Environmental Science and Technology v. 46(8), p. 4553-4559. | |
- Pichler, T. Young, K. and Alcantar, N., 2012, Eliminating turbidity in drinking water using the mucilage of a common cactus. Water Supply, v. 12(2), p. 179-186. | |
- Meyer-Dombard, D.R., Price, R.E., Pichler, T., and Amend, J.P., 2012, Prokaryotic Populations in Heated, Arsenic-rich Sediments of a Shallow-Sea Hydrothermal System, Ambitle Island, Papua New Guinea. Geomicrobiology Journal, v. 29, p. 1-17. | |
- Wallis, I., Prommer, H., Pichler, T., Post, V., Norton, S., Annable, M., Simmons, C., 2011, A process-based reactive transport model to quantify arsenic mobility during aquifer storage and recovery of potable water, Environmental Science and Technology, v. 45(16), p. 6294-6931. | |
- Akerman, N. H., Price, R. E., Pichler, T., and Amend, J. P., 2011, Energy sources for chemolithotrophs in an arsenic- and iron-rich shallow-sea hydrothermal system, Geobiology,, v. 9, p. 436-445. | |
- Lazareva, O. and Pichler, T., 2011, Evaluating complex hydrogeological settings in a constructed wetland: An isotopic/chemical mass balance approach, Wetlands, v. 31, p. 521-534. | |
- Pichler, T., Price, R. E., Lazareva, O., and Dippold, A., 2011, Sampling strategies for the determination of arsenic concentration and distribution in the Floridan Aquifer System, Journal of Geochemical Exploration. | |
- Mottl, M.J., Seewald, J.S., Wheat, G.C., Tivey, M.K., Proskurowski, G., Reeves, E.P., Sharkey, J., You, C.-F., Chan, L.H., Pichler, T., and Michael, P., 2011, Chemistry of hot springs along the Eastern Lau Spreading Center. Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta, v. 75(4), p. 1013-1038. | |
- Reeves, E.P., Seewald, J.S., Saccocia, P., Walsh, E., Bach, W., Craddock, P., Shanks, W.C., Sylva, S., Pichler, T., and Rosner, M., 2011, Geochemistry of hydrothermal fluids from the Vienna Woods and PACMANUS hydrothermal fields, Manus Basin. Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta, v. 75(4), p. 1088-11238. | |
- Price, R.E., Planer-Friedrich, B., Savov, I., and Pichler, T., 2010, Arsenic cycling, thioarsenates and orpiment precipitation at a shallow sea hydrothermal system, Milos Island, Greece, in Jiin-Shuh, J., Bundschuh, J., and Bhattacharya, eds., Arsenic in Geosphere and Human Diseases: Boca Raton, CRC Press, p. 66-69. | |
- Ruiz-Chancho, M.J., Pichler, T., and Price, R.E., 2010, Arsenic occurrence and speciation in Cyclope neritea, a gastropod found in the arsenic-rich marine shallow-water hydrothermal system off Milos Island, Greece, in Jiin-Shuh, J., Bundschuh, J., and Bhattacharya, eds., Arsenic in Geosphere and Human Diseases: Boca Raton, CRC Press, p. 226-228. | |
- Lazareva, O. and Pichler, T., 2010. Long-Term Performance of a Constructed Wetland/Filter Basin System Treating Wastewater. Chemical Geology v. 262, p. 137-152. | |
- Karlen D.J., Price R.E., Pichler T. and Garey, J.R., 2010. Changes in benthic macrofaunal community structure along a shallow-water hydrothermal gradient. Pacific Science v. 64(2), p. 391-404. | |
- Mailloux, B., Alexandrova, E., Keimowitz, A., Wovkulich, K., Freyer, G., Herron, M., Stolz, J., Kenna, T., Pichler, T., Polizzotto, M., Dong, H., Bishop, M., and Knappett, P., 2009, Microbial mineral weathering for nutrient acquisition releases arsenic. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, v. 75, p. 2558-2565. | |
- Pichler, T., Brinkmann, R. and Scarzella, G.I., 2008. Arsenic abundance and variation in golf course lakes. Science of the Total Environment, v. 394(2-3), p. 313-320. | |
- Price, R.E. and Pichler, T., 2007. Enhanced geochemical gradients in a marine shallow-water hydrothermal system: unusual arsenic speciation in horizontal and vertical pore water profiles. Applied Geochemistry, 22, 2595-2605. | |
- Berquó, T.S. , Banerjee, S.K., Ford, R., Penn, R.L. and Pichler, T., 2007. High Crystallinity Si-Ferrihydrite: An Insight into its Neel Temperature and Size Dependence of Magnetic Properties. Journal of Geophysical Research, 112, B02102. | |
- Fortin, D., Pichler, T. and Saltikov, C., 2007. Biogeochemical Gradients: Microbes, Measurements, and Modeling. Applied Geochemistry, 22(12): 2567-2568. | |
- Lazareva, O. and Pichler, T., 2007. Naturally occurring arsenic in the Miocene Hawthorn Group, Southwestern Florida: implication for phosphate mining. Applied Geochemistry, v. 22, no. 5, p. 953-973. | |
