Research at the Malta Centre | Riċerka fiċ-Ċentru tal-Ilsien Malti

Those directly associated with the Malta Centre in Bremen contribute to research into Maltese. Only two recent projects should be outlined in terms of content.

In spring 2020, Benjamin Saade, who has served as a research associate at the Malta Centre since 2012, successfully completed his doctorate with a cumulative dissertation on borrowed Italian derivational morphology and its productivity in Maltese. The dissertation, entitled Productivity of Italian derivation in Maltese and its implications for language contact studies (Bremen 2020), comprises three articles written at the Malta Centre and previously published in the A-Rate journals Language Typology and Universals, Linguistics and Morphology, thus bringing Maltese to the attention of a wider linguistic audience.

The aim of the DFG project Prepositions and their Grammar in Maltese is to determine the total stock of Maltese prepositions, which has never been precisely determined, and to describe them comprehensively in terms of their phonological, morphological, syntactic and semantic properties, both qualitatively and quantitatively, as well as to systematically examine them typologically, contact linguistically and diachronically. Within the framework of this project, MaikeVorholt is working on her dissertation on quantitative aspects of Maltese prepositions. In connection with this project, the following publications have already appeared in print:


Stolz, Thomas & Maike Vorholt. 2022. On WH-PREPS. A contrastive grammatical sketch of Maltese fejn and Spanish donde/donde. In Przemyslaw Turek & Julia Nintemann (eds.), Maltese: Contemporary Changes and Historical Innovations, 163-196. Berlin & Boston: De Gruyter Mouton.

Schmidt, Emeli, Maike Vorholt & Nele Witt. 2020. Form and behavior of Maltese prepositions - A usage-based approach. In Slavomír Čéplö & Jaroslav Drobný (eds.), Maltese Linguistics on the Danube, 241-270. Berlin & Boston: De Gruyter Mouton.

Stolz, Thomas. 2020. A chapter on compound prepositions in Maltese: prep-prep combinations and related issues. In Benjamin Fagard, José Pinto de Lima, Dejan Stosic & Elena Smirnova (eds.), Complex Adpositions in European Languages. A Micro-Typological Approach to Complex Nominal Relators, 439–470. Berlin & Boston: De Gruyter Mouton.

Stolz, Thomas & Nataliya Levkovych. 2020. From variation towards the grammar of Maltese prepositions – first steps. In Slavomír Čéplö & Jaroslav Drobný (eds.), Maltese Linguistics on the Danube, 199–240. Berlin & Boston: De Gruyter Mouton.

Il-persuni assoċjati direttament maċ-Ċentru tal-Ilsien Malti fi Bremen jikkontribwixxu għar-riċerka fil-Malti. Niddeskrivu żewġ proġetti riċenti f'termini ta' kontenut.

Fir-rebbiegħa tal-2020, Benjamin Saade, li serva bħala riċerkatur associate fiċ-Ċentru tal-Ilsien Malti mill-2012, temm b’suċċess id-dottorat tiegħu b’dissertazzjoni kumulattiva dwar il-morfoloġija derivattiva mislufa mit-Taljana u l-produttività tagħha fil-Malti. Id-dissertazzjoni, bl-isem Productivity of Italian derivation in Maltese and its implications for language contact studies (Bremen 2020), tinkludi tliet artikli miktubin fiċ-Ċentru tal-Ilsien Malti u ppubblikati fil-ġurnali magħrufin Language Typology and Universals, Linguistics and Morphology. Dan jgħin biex il-Malti jilħaq udjenza lingwistika usa’.

L-għan tal-proġett DFG Prepositions and their Grammar in Maltese huwa li jiddetermina l-lista kompluta ta’ prepożizzjonijiet Maltin, li s’issa qatt ma ġie determinata b’mod preċiż, u li jiddeskrivihom b’mod komprensiv f’termini tal-proprjetajiet fonoloġiċi, morfoloġiċi, sintattiċi u semantiċi tagħhom, kemm b’mod kwalitattiv kif ukoll b’mod kwantitattiv, u biex, sistematikament, jeżaminahom tipoloġikament, dijakronikament u b’referenza għall-kuntatt lingwistiku. Fil-qafas ta’ dan il-proġett, MaikeVorholt qed taħdem fuq id-dissertazzjoni tagħha dwar aspetti kwantitattivi tal-prepożizzjonijiet Maltin. B'rabta ma' dan il-proġett, diġà ġew stampati dawn il-pubblikazzjonijiet: 

Stolz, Thomas & Maike Vorholt. 2022. On WH-PREPS. A contrastive grammatical sketch of Maltese fejn and Spanish donde/donde. In Przemyslaw Turek & Julia Nintemann (eds.), Maltese: Contemporary Changes and Historical Innovations, 163-196. Berlin & Boston: De Gruyter Mouton.

Schmidt, Emeli, Maike Vorholt & Nele Witt. 2020. Form and behavior of Maltese prepositions - A usage-based approach. In Slavomír Čéplö & Jaroslav Drobný (eds.), Maltese Linguistics on the Danube, 241-270. Berlin & Boston: De Gruyter Mouton.

Stolz, Thomas. 2020. A chapter on compound prepositions in Maltese: prep-prep combinations and related issues. In Benjamin Fagard, José Pinto de Lima, Dejan Stosic & Elena Smirnova (eds.), Complex Adpositions in European Languages. A Micro-Typological Approach to Complex Nominal Relators, 439–470. Berlin & Boston: De Gruyter Mouton.

Stolz, Thomas & Nataliya Levkovych. 2020. From variation towards the grammar of Maltese prepositions – first steps. In Slavomír Čéplö & Jaroslav Drobný (eds.), Maltese Linguistics on the Danube, 199–240. Berlin & Boston: De Gruyter Mouton.