Media and Communication

Collage von Bildern der Campus City Veranstaltung 2022

Campus City 2022

Above the rooftops of Bremen's city center, the professorship's staff explained the current product shortages and operational disruptions facing Bremen's businesses and citizens, as well as German society in general, as part of Campus City 2022 on Oct. 10, 2022. With a role play based on an interactive business game, Piotr Warmbier and Fabian Siekmann, PhD students at the University of Bremen, illustrated the challenges of complex supply chains. Prof.Dr. Blome then provided useful expert insights into the fields of supply chain resilience and risk management.

The professorship would like to thank the University of Bremen for organizational support and Prof.Dr. Kotzab for moderating the event.

Prof. Kinra publishes guest article in Handelskammer Magazine

In this guest article, PhD student Piotr Warmbier and Prof. Aseem Kinra explain the reasons for the ongoing supply chain crisis. In doing so, they shed light on the special role of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and provide insights on the transformation of global supply chains.


You can find the full-length article in the magazine:

Dachser Magazin

Prof. Kinra in an interview for Dachser Magazine

Prof. Kinra talks about tight capacity, bottlenecks in supply chains and how the COVID-19 pandemic has further enhanced them. The conversation centers on long-term strategic partnerships with logistics service providers, as well as forward-looking risk management and resilient supply chains as effective tools for companies looking to future-proof themselves against the backdrop of the ongoing globalization of supply chains.

You can find the interview in full length in the magazine:


Buten un Binnen Interview

Prof. Dr. Kinra in interview on global supply chain disruptions and resilience

Disruptions in global supply chains lead to delivery bottlenecks that also affect customers in Bremen.

In a recent interview with Radio Bremen "buten un binnen," Prof. Kinra explains how these far-reaching effects arise and what role the Corona Pandemic plays.

To the broadcast (September 9, 2021):


Supply chain disruptions are the new normal - Prof. Aseem Kinra on resilient supply chains in an interview with the Weserkurier

The Corona pandemic and its consequences are also a challenge for international supply chains. In an interview with Stefan Lakeband from the Weserkurier's business section, Prof. Aseem Kinra discusses whether global supply chains are changing in the wake of the Corona pandemic, why resilient supply chains are becoming increasingly important for companies, and what role the ongoing digitalization of supply chains can play in this.

The article published on 30.06.21 is available via the Weserkurier website: Podcast Radio: What are the consequences of the Ever Given accident?

Prof. Kinra on the importance of the Suez Canal for the German and European economy and alternative freight routes.

More information on the podcast at:

WCTRS- Chartered Education - License task force

Prof. Kinra, along with colleagues from WCTRS, is introducing a new licensing program in supply chain management and transportation.
The licensing program includes the Supply Chain Management Analyst Program, as well as the Transportation Analyst Program.

For more information on the licensing program visit: