HiSe - Human integrated Swarm Exploration

Human integrated Swarm Exploration (HiSe): Human Integration

Duration: 2021 - 2024

Exploration of Mars is one of the basic prerequisites for sustainable human settlement. Swarm exploration is currently a subject of in-depth research worldwide, with robots acting as AI agents to autonomously explore Mars. In the future, humans will be part of a swarm, both physically at the site of exploration and immersively from the habitat. This requires research on the design of human-robot interfaces with their semantic aspects related to human communication channels and to immersive swarm exploration.

The objective of the bime is to harness Big Data from Mars exploration for human-machine interaction and decision making in swarms. For this purpose, Industry 4.0 approaches are combined with technologies from game development in a virtual simulation environment to design exploration scenarios that are as realistic and immersive as possible. In addition to the technological development of the approaches, the aim is to gain knowledge about decision-making processes within human-robot teams.


PatrickRückert, M.Sc.
Tel.: +49 421 218-64838
E-Mail: rueckertprotect me ?!bimeprotect me ?!.de

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