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Gräf, T., Gummi, K., Filser, J., Thöming, J., & Köser, J. 2023. Improving Membrane Filtration for Copper Speciation: Optimal Salt Pretreatments of Polyethersulfone Membranes to Prevent Analyte Retention. ACS Omega 2023, 8, 6, 5742–575, American Chemical Society.
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Djidjonri F., P., Nukenine, E., Koehler, H., 2019: Abundance and Diversity of Insect Pests on Maize, Cowpea and Okra in a Comparative Experiment: Testing Effects of Intercropping and Insecticide in the Cameroonian Guinean Savannah and Sudano Sahelian Agro-ecological Zones. Journal of Experimental Agriculture International 29(6): 1-20,
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Schnee, L., Albert, N., Koehler, H., Filser, J., 2018: Interactions between soil biota, organic amendments and carbon stabilisation at different soil and cliamtic conditions.
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Schäffer, A., Filser, J., Frische, T., Gessner, M., Köck, W., Kratz, W., Liess, M., Nuppenau, E.-A., Roß-Nickoll, M., Schäfer, R., Scheringer, M., 2018: Der stumme Frühling - Zur Notwendigkeit eines umweltverträglichen Pflanzenschutzes. Diskussion Nr. 16. Natonale Akademie der Wissenschafen - Leopoldina, Halle (Saale): 1-65. [ English title: The Silent Spring – On the need for sustainable plant protection;]
Zhang, Y.-Q., Markiewicz, M., Filser, J., Stolte, S., 2018: Toxicity of a quinaldine-based Liquid Organic Hydrogen Carrier (LOHC) system toward soil organisms Arthrobacter globiformis and Folsomia candida. Environ. Sci. Technol. 52 (1), pp 258–265, DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.7b04434
Daghighi, E., Koehler, H., Kesel, R., Filser, J. (2017): Long-term succession of Collembola communities in relation to climate change and vegetation. Pedobiologia 64: 25-38.
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Köser, J. Engelke, M., Hoppe, M., Nogowski, A., Filser, J., Thöming, J., 2017: Predictability of silver nanoparticle speciation and toxicity in ecotoxicological media. Environmental Science Nano, DOI: 10.1039/c7en00026j
McKee, M.S., Engelke, M., Zhang, X, Lesnikov, E., Köser, J., Filser, J., 2017: Collembola reproduction decreases with aging of silver nanoparticles in a sewage sludge-treated soil. Front. Environ. Sci. - Green and Environmental Chemistry. doi: 10.3389/fenvs.2017.00019
Sakka, Y, Koeser, J., Filser, J., 2017. How test vessel properties affect the fate of silver nitrate and sterically stabilized silver nanoparticles in two different test designs used for acute tests with Daphnia magna. Env Sc Poll Res. 24: 2495. doi:10.1007/s11356-016-7913-5
Zhang, X., Filser, J., 2017: Suitability of Contact-Free Oxygen Optical Microsensors for Measuring Respiration and Photosynthesis in Green Algae. Front. Environ. Sci. 5:91;
Schnee, L., Knauth, S., Hapca, S., Otten, W., Eickhorst, T., 2016. Analysis of physical pore space characteristics of two pyrolytic biochars and potential as microhabitat. DOI:10.1007/s11104-016-2935-9
Daghighi, E., Burkhardt, U., Filser, J., Koehler, H., 2016. Techniques for clearing and mounting Collembola from old collections. – Soil Organisms 88: 89-97
Filser, J., Faber, J.H., Tiunov, A.V., Lijbert Brussaard, L., Frouz, J., De Deyn, G., Uvarov, A.V., Berg, M.P., Lavelle, P., Loreau, M., Wall, D.H., Querner, P., Eijsackers, H., Jiménez, J.J., 2016. Soil fauna: key to new carbon models. Soil 2, 565-682. doi:10.5194/soil-2-565-2016
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McKee, M., and Filser, J., 2016. Impacts of metal-based engineered nanomaterials on soil communities. Environmental Science: Nano 3, 506-533 . DOI: 10.1039/C6EN00007J
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Sakka, Y., Skjolding, L.M., Mackevica, A., Filser, J., Baun, A., 2016. Behavior and chronic toxicity of two differently stabilized silver nanoparticles to Daphnia magna. Aquatic Toxicology 177, 526-535. DOI: 10.1016/j.aquatox.2016.06.025
Sakka, Y., Völkel, A., Filser, J., 2016: Food Reduction Adds Stress to Chronic Silver
