• 1. Which Master's degree program matches my Bachelor's degree?

    Have you completed your Bachelor's degree and are interested in continuing on to a Master's degree, but don't yet know which program meets your requirements and matches your Bachelor's degree?

    You can find out about your options for a Master's degree program on the website of the Central Student Advisory Service.

    There you will find contact details and information on personal consultation hours of the Central Student Advisory Service if you would like advice on your future Master's degree program.


  • 2. How do I apply for a Master's program?

    You have the possibility to apply online for your desired master's program during the application phase. We open our online application portal MOIN for the respective master's program about 6-8 weeks before the application deadline. You will find the respective application deadline under the individual tabs of the degree program.

    Please note that an application is only valid for the selected semester and cannot be transferred to another semester. You would have to reapply for this.

    You apply online via our MOIN portal. Click on the following link: CLICK ME

    Create a user account and start the application. Students of the University of Bremen please use their ZfN account. Select a degree program and decide whether you would like to apply as a beginner (no credits acquired in the desired master's degree program so far) or as an advanced student (at least 10 CP of credits already acquired in the desired master's degree program).

    Please also have a look at the FAQ section "3. Am I a beginner or am I an advanced student?

  • 3. Master's degree programs I and II

    The Master's degree programs in Production Engineering, Space Engineering and Systems Engineering are offered at the University of Bremen with two different study periods.

    The Master's program I has a standard period of study of 3 semesters. Applications are possible with a Bachelor's degree that has a standard period of study of 7 semesters or is equivalent to a German Bachelor's degree with 210 CP.

    The Master's program II has a standard period of study of 4 semesters. Applications are possible with a Bachelor's degree that has a standard period of study of 6 semesters or is equivalent to a German Bachelor's degree with 180 CP.

  • 4. Am I a beginner or an advanced student?

    Apply as a beginner, meaning for the 1st semester in the master's degree program, if you have not yet completed a master's degree, have never been enrolled in the same master's degree program at a German university and have already completed or will soon complete your first degree.

    With your application, you would like to start your master's degree program.

    Apply as an advanced student, meaning for a higher subject semester in the master's degree program (subject semester 2-4), if you have already acquired creditable achievements of at least 10 CP in the desired master's degree program or were already enrolled at a German university in the same master's degree program for which you would like to apply.

    With your application, you wish to continue the master's degree program which you have either interrupted or already started at another university.

    If you fulfil the requirements as an advanced student, you must apply for a higher semester.

    An application as a freshman would be excluded from the award procedure.

    Please also note that for subjects with restricted admission you must provide proof of the master's achievements amounting to 10 CP at the time of application.

    For admission-free Master's programs, proof of 10 CP must be received by two weeks after the start of the course (usually the end of October for the winter semester and mid to late April for the summer semester).

    You can check if there is an admission restriction by clicking on the tab of the respective study program.

    Please note: Currently, all admission regulations are being adapted to the deadline for admission-free Master's programs. Older admission regulations may also state a different deadline. However, for admission-free Master's programs, the deadline of two weeks after the start of the course for the advanced proof of 10 CP applies in any case.

  • 5. Is my university degree sufficient for admission to a Master's programme?

    After receiving your online application, we will check on the basis of your uploaded documents whether your college/university is accredited and whether your university degree generally entitles you to take up the desired master’s program.

    If you would like to inform yourself in advance, please visit the following websites.

    ► Anabin for colleges and universities outside Germany

    ► Higher Education Compass for colleges and universities within Germany

    If you need information on whether your bachelor's degree program matches the content of your desired master's degree program (e.g. subject area, degree program-specific requirements, minimum CPs in individual subject disciplines), you can inquire about this in the faculties of the relevant degree programs. The contact persons here are the Study Centre or the coordinators of the degree programs. You can find an overview on the respective pages of the subjects: by searching for "your" subject you will get to a detailed page.

  • 6. By when do I have to apply?

    You can apply until the end of the day of the respective application deadline (23:59:59 German time). The application must be submitted by sending it to us before the deadline in order to participate in the selection process.

    If you have started an application but have not sent it in time, your application will not take part in the selection process for the respective semester.

