Aktuelle Meldung

New Paper Accepted for Publication in Information Systems Journal

Coauthored with Prof. Davidson (Hawaii) and interdisciplinary colleagues from the Charité Berlin the article builds on 140 interviews in order to theorize in depth how persons and smart technology mutually configure practices.

We are proud to announce that the paper “Configuration in Smart Service Systems: A Practice-based Inquiry” has been accepted for Publication in Information Systems Journal (VHB Jourqual 3 Ranking “A”). The paper, which was coauthored with Professor Elizabeth Davidson (Hawaii) as well as interdisciplinary colleagues from the Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin and Freie Universität Berlin builds on 140 interviews done with persons with dementia and their family care givers in order to theorize in more depth how these persons and smart technology mutually configure dementia home care practices. Not only does the paper unravel the massive potential of smart services and digital innovation to improve dementia home care, it also shows tensions and paradoxes that arise in this context and theorizes in more depth when these are likely to occur and how they occur.

The full reference is this:

Wessel, L., Davidson, E.; Barquet, A., Rothe, H., Peters, O., Megges, H. (forthcoming) “Configuration in Smart Service Systems: A Practice-based Inquiry.” Information Systems Journal Special Issue “Smart Service Systems” [VHB Jourqual Ranking 3.0 “A”]

You can find more information abut this article on Researchgate.