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Zhang, Y.-Q., Dringen, R., Petters, C., Rastedt, W., Köser, J., Filser, J., Stolte, S., 2016. Toxicity of dimercaptosuccinate-coated and un-functionalized magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles towards aquatic organisms. Environ. Sci.: Nano 3 , 754-767 . DOI: 10.1039/C5EN00222B
D'Annibale A., Larsen T., Sechi V., Cortet J., Strandberg B., Vincze E., Filser J., Audisio P.A., Krogh P.H. 2015. Influence of elevated CO 2 and GM barley on a soil mesofauna community in a mesocosm test system. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 84: 127-136
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Buse T., Filser J. 2014. Mucilaginous seeds and algal diets attract soil Collembola in preference tests. European Journal of Soil Biology 65: 1-6
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Ngakou A., Koehler H., Ngueliaha H.C. 2014. The role of cow dung and kitchen manure composts and their non-aerated compost teas in reducing the incidence of foliar diseases of Lycopersicon esculentum (Mill). International Journal of Agricultural Research, Innovation and Technology 4(1): 88-97
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Nicolai A., Filser J., Lenz R., Bertrand C., Charrier M. 2012: Quantitative assessment of haemolymph metabolites in two physiological states and two populations of the land snail Helix pomatia. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 85: 274-284
Nicolai A., Filser J., Lenz R., Briand V., Charrier M., 2012: The composition of body storage compounds influences egg quality and the reproductive investment in the land snail Cornu aspersum. Can. J. Zool. 90: 1161-1170
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Reuter, H.; Schmidt, G.; Schröder, W.; Middelhoff, U.; Pehlke, H.; Breckling, B. 2011: Regional distribution of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) - Up-scaling the dispersal and persistence potential of herbicide resistant oilseed rape ( Brassisca napus ). Ecological Indicators 11(4): 989-999, DOI
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Nicolai A., Filser J., Briand V., Charrier M. 2010: Seasonally contrasting life-history strategies in the lans snail Cornu aspersum ; physiological and ecological implications. Can. J. Zool. 88: 995-1002
Pfeffer S.P., Filser J. 2010: Attraction to prey and prey-associated odours by the predatory mite Hypoaspis aculeifer in a soil experimental system. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 42, 1355-1357.
Pfeffer S.P., Khalili H., Filser J. 2010: Food choice and reproductive success of Folsomia candida feeding on copper-contaminated mycelium of the soil fungus Alternaria alternata. Pedobiologia 54: 19-23
Reuter H., Middelhoff U., Graef F., Verhoeven R., Batz T., Weis M., Schmidt G., Schröder W., Breckling B. 2010: Information system for monitoring environmental impacts of genetically modified organisms. Environ Sci Pollut Res 17, 1479-1490, DOI 10.1007/s11356-010-0334-y
Squire G.R., Breckling B., Dietz Pfeilstetter A., Jorgensen R.B., Lecomte J., Pivard, S., Reuter H., Young M.W. 2010: Status of feral oilseed rape in Europe: its minor role as a GM impurity and its potential as a reservoir of transgene persistence. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. DOI 10.1007/s11356-010-0376-1
Matzke M., Müller A., Thiele K., Filser J. 2009: Sorption and desorption of imidazolium based ionic liquids in different soil types. Chemosphere 74, 568-574.
Matzke M., Stolte S., Arning J., Uebers U., Filser J. 2009: Ionic liquids in soils: Effects of different anion species of imidazolium based ionic liquids on wheat (Triticum aestivum) as affected by different clay minerals and clay concentrations). Ecotoxicology; DOI 10.1007/s10646-008-0272-3
Mitschunas N., Filser J., Wagner M. 2009: On the use of fungicides in ecological seed burial experiments. Seed Science Research 19, 51-60
Schaeffer A., Hollert H., Ratte H.T., Ross-Nickoll M., Filser J., Matthies M., Oehlmann J., Scheringer M., Schulz R., Seitz A. 2009: An indispensable asset at risk: merits and needs of chemicals-related environmental sciences. Environ. Sci. Poll. Res.16, 410-413.