    The application deadlines can be found under each tab of the degree program and in the respective admission regulations.

  • 7. What documents do I have to upload or provide proof of at the time of application?

    At the time of application, you must in any case provide proof of a current overview of grades and achievements (Transcript of Records) and, if already available, your degree.

    Make sure that this is an official representation of your university. Self-generated transcripts or unverified printouts from your student system will not be accepted.

    If you have not yet completed your degree, you must provide evidence of a minimum number of CPs already earned. Please refer to the current admission regulations of your desired master’s program for the number of minimum CPs. Furthermore, you must upload a current curriculum vitae.

    Depending on the master’s program, further proof may be required at the time of application. These can be, for example, a letter of motivation, evidence of subject content or language certificates. Please refer to the current admission regulations of the respective degree programs to find out which documents must be uploaded at the time of application.

  • 8. How do we calculate your average grade?

    If you upload your transcript of records, degree certificate, or other official documentation in your application, we will use the average grade shown on it.  If you upload a transcript that only shows individual grades, we will calculate the average grades as follows:

    The sum of the individual grades divided by the number of individual grades.

    We do not calculate majors or weightings; please take this into consideration when applying. If possible, obtain a certificate with the current average grade from your university if it is not already listed on the documents.

    When calculating and converting international grades, we follow the guidelines of the Conference of Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs at www.anabin.de. If you have a grading system from your university, we recommend that you include it with your application. The conversion into the German grading system is based on the so-called "bayerischen Formel".

  • 9. How to formulate a letter of motivation and the curriculum vitae?

    The extent to which a letter of motivation plays a role in the selection of applicants can be seen in detail in the relevant paragraph on selection in the admission regulations. In some study programs a letter of motivation is part of a complete application, but is not evaluated. In other study programs no letter of motivation is expected at all (e.g. M.Sc. Psychology), in some study programs the admission regulations specify exactly the points that should be referred to in the letter of motivation (e.g. connection of one's own research interests with the main focus of the Master's program, intended occupational fields), others describe the expected contents only in very general terms. Whenever it is a question of an admission-restricted course of studies and it is clear from the admission regulations that the evaluation of the motivation letter is provided with points (e.g. M.A. Political Science), it is worthwhile to read the admission regulations very carefully with regard to the motivation letter. In this case, standardized, meaningless letters of motivation can lead to a worse position in the applicant ranking list; conversely, letters of motivation that are specific to the respective course of study can improve the chances of a place in admission-restricted Master's programs.

    A tabular curriculum vitae is usually part of a complete Master's application, if specified in the admission regulations. It should allow conclusions to be drawn about the subject proximity/fit of the previous studies and/or previous professional experience to the intended Master's program, but otherwise plays no role in the selection process in admission-restricted Master's programs. It does not have to include a photo.

  • 10. How do I register at MOIN?

    Internal applicants who already have an account via STUD IP log in exclusively with the first part of your university mail address (without "@uni-bremen.de") and the corresponding password. A new user account does not need to be created.

    External applicants who do not yet have an account via STUD IP must create a new user account via the applicant portal MOIN (in the "Application" section). The password will be sent to your specified mail address. Please note that the receipt of the confirmation mail can take up to 3 hours.

    If it is still not possible to create a user account, please contact us directly by e-mail (masterprotect me ?!vw.uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de). Please enter the following data:

    First name
    Last name
    User name in the MOIN portal
    Date of birth

  • 11. I can no longer log in to MOIN. What can I do?

    If you are already a registered student at our university, please contact the Center for Networks directly. Only there can you be helped regarding your student account.

    If you are not yet enrolled at our university and no longer have access to your applicant account, please send us an e-mail to master@vw.uni-bremen.de.

    Please include the following data:

    First name
    Applicant number
    User name in the MOIN portal
    Date of birth

    We will then reset your password and send you a temporary password, which you will have to change again after your next login.

  • 12. What is a hardship application?

    Study places in the hardship quota are awarded on online application to applicants for whom non-admission to a degree program with restricted admission would mean exceptional hardness.

    At the University of Bremen, 5% of the study places in master's degree programs are reserved for special hardship cases, and 3% in the master's degree program in Business Administration. Recognized hardships can lead to preferential admission.

