Seminars and Symposia

Das Islet Lab ist dabei bei der KinderUni

Und hier bekommt Ihr einen Einblick in die Forschung des Islet Labs
Previous Seminars
- Prof. Per-Ola Carlsson, Department of Medical Cell Biology, Uppsala University Sweden. Translational studies to preserve and restore beta-cell mass and function in type 1 diabetes
- Prof. Susanne Ullrich, Universitätsklinikum Tübingen. Crosstalk between fatty pancreas and fatty liver: effects on local inflammation and insulin secretion
- Prof. Patrik Rorsman, University of Oxford. Feldberg Award Lecture.Linking impaired beta-cell function to diabetes-associated complications: a sweet story
- Prof. Dr. Urs Christen,
Pharmazentrum Frankfurt, Klinikum der Goethe Universität Frankfurt. Identification of novel targets for immune intervention in type 1 diabetes
- Prof. Corrado M. Cilio, Lund University. The landscape of human pancreas immuno-surveilance: towards a better understanding of diabetes pathogenesis.
- Dr. Antonio Javier Jiménez Caliani, Diabetes and Obesity Center of Excellence University of Washington, “Alpha-catenin: an important player in b-cell development”
- Prof. Guy A. Rutter, Head of Section of Cell Biology, Department of Medicine, Imperial College London, "GLP-1 regulation of pancreatic islet connectivity"
Prof. Noel Morgan, University of Exeter Medical SchoolUK, “Beta-cell enteroviral infection in type 1 diabetes – fact or fiction?
- Prof. Milind G Watve, Pune University India, Type 2 diabetes: the dynamics of blood, brain, behavior and beta cell
- Prof. Dr. Eckhard Lammert, Institut für Stoffwechselphysiologie, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, Pancreatic beta cells –ancient insulin-secreting neurons
Prof. Rohit Kulkarni Department of Cell Biology, Harvard Medical School, Boston/USA
Insulin Signaling, Insulin Processing and Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress in Pancreatic beta cells- Prof. George Holz, Prof. of Medicine, Upstate Medical University, Syracuse, NY, USA "New chemistry for diabetes: cAMP sensor Epac2 and its Role in the Regulation of Pancreatic Insulin Secretion"
Chunguang Chen, PhD, Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen "NF-κB Activity Induced by Inflammatory Cytokines under Transplantation Environment Impairs Pancreatic Islet Survival and Intraportal Transplantation Outcome"
Prof. Christian Herder, German Diabetes Center Institute for Clinical Diabetology Heinrich Heine University Dusseldorf, Germany: Subclinical inflammation and type 2 diabetes
- Prof. Benoit Gauthier, Dpt. of Cellular Physiology and Metabolism University Geneva Medical Center, Geneva, Switzerland: The transcription factors PDX1 and PAX4 control pancreatic β-cell function and mass
Dr. Ayman Hyder, Institut für Physiologie und Biochemie der Ernährung Bundesforschungsanstalt für Ernährung und Lebensmittel, Kiel, From Stem Cells to Islets
We have presented our work at...
... the EASD meeting 2018 in Berlin:
- Wei He: Obesity is associated with more inflammatory macrophages in human pancreatic islets
... the ADA meeting 2017 in San Diego:
- Amin Ardestani: Mst1 Inhibition As A Novel Beta-cell Protective Therapy For Diabetes
... the EASD meeting 2017 in Lisbon:
- Janina Oetjen: Localization of a novel Mst1 inhibitor for the Therapy of Diabetes by MALDI imaging
... the EASD meeting 2016 in Munich:
- Durga Gorrepati: Hyperactivation of mTORC1 in human type 2 diabetic human pancreatic islets
- Sahar Rafizadeh: Pro-proliferative and anti-apoptotic action of exogenously introduced YAP in pancreatic beta cells
- Niels Busse: Detection of beta cell virus infection in type 1 diabetes by short fluorescently labelled oligonucleotide probes
- Payal Shah: The hypervascularisation of islets in type 2 diabetes is not mediated by angiopoetin-2
- Wei He: TLR4 deficiency ameliorates ageing-dependent, diet-induced inflammation, glucose intolerance and pancreatic beta cell failure
... the EASD meeting 2015 in Stockholm:
- Ting Yuan: LATS2 controls beta cell apoptosis by regulating the MOB1-Praja2 axis,
- Michael Hauke: A dual approach with Siglec-7: it inhibits macrophage infiltration into human islets and restores beta cell function and survival