Weinhold M., Sauvageau J.C.M., Keddig N., Matzke m., Tartsch B., Grunwald I., Kübel C., Jastorff B., Thöming J. 2009: Strategy to improve the characterization of chitosan for sustainable biomedical applications: SAR guided multi-dimensional analysis. Green Chemistry 11, 498-509
Arning J., Dringen R., Schmidt M., Thiessen A., Stolte S., Matzke M., Bottin-Weber U., Caesar-Geertz B., Jastorff B., Ranke J. (2008): Structure-activity relationship for the impact of selected isothiazol-3-one biocides on gluthatione metabolism and gluthatione reductase of the human cell line Hep G2. Toxicology 246, 203-212.
Filser J. 2008: Ecotoxicology and ecosystems: relevance, restrictions, research needs (Special Feature). Basic and Applied Ecology 9(4), 333-336; doi:10.1016/j.baae.2007.08.009
Filser J., Koehler H., Ruf A., Römbke J., Prinzing A., Schaefer M. 2008: Ecological theory meets soil ecotoxicology: challenge and chance. Basic and Applied Ecology 9, 346-355; doi:10.1016/j.baae.2007.08.010
Irmler U., Nellen W., Pfeiffer H.-W., Hölker F. & Reuter H. 2008: Biocoenotical interactions between different ecotopes. In: Fränzle, O.; Kappen, L.; Blume, H. P. & Dierssen, K., Ecosystem Organisation of a Diverse Landscape: Long-Term Research in the Bornhöved Lakes District, Germany. Ecological Studies 202, Springer, New York, Berlin.
Kienle C., Köhler H.-R., Filser J., Gerhardt A. 2008: Effects of nickel chloride and oxygen depletion on behaviour and vitality of zebrafish Danio rerio (Hamilton, 1822) (Pisces, Cypriniformes) embryos and larvae. Environmental Pollution 152, 612-620
Matzke M., Stolte S., Arning J., Uebers U., Filser J. 2008: Imidazolium based on ionic liquids in soils: effects of the side chain length on wheat (Triticum aestivum) and cress (Lepidium sativum) as affectetd by different clays and organic matter. Green Chemistry. doi:10.1039/ b717811e
Matzke M., Stolte S., Böschen A., Filser J. 2008: Mixture effects and predictability of combination effects of imidazolium based ionic liquids as well as imidazolium based ionic liquids and cadmium on terrestrial plants (Triticum aestivum) and limnic green algae (Scenedesmus vacuolatus). Green Chemistry 10, 784-792
Mitschunas N., Wagner M., Filser J. 2008: Increased seedling emergence under field conditions in the presence of fungivorous soil mesofauna. Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society 135, 272-280
Navarro E., Baun A., Behra R., Hartmann N.B., Filser J., Miao A.-I., Quigg A., Santschi P.H., Sigg R. 2008: Environmental behaviour and ecotoxicity of engineered nanoparticles to algae, plants and fungi. Ecotoxicology 17, 372-386
Pesch R., Pehlke H., Jerosch K., Schröder W., Schlüter M. 2008: Using Decision Trees to Predict Benthic Communities within and near the German Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) of the North Sea. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment (accepted)
Reuter H., Menzel G., Pehlke H., Breckling B. 2008: Hazard mitigation or mitigation hazard? Would genetically modified dwarfed oilseed rape (Brassica napus) increase feral survival? Environ Sci Pollut Res 15, 529–535. DOI 10.1007/s11356-008-0049-5
Scott-Fordsmand J., Krogh P.H., Schaefer M., Johansen A. 2008: The toxicity testing of double-walled nanotubes-contaminated food to Eisenia veneta earthworms. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 71, 616-619
Seeger J., Filser J. 2008: Bottom-up down from the top: honeydew as a carbon source for soil organisms. European Journal of Soil Biology 44, 483-490
Stolte S., Abdulkarim S., Arning J., Blomeyer-Nienstedt A.-K., Bottin-Weber U., Matzke M., Ranke J., Jastorff B., Thöming J. 2008. Primary biodegradation of ionic liquid cations, identification of degradation products of 1-methyl-3-octylimidazolium chloride and electrochemical wastewater treatment of poorly biodegradable compounds. Green Chemistry 10, 214-224. doi:10.1039/ b713095c
Wagner M., Mitschunas N. 2008: Fungal effects on seed bank persistence and potential applications in weed biocontrol: A review. Basic and Applied Ecology 9(3), 191-203