    You submit the hardship application, including all relevant evidence, independently of the master's application in the online application portal MOIN. It will only be processed in the Student Office and will not be forwarded to the selection committees. Please make sure that your online application for the master’s program does not contain any references to your extra hardship application.

    Please note that hardship applications and supporting documents submitted in paper form cannot be considered.

    The hardship application must be submitted by the end of the application period and the admission requirements for the respective master's degree program must also be met when submitting a hardship application.

    If you apply for an unrestricted admission program, you do not need to submit a hardship application, as there are sufficient study places available.

    You can find all further information here: CLICK ME

  • 13. What happens after I send my application?

    After submitting your application, you will receive a corresponding confirmation by e-mail. After the application deadline for the respective master’s program, the applications are formally checked and forwarded to the selection committees for a final evaluation of the content.

    As soon as we have the results of the selection committee, you will be informed about a possible admission or rejection by e-mail. Please note that the preliminary examination of the applications and the selection process of the selection committees takes some time (usually 6-8 weeks after the application deadline).

    You can check the status of your application online at any time.

    - „Prüfung der Bewerbung“/"Application Review": You have sent your application and it has been successfully accepted by us. It is now available to the Student Secretariat for formal review.

    - „Prüfung der Bewerbung II“/"Review of Application II": Your application is formally suitable and is now submitted to the selection committee for content review.

    - „Prüfung der Bewerbung abgeschlossen“/"Application Review Completed": Your application meets the admission requirements according to the admission regulations of the desired master's program. After all applications have been reviewed by the selection committee, the ranking list is formed to which applications will be admitted.

    - „Teilnahme am Vergabeverfahren“/"Participation in the award procedure": Your application meets the admission requirements according to the admission regulations of the desired Master's program. The ranking list is formed which applications will be admitted.

    - „Ablehnung (keine Kapazität)“/"Rejection (no capacity)": Your application fulfills the admission requirements of the desired Master's program in terms of content. However, there were not enough study places available. Your application will automatically participate in the move-up procedure.

    - „Ablehnung (keine Teilnahme am Vergabeverfahren)“/"Rejection (no participation in the award procedure)": Your application does not fulfill the admission requirements of the desired Master's program in terms of form and/or content.

  • 14. I have sent an incorrect application; what can I do?

    If you have already submitted your application and find out afterwards that something is incorrect or incomplete, please send us an email to masterprotect me ?!vw.uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de.

    Until the end of the application period, your application can be reopened by us in these cases. Please note that the application can only take part in the selection process if you have resubmitted the application online by the deadline after the reopening.

    Your email must contain the following information for your application to be reopened:

    First name
    Last name
    Applicant number
    User name in the MOIN portal
    Date of birth

  • 15. I have been admitted; how do I accept the study place?

    Depending on whether you have received an admission confirmation or a conditional confirmation of enrollment for your desired Master's program at the University of Bremen, the payment deadlines for accepting the offered place vary.

    If you have received conditional confirmation of enrollment, you are required to transfer the semester fee until two weeks after the start of the course.

    If you have received an admission confirmation, you usually have one to two weeks to transfer the semester fee so that the study place is considered accepted and is reserved for you until final enrollment. If you miss this payment deadline, you will lose the study place offered to you and it will be allocated to other applicants who are still waiting.

    Irrespective of whether you have received an admission confirmation or a conditional confirmation of enrollment, the fee must be received by us by the date stated in the confirmation at the latest.

    You will only be enrolled in the desired Master's program if all the requirements stated in the confirmation have been met by the deadline.

  • 16. When and where do I have to send my application documents by post to the University of Bremen?

    We only require the necessary documents for enrolment once you have been admitted to the Master's degree program you have applied for.

    You can only access the letter of admission online via the moin portal. As soon as it is available online, you will be notified by e-mail.

    Please note all conditions and deadlines on the letter of admission. If you do not submit the required documents within the specified deadline, your admission will expire and you will not be able to enrol.

    You can submit the required documents as simple copies; notarizations are not necessary. We can request your original documents at any time to check their authenticity.

    Documents that are not written in German or English must be submitted together with official translations into German by a sworn translator for courts and notaries in Germany.

