PIP Summer School 2016

The First PIP Summer School in Electrical Engineering and Physics took place between the 5th and the 9th of September 2016 at the University of Bremen (NW1 Building, Otto-Hahn-Allee 1, 28359 Bremen, Germany).

This event was organized by members of the Postgraduate International Programme in Physics and Electrical Engineering (PIP). It was a great opportunity for collaboration between 3 different Institutes of the University of Bremen: Institute of Automation (IAT) with Maria Kyrarini, Institute of the Environmental Physics (IUP) with Evgenia Galytska, and Integrated Digital Systems (ITEM) with Wolfgang Büter as their representatives.

More than 100 registered students of more than 10 different nationalities (Chinese, Dutch, German, Greek, Iranian, Iraqi etc.) from the University of Bremen, Bremen University of Applied Sciences, Jacobs University, University of Kassel, Heriot-Watt University (Scotland), and University of Technology (Iraq) had an opportunity to attend lectures in Physics, Robotics, Environmental Physics and Electrical Engineering.

The opening ceremony, which took place on the 5th of September, with the exciting talks of Dr. Annette Ladstätter-Weißenmayer and Maria Kyrarini was followed by music band performance 'Misha Kapa'. In a cheerful atmosphere the acquaintance of students with each other and with their teachers was much easier.

The Summer School united scientists from various countries:

  • USA, Carnegie Mellon University (represented by Dr. Panagiotis Moutis and his lecture in Renewable Energy Sources),
  • Germany, Bremen University (represented by Xingchen Wang and the basic theory of Machine Learning) and Friedrich-Wilhelm-Bessel-Institut (Damon Emami and his course in MATLAB applications in image processing),
  • Netherlands, Maastricht University (advanced course of Machine Learning by Dr. Gerasimos Spanakis)
  • Ukraine, Hydrometeorological Institute (the basic concepts of Ozone and its dynamics by Mykhailo Savenets).

After lectures, students had a unique chance to visit the Climate House in Bremerhaven.

The main aim of the PIP Summer School was to bring students from different Universities together not only for gaining the knowledge from advanced lecturers but also to be able to exchange this knowledge with each other. The Summer School together with all social events and lectures was free of charge and was a great chance to improve students' skills.

Organization Team of PIP Summer School in Electrical Engineering and Physics appreciates all the feedbacks, help, and suggestions that were provided. Additionally, we would like to thank the PIP secretary Anja Gatzka, PD Dr. Annette Ladstätter-Weißenmayer, Prof.Dr.-Ing. Alberto Garcia-Ortiz, Prof.Dr. Stefan Bornholdt and our sponsors OHB, HELLA, RED BULL, and ABInbev.

What did the students say about PIP Summer School? We have the feedback!

'I have learned a lot of things from this program. Really enjoyable.'

'Though it is the first PIP summer school, the organization was very good (including cookies and drinks :D). For the next year, maybe you could increase the standards of lectures.'

'Well-organized. Thank you for all efforts. Looking forward to see these kind of activities in the future.'

What was the MOST valuable for you during this Summer School?

'The opportunity to participate in the academic environment of Germany, as I have always studied in my own country, Iran.'

'Interesting subjects to study and great opportunities to know the information of the related companies'

'Connecting with other researchers'.