Bedano J.C., Ruf A. 2007: Soil predatory mite communities (Acari: Gamasina) in agroecosystems of Central Argentina. Applied Soil Ecology 36, 22-31
Breckling B., Reuter H. 2007: Analysis of neighbourhood relations for the monitoring of
genetically modified organisms: Steps from local scale to the regional scale. J. Verbr. Lebensm. 2 (Supplement 1), 59 – 61; doi: 10.1007/s00003-007-0293-5
Heckmann L.H., Ruf A., Nienstedt K., Krogh P.H. 2007: Reproductive performance of the generalist predator Hypoaspis aculeifer (Acari: Gamasida) when foraging on different invertebrate prey. Applied Soil Ecology 36 (2-3), 130-135; doi:10.1016/j.apsoil.2007.01.002
Hildebrandt J., Middelhoff U., Breckling B. 2007: Wie die Ökologische Flächenstichprobe zum Monitoring gentechnisch veränderter Organismen beitragen kann. Natur und Landschaft 82 (3), 94-99
Kienle C., Köhler H.-R., Filser J., Gerhardt A. 2007: Effects of nickel chloride and oxygen depletion on behaviour and vitality of zebrafish Danio rerio (Hamilton, 1822) (Pisces, Cypriniformes) embryos and larvae. Environmental Pollution 152, 612-620
Matzke M., Stolte S., Thiele K., Juffernholz T., Arning J., Ranke J., Welz-Biermann U., Jastorff B. 2007: The influence of anion species on the toxicity of 1-alkyl-3methalimidazolium ionic liquids observed in an (eco)toxicological test battery. Green Chemistry 9, 1198-1207. doi:10.1039/ b705795d
Reuter H., Jopp F., Hölker F., Eschenbach C., Middelhoff U., Breckling B. 2007: The ecological effect of phenotypic plasticity. Analysing complex interaction networks with agent based models. Ecological Informatics (available online doi:10.1016/j.ecoinf.2007.03.010)
Schaefer M., Filser J. 2007: The influence of earthworms and organic additives on the biodegradation of oil contaminated soil. Applied Soil Ecology 36, 53-62
Stolte S., Matzke M., Arning J., Böschen A., Pitner W.R., Welz-Biermann U., Jastorff B., Ranke J. 2007: Effects of different head groups and functionalised side chains on the aquatic toxicity of ionic liquids. Green Chemistry 9, 1170-1179. doi:10.1039/ b711119c
Breckling B., Middelhoff U., Reuter H. 2006: Individual-based models as tools for ecological theory and application: Understanding the emergence of organisational properties in ecological systems. Ecological Modelling 194, 102-113
Breckling B. & Reuter H. 2006: General surveillance of genetically modified organisms - the importance of expected and unexpected environmental effects. Journal für Verbraucherschutz und Lebensmittelsicherheit 1, Supplement 1: 72-74
Kesel R., Koehler H., Heyser W. 2006: ReviTec®, a modular approach of ecological restoration to combat degradation and desertification. SER-newsletter, Aug. 2006, 1-2
Mazaris A.D., Breckling B., Matsinos Y.G. 2006: An individual based model of a sea turtle population to analyze effects of age dependent mortality. Ecological Modelling 198, 174-182
Mitschunas N., Wagner M., Filser J. 2006: Evidence for a positive influence of fungivorous soil invertebrates on the seed bank persistence of grassland species. Journal of Ecology 94, 791-800
Reuter H., Verhoeven R., Middelhoff U., Breckling B. 2006: Information system for the monitoring of genetically modified organisms (GMO) - ISMO -. Journal für Verbraucherschutz und Lebensmittelsicherheit 1, Supplement 1: 89-91
Ruf A., Kuzyakov Y., Lopatovskaya O. 2006: Carbon fluxes in soil food webs of increasing complexity revealed by 14C labelling and 13C natural abundance. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 38, 2390-2400
Stolte S., Arning J., Bottin-Weber U., Matzke M., Stock F., Thiele K., Uerdingen M., Welz-Biermann U., Jastorff B., Ranke J. 2006: Anion effects on the cytotoxicity of ionic liquids. Green Chemistry 8, 621-629. doi:10.1039/ b602161a
Breckling B. (Ed.) 2005: Emergent Properties in Individual-based Models. Case Studies from the Bornhöved Project (Northern Germany ).Ecological Modelling Vol. 186, Issue 4 (Special issue10 September 2005), 375-510