- Jones, G.W. and Pichler, T., 2007. The Relationship between Pyrite Stability and Arsenic Mobility During Aquifer Storage and Recovery in Southwest Central Florida. Environmental Science and Technology, v. 41-3, p. 723-730. | |
- Ahmed, M.F., Ahuja, S., Alauddin, M., Hug, S.J., Lloyd, J.R., Pfaff, A., Pichler, T., Saltikov, C., Stute, M., van Geen, A., 2006. Ensuring safe drinking water in Bangladesh. Science, v. 314. no. 5806, p. 1687 - 1688. | |
- Pichler, T., Amend, J., Garey, J., Hallock, P., Hsia, N., Karlen, D., McCloskey, B., Meyer-Dombard, D. and Price, R., 2006. A Natural Laboratory to Study Arsenic Geobiocomplexity. EOS, v. 87-23, 221-25. | |
- Price, R.E. and Pichler, T., 2006. Abundance and mineralogical associations of naturally occurring arsenic in the Suwannee Limestone, Upper Floridan Aquifer. Chemical Geology, 228, p. 44-56. | |
- McCarthy, K.T., Pichler, T. and Price, R.E., 2005. Geochemistry of Champagne Hot Springs Shallow Hydrothermal Vent Field and Associated Sediments, Dominica, Lesser Antilles.Chemical Geology v. 224, p. 55-68. | |
- Price, R.E. and Pichler, T., 2005. Distribution, speciation and bioavailability of arsenic in a shallow-water submarine hydrothermal system, Tutum Bay, Ambitle Island, PNG.Chemical Geology, v. 224, p. 122-135. | |
- Pichler, T., 2005. Delta 34S isotope values of dissolved sulfate as a tracer for battery acid H2SO4 contamination. Environmental Geology, v. 47, p. 215-224. | |
- Pichler, T., 2005. Stable and radiogenic isotopes as tracers for the origin, mixing and subsurface history of fluids in shallow-water hydrothermal systems. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 139 3-4: 211-226. | |
- Pichler, T. and Veizer, J., 2004. The precipitation of aragonite from shallow-water hydrothermal fluids in a coral reef, Tutum Bay, Ambitle Island, Papua New Guinea. Chemical Geology, 207 1-2 : 31-45. | |
- Daughney, J.D., Rioux, J.-P., Fortin, D. and Pichler, T., 2004. Laboratory Investigation of the Role of Bacteria In the Weathering of Basalt near Deep Sea Hydrothermal Vents. Geomicrobiology Journal, 21: 21-31. | |
- Pichler, T. and Humphrey, J. D., 2001, The formation dolomite in island-arc sediments due to gas-seawater-sediment interaction. Journal of Sedimentary Research, v. 71, no. 3, p. 394-399. | |
- Pichler, T., Hendry, J. and Hall, G.E.M., 2001, The Mineralogy of Arsenic in Uranium Mine Tailings at the Rabbit Lake In-pit Facility, Northern Saskatchewan, Canada. Environmental Geology, v.40, 4-5, p. 495-506. | |
- Rancourt, D. G., Fortin, D., Pichler, T. and Lamarche, G., 2001, Mineralogical characterization of a natural very As-rich hydrous ferric oxide coprecipitate formed by mixing of hydrothermal fluid and sea water. American Mineralogist, v. 86, p. 834-851. | |
- Pichler, T., Heikoop, J., Risk, M., Veizer, J. and Cambell, I., 2000, Hydrothermal effects on isotope and trace element records in modern reef corals: an introductory study of Porites lobata from Tutum Bay, Ambitle Island, Papua New Guinea. Palaios, v. 15, No. 3. | |
- Pichler, T. and Veizer, J., 1999, Precipitation of Fe III oxyhydroxide deposits from shallow-water hydrothermal fluids in Tutum Bay, Ambitle Island, Papua New Guinea. Chemical Geology v. 162, no. 1, p. 15-31. | |
- Pichler, T., Ridley, W. I. and E. P. Nelson, 1999, Low-temperature alteration of dredged volcanics from the Southern Chile ridge: additional information about early stages of seafloor weathering. Marine Geology, v. 159, no. 1-4, 272-285. | |
- Pichler, T., Giggenbach, W.F., McInnes, B.I.A. and Duck, B., 1999, Fe-sulfide formation due to seawater-gas-sediment interaction in a shallow-water hydrothermal system, Lihir Island, Papua New Guinea. Economic Geology V. 94, No. 2. | |
- Pichler, T., Veizer, J. and Hall, G.E.M., 1999, The natural input of extremely high arsenic concentrations into a coral reef ecosystem by hydrothermal fluids and its removal by Fe III oxyhydroxides. Environmental Science and Technology, v. 33, no. 9, p. 1373-1378. | |
- Pichler, T., Veizer, J. and Hall, G.E.M., 1999, The origin and chemical composition of shallow-water hydrothermal fluids in Tutum Bay, Ambitle Island, Papua New Guinea and their effect on ambient seawater, Marine Chemistry, v. 64, no. 3, p. 229-252. | |
- Pichler, T. And Dix, G. R., 1996, Hydrothermal venting within a coral reef ecosystem, Ambitle Island, Papua New Guinea, Geology, v.24, no. 5, p. 435-438. |<0435:HVWACR>2.3.CO;2 |