Sustainable bioproduction on Mars
Sustainable bioproduction on Mars
A long-term human presence on Mars requires a continuous provision of consumables for the crews. To help address this need, we are working to lay the foundation for sustainable bioproduction processes in Martian settlements. Our approach combines microbes and plants to produce essential resources, from fertilizers to food to bioplastics to oxygen, as well as to recycle organic waste – all starting from materials available in Mars’s ground and atmosphere. Our system is versatile and modular; it could be used to connect further bioprocesses to local resources, thereby alleviating the need for consumables imported from Earth.
Project Leader
Dr. Cyprien Verseux
ZARM – Center of Applied Space Technology and Microgravity
University of Bremen
Am Fallturm 2, 28359 Bremen, DE
+49 421 218-57830
cyprien.verseuxprotect me ?!zarm.uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de
Publication highlights

Comparative study of bioanodes for microbial electrolysis cells operation in anaerobic digester conditions

Pick-and-eat space crop production flight testing on the International Space Station

An airlock concept to reduce contamination risks during the human exploration of Mars

Integration of a Photobioreactor into the MaMBA Facility as Part of a Human-centered Life Support System

A new fuzzy logic approach for reliable communications in wireless underground sensor networks

A vision for Human Mars Exploration made in Bremen

Setting the ground for sustainable bioproduction in a Martian settlement

In vivo characterization of electroactive biofilms inside porous electrodes with MR Imaging

Equipping an extraterrestrial laboratory: Overview of open research questions and recommended instrumentation for the Moon

A Low-Pressure, N2/CO2 Atmosphere Is Suitable for Cyanobacterium-Based Life-Support Systems on Mars