Breckling B., Müller F.,Reuter H., Hölker F. & Fränzle O. 2005: Emergent properties in individual-based ecological models – introducing case studies in ecosystem research context. Ecological Modelling 186, 376-388
Burkhardt U., Filser J. 2005: Molecular evidence for a fourth species within the Isotoma viridis group (Insecta, Collembola). Zoologica Scripta 34 (2), 177-185
Hölker F. & Breckling B. 2005: A spatiotemporal individual-based fish model to investigate emergent properties at the organismal and the population level. Ecological Modelling 186, 406-426
Hoffmeister T.S, Vet L.E.M., Biere A., Holsinger K. Filser J. (2005): Trophic interactions in a changing world: consequences for evolutionary processes. Ecosystems 8, 657-667
Jastorff B., Mölter K., Behrend P., Bottin-Weber U., Filser J., Heimers A., Ondruschka B., Ranke J., Schaefer M., Schröder H., Stark A., Stepnowski P., Stock F., Stolte S., Welz-Biermann U., Ziegert S., Thöming J. 2005: Progress in evaluation of risk potential of ionic liquids - basis for an eco-design of sustainable products. Green Chemistry 7, 362-372
Jopp F., Reuter H. 2005: Dispersal of carabid beetles - emergence of distribution patterns. Ecological Modelling 186, 389-405
Ke X., Winter K., Filser J. 2005: Effects of soil mesofauna and farming management on decomposition of clover litter: a microcosm experiment. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 37, 731-738
Middelhoff U. & Breckling B. 2005: From single fine roots to a black alder forest ecosystem: how system behaviour emerges from single component activities. Ecological Modelling 186, 447-469
Reuter H. 2005: Community processes as emergent properties: Modelling multilevel interaction in small mammals communities. Ecological Modelling 186, 427-446
Reuter H., Hölker F., Middelhoff U., Jopp F., Eschenbach C. & Breckling B. 2005: The concepts of emergent and collective properties in individual based models - Summary and outlook of the Bornhoved case studies. Ecological Modelling 186, 489-501
Ruf A., Beck L. 2005: The use of predatory soil mites in ecological soil classification and assessment concepts, with perspectives on oribatid mites. Ecotoxicology and Enviromental Safety 62, 290-299
Schaefer M., Petersen S.O., Filser J. 2005: Effects of Lumbricus terrestris, Allolobophora chlorotica and Eisenia fetida on microbial community dynamics in oil-contaminated soil. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 37 (11), 2065-2076
Breckling B., Reuter H. 2004: Analysing biodiversity: the necessity of interdisciplinary trends in the development of ecological theory. Poiesis & Praxis - International Journal of Ethics of Science and Technology Assessment 3, 83-105 (available at Springer)
Burkhardt U., Filser J. 2004: Fast and efficient discrimination of the Isotoma viridis group (Insecta: Collembola) by PCR-RFLP. Pedobiologia 48 (5-6), 435-443 (available at Elsevier/Science Direct )
Hollert H., Gies A., Oehlmann J., Schürmann G., Schaefer M., Braunbeck T. 2004: Podiumsdiskussion "New Blood in Ecotoxicology" Wie kann die Berliner Erklärung zur Ökotoxikologie umgesetzt werden? SETAC Europe-GLB Corner, UWSF-Z Umweltchem Ökotox 16(3), 149-150
Ranke J., Mölter K., Stock F., Bottin-Weber U., Poczobutt J., Hoffmann J., Ondruschka B., Filser J., Jastorff B. 2004: Biological effects of imidazolium ionic liquids with varying chain lenghts in acute Vibrio fischeri and WST-1 cell viability assays. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 28, 396-404
Schaefer M. 2004: Assessing 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene (TNT) contaminated soil using three different earthworm test methods, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 57(1), 74-80
Schaefer M., Juffernholz T. 2004: Nachwuchsförderung in der Ökotoxikologie - New Blood in Ecotoxicology - Ergebnisse einer Fragebogenerhebung zur "Ausbildung in der Ökotoxikologie". SETAC Europe-GLB Corner, UWSF-Z Umweltchem Ökotox 16(1), 69-70
Frische T., Höper H. 2003: Soil microbial parameters and luminescent bacteria assays as indicators for in situ bioremediation of TNT-contaminated soils. Chemosphere 50, 415-427.