    You can only be enrolled in the desired Master's degree program if you meet all requirements in due form and time.

    Please send us all the required documents bundled together by post to

    Sekretariat für Studierende
    Bibliothekstr. 1
    28359 Bremen.

  • 17. Checklist / Overview of the submitted or still missing documents

    The checklist is displayed in the moin online portal in the overview of your application. This will only become active if you are admitted. In the checklist, you can check at any time which documents have already been received from you and which documents are missing or not correctly translated or not completely submitted.

    As soon as an entry in your checklist has been processed by us, you will receive a mail informing you about it.

    Since a checkmark is not automatically placed in the checklist, it may take a few days for any incoming payments or receipts of the electronic notification from your health insurance company to be manually checked off in your checklist.

  • 18. How do I prove the required language level?

    Language certificates at certain levels are required for enrollment in a master's degree program. Here you can find out how to prove the corresponding levels.


    Proof of German language level

    If you have completed your German Abitur or a German-language Bachelor's degree, you can prove that you have reached the German language level C1.

    If you have not completed a German school leaving certificate or Bachelor's degree, levels A1-C1 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) can only be proven by language certificates.

    Here you will find an overview of the accepted language certificates: CLICK ME


    Proof of English language level via the German Abitur

    You can prove the English language level A1, A2 and B1 via the German Abitur (general higher education entrance qualification). Here you will find an overview of the requirements: CLICK ME

    Level B2 can also be proven via the German Abitur. To do so, the acquired language level B2 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) must be explicitly stated in the certificate. If the teaching according to the CEFR is not shown on your Abitur certificate, you can ask your school whether a subsequent confirmation is possible according to the respective state law.

    If you would like to prove the level via the Abitur, please submit both the certificate and the official confirmation of the post-certification of the language level. Click here for more information: CLICK ME

    The English language level C1 can only be proven via corresponding certificates.


    Further proof of language proficiency via certificates

    All English levels and levels of other required languages can be verified via certificates. You can find an overview of all recognized certificates here: CLICK ME

    Some language certificates have a validity period. You would find this on your certificate. Certificates without a stated period of validity do not lose this period.

    If you are taking a TOEFL test, please enter the code 5740 for the University of Bremen when sending your result.


    Proof of language proficiency without a certificate

    You do not need to submit a certificate if the language of instruction of your Abitur or your completed studies was completed entirely in the required language ("Medium of Instruction"). A confirmation from your school/university is sufficient for this.

    Please make sure early on that you have all the required language skills and that you can prove them correctly and on time. Experience shows that neither test dates nor exhibitions of certificates can be obtained at short notice. Shortly before the submission deadline, it may therefore become impossible to submit the results on time. In this case, enrollment would also not be possible.

    General Information

    If you upload language certificates to your application that do not have to be proven at the time of application and are not accepted by us, you will receive an e-mail after the formal check as information so that you still have enough time to provide correct proof of language proficiency.
    We also inform applicants by e-mail if the language certificate does not meet the general requirements but could püossibly still be accepted for enrollment.

    You can contact the Bremen Language Center by e-mail to find out about the acceptance of language certificates. In addition, the Bremen Language Center also offers test dates for various languages so that you can provide correct proof of the appropriate language level in good time for enrolment.

  • 19. How do I prove that I have health insurance?

    The health insurance certificate is transmitted digitally to the University of Bremen by the statutory health insurance companies. This eliminates the need for a separate confirmation from your health insurance.

    The notification is transmitted exclusively by a statutory health insurance company and proves either that you:

    - are insured with a statutory health insurance fund or

    - are not compulsorily insured.

    Please contact your health insurance fund.

    If you are privately insured, please contact a statutory health insurance company of your choice.

    No enrollment will take place without a valid health insurance certificate.

    The university number of the University of Bremen for the electronic transmission of health insurance data is: H0002687.

  • 20. Which translations are accepted?

    Documents issued in English or German can be accepted by us and do not need to be translated.

    Documents that have not been issued in German or English must be translated into German. We can only accept translations that have been prepared by an officially sworn translator for courts and notaries in Germany for the respective language.

