Dr. Melanie Walther


Melanie obtained her Abitur in 2012 and started studying chemistry and business administration at the CAU in Kiel. After working at Cardiff University in Dr. Rebecca Melen’s group on “Cyclisation Reactions using Main Group Lewis Acids” for her bachelor thesis and at Stockholm University in Prof. Berit Olofsson group on “Metal-Free Synthesis of Phenols” for an OC-F3 practical course, she joined the group of Prof.Dr. Anne Staubitz for her master thesis, dealing with photoswitchable polysiloxanes. During her following doctoral study at the University of Bremen she developed synthetic procedures for the modification of azobenzene based switches including efficient cross-coupling protocols as well as utilization of hypervalent iodine(III) chemistry for ortho-functionalization. She continues in the Staubitz group as a postdoctoral researcher on the field of liquid crystalline azobenzenes. 

Melanie Walther


Dr. Melanie Walther

Building NW2 C
Room C1290
Leobener Strasse 7
28359 Bremen, Germany
Tel. +49 421 / 218 50272
E-Mail melanie.waltherprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de


          *These authors contributed equally to this work.

          *These authors contributed equally to this work.

           M. Reitti, R. Gurubrahamam, M. Walther, E. Lindstedt, B. Olofsson, Org. Lett. 2018, 20, 1785–1788.

           L. C. Wilkins, B. A. R. Günther, M. Walther, J. R. Lawson, T. Wirth, R. L. Melen, Angew. Chem. - Int. Ed.2016, 55, 11292–11295.