Frische T, 2003: Ecotoxicological evaluation of in situ bioremediation of soils contaminated by the explosive 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene (TNT), Environmental Pollution 121, 103-113
Jastorff B., Störmann R., Ranke J., Mölter K., Stock F., Oberheitmann B., Hoffmann W., Nüchter M., Ondruschka B., Filser J. 2003: How hazardous are ionic liquids? Structure-activity relationships and biological testing as important elements for sustainability evaluation. Green Chemistry 5, 136-142
Schaefer M. 2003: Behavioural Endpoints in Earthworm Ecotoxicology: Evaluation of Different Test Systems in Soil Toxicity Assessment. Journal of Soils and Sediments 3 (2), 79-84
Breckling B. 2002: Individual-based modelling: Potentials and limitations. Mini-Review. The Scientific World JOURNAL 2:1044-1062. (reviewed Internet Publication)
Filser J., Mebes K.-H., Winter K., Lang A., Kampichler C. 2002: Long-term dynamics and interrelationships of soil Collembola and microorganisms in an arable landscape following land use change. - Geoderma 105, 201-221
Filser J. 2002: The role of Collembla in carbon and nitrogen cycling in soil. - Pedobiologia 46, 234-245
Filser J., Krogh P.H. 2002: Interactions between Enchytraeus crypticus, collembolans, gamasid mites and barley plants - a greenhouse experiment. - In: Christensen, B., Standen, V. (eds.): Newsletters on Enchytraeidae No. 7, Natura Jutlandica Occasional papers No. 2, 32-42
Frische T. 2002. Screening for soil toxicity and mutagenicity using luminescent bacteria - a case study of the explosive 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene (TNT). EES - Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 51, 133-144.
Hölker F., Breckling B. 2002: Influence of activity in a heterogeneous environment on the dynamics of fish growth: an individual-based model of roach; Journal of Fish Biology 60, 1170-1189.
Koehler, H., 2002: Gamasina im Monitoring einer Phytoremediationsmaßnahme eines TNT-belasteten Bodens. Abh. Ber. Naturkundemuseum Görlitz 74, 21-30.
Koehler, H., Warrelmann, J., Frische, T., Behrend, P., Walter, U., 2002: In-situ phytoremediation of TNT-contaminated soil. ISEB 2001 Meeting PHYTOREMEDIATION 15 17 May 2001 at the UFZ, Leipzig; Acta Biotechnologica 22, 67-80.
Koehler H., Warrelmann J., Frische T., Walter U. 2002: In situ-phytoremediation of TNT-contaminated soil. Acta Biotechnologica 22, 67-80.
Kusyakov Y., Biryukova O.V., Kuznetzova T.V., Mölter K., Kandeler E., Stahr K. 2002: Carbon partitioning in plant and soil, carbon dioxide fluxes and enzyme activities as affected by cutting ryegrass. Biology and Fertility of Soils 35, 348-358
Ruf A., Beck L., Dreher P., Hund-Rinke K., Römbke J.(im Druck): A biological classification concept for the assessment of soil quality:"Biological Soil Classification Scheme" (BBSK). Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment
Verhoeven R. 2002: The structure of the microtrophic system in a development series of dune soils. Pedobiologia 46, 75-89
Verhoeven R. 2002: Ciliates in coastal dune soils of different stages of development, European Journal of Soil Biology 38, 187-191
Albrecht H., Kühn N., Filser J. 2001: Investigations in an agricultural catchment of Southern Germany: Site effects on plant and animal distribution within an Agricul-tural Landscape. - Ecological Studies (Springer, Berlin) 147, 209-227
André H. M., Ducarme X., Anderson J., Crossley D. Jr, Koehler H., Paoletti M., Walter D. and Lebrun Ph. 2001: Skilled eyes are needed to go on studying the richness for the soil. Nature 409, 761.