- Wei He: TLR4 triggered inflammation involves an interplay between macrophages, alpha and beta cells in human pancreatic islets
- Kathrin Maedler: Make a better beta-cell!
... the 5th International Congress on Stem Cells and Tissue Formation, 2014
Zahra Azizi: Characterization of β-MSC Insulin producing cells generated by fusion of mesenchymal stromal cells with β-cells.
... the 50th EMBO | 40th EMBL Symposium: Translating Diabetes, 2014
Zahra Azizi: Functional β-MSCs: successful fusion of MSCs with β-cells results in a b-cell like phenotype.
Kathrin Maedler: MST1: Major causative factor for beta-cell destruction
... the EASD meeting 2014 in Vienna:
- W. Hei: TLR4 inhibition blocks cytokine production and restores beta cell survival in human pancreatic islets
- N. Busse: AKT/JNK switch induces beta cell apoptosis as part of TLR3 signalling during Coxsackievirus infection
- Z. Azizi: Highly-efficient MSCs fusion with beta cells results in beta cell-like phenotype
- K. Stolz: Siglec F knockout impairs glucose stimulated insulin secretion in isolated mouse islets
...the EASD meeting 2013 in Barcelona:
- G. Dharmadhikari: Siglec-7 is down-regulated in inflamed islets and activated peripheral mononuclear cells and restores beta cell function and survival
- P. Shah P.: Angiogenic factors regulate beta cell function
... the EASD meeting 2012 in Berlin:
- F. Paroni: Coxsackievirus initiates strong immune response and death of beta cells
- P. Shah: CXCL10 antagonism improves insulin sensitivity, inflammation, beta cell function, survival and mass
- K.S. Zien: FABP5 depletion protects from diabetes
- A. Ardestani: MST1 mediates beta cell failure by targeting BIM and destabilising PDX1
- A. Meyer: Non-invasive in vivo analysis of beta cell function and mass by MRI
- K. Stolz: The adipocytokines Nampt and vaspin have no effect on beta cell survival but potentiate glucose stimulated insulin secretion
... the German Islet Meeting 2011 in Freiburg: Kathrin Maedler, Amin Ardestani, Luan Shuh, Erna Domsgen
... the American Diabetes Association Meeting 2011 in San Diego:
- Amin Ardestani: Mammalian sterile 20-like kinase 1 (MST1) mediates pancreatic β-cell apoptosis
- Federico Paroni: Endosomal TLR3 activation initiates virus-induced b-cell death
... the EASD meeting 2011 in Lisbon:
- E. Domsgen: Endosomal TLR3 activation by Coxsackievirus initiates strong immune response and death of beta cells
- K.S. Zien: FABP5 depletion protects from gluco- and lipotoxicity in beta cells
- G. Dharmadhikari: Siglec 7 improves beta cell function and survival by inhibition of cytokine expression and secretion
- K. Maedler: TCF7L2 plays a role in beta cell regeneration
... the Endocrine Society Meeting 2010 in San Diego:
- Kathrin Maedler: TLR4 in islets
... the American Diabetes Association Meeting 2010 in Orlando:
- Kathrin Maedler: TCF7L2 & GLP-1-is there a connection?
- Payal Shah, Desiree M Schumann, Amin Ardestani, Luan Shu, Federico Paroni, Julie Kerr-Conte, Thomas Klein, and Kathrin Maedler: The DPP-4 inhibitor linagliptin restores β-cell function in human isolated islets
... the EASD meeting 2010 in Stockholm:
- Amin Ardestani: MST1 mediates β-cell apoptosis and impaired function
- Gitanjali Dharmadhikari: Siglecs are differentially expressed in pancreatic islets and regulate β-cell function and survival
- Erna Domsgen: Virus-induced b-cell death depends on CXCL10 and the AKT-JNK-PKR crosstalk
- Kathrin Maedler: Identification of an intracellular metabolic signature impairing b-cell function
- Kathrin Maedler: Symposium: “From genetic association to molecular mechanism and pathophysiology”, lecture title: “TCF7”
... the EASD meeting 2009 in Vienna
- Shu, L; Matveyenko, AV; Kerr-Conte, J, … Maedler K: Decreased TCF7L2 protein levels in type 2 diabetes mellitus correlated with downregulation of GIP and GLP-1 receptors and impaired beta cell function
- Dharmadhikari, G; Muehle, MK; Schulthess, FT,…Maedler K: The Fas apoptotic inhibitory protein TOSO induces proliferation in human beta cells.
- Ardestani, A; Sauter, NS; Kerr-Conte, J,…Maedler K: PDX-1 translocates to the cytosol in type 2 diabetes.
We present our research at the EASD meeting in Barcelona 2019

We present our research at the EASD meeting in Berlin 2018