    If you have had your documents translated outside Germany, you can ask a German diplomatic representation (embassy/consulate) for confirmation. It is important that the embassy/consulate confirms that the content of the translation corresponds to the original. Official legalisation of the documents by the German embassy or an apostille is not sufficient.

    It is also possible to contact an officially sworn translator in Germany with the documents that have already been translated. If the sworn translator officially confirms, that the translation is correct (by stamp and signature), this can also be accepted.

    Please note: If you submit documents that have not been adequately translated, we will inform you by e-mail. For enrolment, all documents must be received on time and in the form described.

  • 21. Do I need an APS-Certificate for enrollment?

    Student applicants from China, India and Vietnam are required to have their certificates of their studies pre-checked by the Academic Evaluation Center before they are issued a study visa.

    The Academic Evaluation Center is a service facility of the Cultural Department of the German Embassy in cooperation with the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).

    It checks the authenticity of the evidence submitted, as specified in the evaluation proposals of the KMK - Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs of the countries in China, India and Vietnam, and conducts an interview with the applicants. The German Embassy only issues study visas to applicants with the APS seal of approval. Currently, Academic Evaluation Centers can be found in China, India and Vietnam.

    Further information and links to the respective Academic Evaluation Centers can be found on the uni-assist homepage.

  • 22. What happens if I do not meet the admission requirements?

    After receipt of your application, it will be checked by us in terms of form and content. If, for example, you do not have sufficient academic achievements, have graduated from a non-accredited college or university or do not meet another mandatory requirement according to the admission regulations, your application will not take part in the selection process.

    You will receive a reasoned rejection and will be informed of this by e-mail.

  • 23. I am arriving after the start of lectures; who can I contact?

    If you are only able to enter Germany after the start of lectures (for example due to visa problems), please ask the faculty of the respective master's degree program directly whether this is possible. There you can apply for a confirmation for a later admission to studies.

    The Student Office can only confirm your enrollment if you have already submitted all documents in due time.

    Please note that even if you take up your studies at a later date, the documents required for enrollment must be submitted correctly and on time. Taking up your studies at a later date does not entitle you to submit your documents after the deadline.

  • 24. What fees are required for the degree programme?

    A semester fee for re-registration must be paid per semester. You can find the payment deadlines, the amount of the fee and information on the scope of the services included here: CLICK ME

    Please note that in addition to the semester fee, there are also living costs. The following website provides information on the cost of living in Bremen and tells you everything you need to know about student finance and scholarships: CLICK ME

  • 25. When will I receive my semester documents?

    The semester documents including the semester ticket will only be issued after successful enrollment. Matriculation will only take place after the complete submission of all documents mentioned in the letter of acceptance  within the deadline stated there.

    Without final enrollment, you are neither entitled to the semester documents nor can we issue you with certificates for other authorities.

    We will only send the semester documents including the semester ticket to an address within Germany. After we have processed this application, you will receive the documents including the semester ticket by post within the next week.

    If you are located outside Germany, the documents will not be printed and sent. As soon as you can prove that you have a German address, you must submit a change of address application via the MOIN online portal. After we have processed this application, you will receive the documents including your semester ticket by post within the next week.

    The application for the change of address is made via the MOIN portal.

    In the online portal MOIN, you will be provided with a current certificate of enrollment after successful enrollment.

  • 26. I am an international student and will be entering Germany from abroad; what do I need to consider?

    On the homepage of the International Office of the University of Bremen you will find special information and formalities for entering and staying in Bremen as an international student.


  • 27. My question has not been answered in the FAQs; who can I contact?

    If you have any further questions, please feel free to send us an e-mail at masterprotect me ?!vw.uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de.

    Our office hours:

    Personal office hours: Mondays and Thursdays from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm. You can find us on the campus of the University of Bremen, Bibliothekstr. 1, 28359 Bremen on the first floor of the administration building.

    Telephone office hours: For information by telephone, please contact the Information Office Study Mon, Tue, Thu 9 am - 3 pm, Fri 9 am - 12 pm
    and the staff members Mon, Wed, Thu 10-12 pm and Tue 13-15 pm. You can reach us at the telephone number +49 421 218-61002.