Auerswald K., Filser J. 2001: Investigations in an agricultural catchment of Southern Germany: Ecological and economic evaluations of agricultural land use - experiences from the Scheyern experimental farm. - Ecological Studies (Springer, Berlin) 147, 265-269
Breckling B. 2001: Funktionsbegriff und Unsicherheit in einfachen Modellen ökologischer Prozesse. In: Jax, K. (Hrg.): Funktionsbegriff und Unsicherheit in der Ökologie. Theorie in der Ökologie Bd. 2 Frankfurt M. (Peter Lang Verlag) S. 99 - 113
Hölker F., Breckling B. 2001: An individual-based aproach to depict the influence of the feeding strategy on the population structure of roach (Rutilus rutilus L.) Limnologica 31, 69 - 78
Jopp F., Breckling B. 2001: Rolle und Bedeutung von Modellen für den ökologischen Erkenntnisprozeß. Eine Einführung in die Thematik. In: Jopp, F.; Weigmann, G. (Hrg.) Rolle und Bedeutung für den ökologischen Erkenntnisprozeß. Theorie in der Ökologie Bd. 4 Frankfurt M. (Peter Lang Verlag) S. 1 - 15
Koehler H., Frische T., Dobner I., Behrend P., Schaefer M., Taubner T., Jastorff B., Warrelmann J., Walter U. 2001: Erprobung und Erfolgskontrolle eines Phytoremediationsverfahrens zur Sanierung Sprengstoff-kontaminierter Böden: II. Ergebnisse eines Freilanderxperiments. UWSF - Z. Umweltchem. Ökotox. 13, 291-300
Koehler H., Warrelmann J., Behrend P., Dobner I., Frische T., Heyser W., Jastorff B., Walter, U. 2001: Erprobung und Erfolgskontrolle eines Phytoremediationsverfahrens zur Sanierung Sprengstoff-kontaminierter Böden: III. Beurteilung des Verfahrens. UWSF - Z. Umweltchem. Ökotox. 13, 359-368
Pfadenhauer J., Filser J. 2001: Investigations in an agricultural catchment of Southern Ger-many: Adapting land use strategies to site conditions in the context of sustainable agricultural management. - Ecological Studies (Springer, Berlin) 147, 175-182
Ruf A. 2001: Stoffumsatzleistungen in Böden von zwei historisch alten und zwei rezenten Laubwäldern im Niedersächsischen Flachland. Andrias 15, 173-184
Schaefer M. 2001: Earthworms in Crude Oil Contaminated Soils: Toxicity Tests and Effects on Crude Oil Degradation; Soil Sediment & Water, 08/2001, pp. 35-37.
Siddique I., Seneviratne G., Breckling B., Alexander I. 2001: Restoration of soil chemical fertility by forest garden establishment. Pragna - IFS Science Bulletin 14 (3,4): 11 - 15 (ISSN 1391-6033).
Verhoeven R. 2001: Response of soil microfauna to organic fertilization in young coastal dune soils, Biology and Fertility of Soils 34, 390-396
Breckling B., Müller,F. (Hrsg.) 2000: Der Ökologische Risikobegriff (Theorie in der Ökologie, Band 1). Peter Lang Verlag, Frankfurt
Breckling B., Reuter H.; Middelhoff U. 2000: Self-organisation simplified: Simulating spatial structures which emerge from non-directed ecological interactions. In: Sklenar, J. (Ed.): Proceedings of the 26th ASU conference: Object oriented modelling and simulation. Malta, 26. - 28. Sept. 2000
Filser J., Wittmann R., Lang A. 2000: Response types in Collembola towards copper in the microenvironment. - Environmental Pollution 107, 71-78
Filser J. 2000: Redundanz von Arten, funktionellen Gruppen und ganzen Nahrungsnetzen in Abhängigkeit von äußeren Bedingungen: Definitions- und Verständnisproblematik am Beispiel von Bodenorganismen. In: Jax, K., Breckling, B. (eds): Funktionsbegriff und Unsicherheit in der Ökologie. Tagungsband zum Arbeitskreistreffen „Theorie in der Ökologie“, 31-44
Garstecki T., Verhoeven R., Wickham S.A., Arndt H. 2000: Benthic-pelagic coupling: a comparison of the community structure of benthic and planctonic heterotrophic protists in shallow inlets of the southern Baltic. Freshwater Biology 45, 147-167
Koehler H. 2000: Natural regeneration and succession: results from a 13 yrs study with reference to mesofauna and vegetation, and implications for management. Landscape and Urban Planning 52, 123-130