M.Sc. Waldemar Kipke

M.Sc. Student

Waldemar was born in Bakanas (Kasachstan) in 1987 and immigrate to Germany in 1989. In 2013, he started studying biochemistry at the University of Hannover. He wrote his bachelor thesis in the group of Prof.Dr. Markus Kalesse. In 2016, he obtained his bachelor´s degree in biochemistry and started his Master studies in chemistry at the University of Bremen.

In March 2017, he joined the Staubitz Group as a student assistant. He wrote his Master thesis about new ethylene bridged molecular switches and obtained his master´s degree in October 2018. During his Ph.D. he continues the work on molecular switches and new heterocycles containing B, Zr and Sn. 


Waldemar Kipke


Waldemar Kipke, M.Sc.

Building NW2 C
Room C1290
Leobener Strasse 7
28359 Bremen, Germany
Tel. +49 421 / 218 50272
E-Mail: kipkeprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de


          *These authors contributed equally to this work.