Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Spanien) - Algeciras (Spanien) / 08.06.2023 - 10.07.2023
Patrick Monien

Dr. Patrick Monien
GEO Raum 5310
Klagenfurter Straße 2-4
28359 Bremen, Deutschland
Tel. +49 421 218 65403

Seit Mitte des 20. Jahrhunderts gehört die Westantarktische Halbinsel (WAH) zu den sich am stärksten erwärmenden Gebieten der Erde und stellt damit eine Schlüsselregion des Klimawandels dar. Während der letzten 60 Jahre wurde im Bereich der WAH eine Erhöhung der mittleren Jahreslufttemperatur von 3 °C festgestellt, was beträchtliche Auswirkungen auf die lokalen Gletscher- und Ökosysteme hat.
Im Rahmen eines internationalen Verbundprojektes mit Wissenschaftlern aus Argentinien, Spanien, Italien, Belgien, den Niederlanden, Großbritannien und Deutschland wurde der Frage nachgegangen, ob sich der dokumentierte Temperaturanstieg und der damit verbundene Gletscherrückzug an der WAH in der Geochemie sedimentärer Archive und der Biologie der lokalen Flora und Fauna widerspiegelt und ob solche Episoden des Klimawandels bereits zu anderen Zeiten im Holozän auftraten. Darüber hinaus sollen biogeochemische Prozesse in antarktischen Meeressedimenten und deren Folgen für lokale benthische und pelagische Lebensgemeinschaften analysiert werden.
- Untersuchung zeitlicher Veränderungen in der geochemischen Zusammensetzung mariner Sedimenten von der Maxwell Bay (King George Island, WAH) und deren Verbindung zu wechselnden Ursprungsgebieten aufgrund holozäner Gletscherrückzüge und –vorstöße.
- Datierung mariner Oberflächensedimente mittels 210Pb um zu untersuchen, ob der schnelle Gletscherrückzug und der damit verbundene, gleichzeitige Anstieg des Eintrages von sediment-beladenem Schmelzwasser in die Küstengebiete einen Einfluss auf die lokalen Sedimentakkumulationsraten seit Mitte des letzten Jahrhunderts hatte.
- Rekonstruktion historischer Pinguinkolonien auf Ardley Island mittels guano-assoziierter Bioelemente (z.B. Ca, P, Cu, Se, Zn) in Seesedimenten und Untersuchung möglicher Einflussfaktoren auf deren Populationsentwicklung im Holozän (Klima, Meereisbedeckung, relativer Meeresspiegel und Vulkanausbrüche).
- Bestimmung der Hauptabbauwege von organischem Material in antarktischen Küstensedimenten mittels Porenwasserdaten (Nährstoffe, Spurenmetalle, wie Mn und Fe). In Kombination mit mathematischen Modellen soll zudem die Bedeutung des antarktischen Schelfgebietes als Quelle für bioverfügbares Eisen für den Südozean untersucht werden.
Wissenschaftlicher Werdegang
seit Aug. 2013 | Laboringenieur, Universität Bremen |
Feb. 2014 | Dr. rer. nat. in Geochemie, Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg |
2009 - 2014 | Doktorand in der Arbeitsgruppe "Mikrobiogeochemie", ICBM, Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg |
Dez. 2008 | Diplom (Umweltwissenschaften), Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg |
2004 - 2008 | Studium der Marinen Umweltwissenschaften, Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg |
2023: M190 (Mittelatlantischer Rücken)
2018: SO263 (Nördlicher Tonga-Bogen)
Suva (Fidschi) - Suva (Fidschi) / 01.06.2018 - 27.06.2018
2015: Oman Ophiolite (nördliches Oman)
Muskat (Oman) - Muskat (Oman) / 09.02.2015 - 22.02.2015
2010/2011: King George Island, Westantarktische Halbinsel
Dallmann Labor & Carlini Station (ARG) / 12.12.2010 - 28.02.2011
2010: King George Island, Westantarktische Halbinsel
Dallmann Labor & Carlini Station (ARG) / 12.01.2010 - 13.04.2010
2009: Kyllaren Fjord, Norwegen
Sogndal (Norwegen) - Sogndal (Norwegen) / 09.05.2009 - 13.05.2009
2007: FS Heincke (Deutsche Bucht)
Bremerhaven (Deutschland) - Bremerhaven (Deutschland) / 10.05.2007 - 15.05.2007
- Kibaroğlu M, Kozal E, Monien P (2025): Long-distance trade relations in the Eastern Mediterranean during the Late Bronze Age: An archaeometric study of Red Lustrous Wheel-made Ware (RLW) using petrographic, elemental and Sr-Nd isotope analysis. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 61, 104965.
| doi:10.1016/j.jasrep.2024.104965 | - Albers E, Behrendt N, Diehl A, Genske F, Monien P, Kasemann SA, Purser A, Boetius A, Bach W (2024): Formation and hydrothermal alteration of a volcanic center: Melt pooling and mass transfers at Langseth Ridge (Gakkel Ridge, Arctic Ocean). Marine Geology 475, 107347.
| doi:10.1016/j.margeo.2024.107347 | - Meier K, O'Sullivan P, Jochmann M, Wallrath T, Monien P, Piepjohn K, Lisker F, Spiegel C (2024): Shallow thermal anomalies and their role in the breakup evolution along the conjugate margins of the Fram Strait (Svalbard and eastern North Greenland), indicated by low-temperature thermochronology. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 25(3), e2023GC011074.
| doi:10.1029/2023GC011074 | - Smrzka D, Lin Z, Monien P, Chen T, Bach W, Peckmann J, Bohrmann G (2024): Pyrite-based trace element fingerprints for methane and oil seepage. Geochemical Perspective Letters 29, 33-37.
| doi:10.7185/geochemlet.2409 | - Spiegel C, Sohi MS, Reiter W, Meier K, Ventura B, Lisker F, Estrada S, Piepjohn K, Berglar K, Koglin N, Klügel A, Monien P, Gerdes A, Linnemann U (2023): Phanerozoic tectonic and sedimentation history of the Arctic: Constraints from deep-time low-temperature thermochronology data of Ellesmere Island and Northwest Greenland. Tectonics 42(7), e2022TC007579.
| doi:10.1029/2022TC007579 | - Sun Y, Smrzka D, Feng D, Monien P, Lu Y, Peckmann J (2022): Well-preserved clotted micrite in a diagenetically altered Jurassic seep deposit. Sedimentary Geology 438, 106195.
| doi:10.1016/j.sedgeo.2022.106195 | - Prause S, Weisenberger TB, Kleine BI, Monien P, Rispoli C, Stefánsson A (2022): Alteration of basaltic glass within the Surtsey hydrothermal system, Iceland – Implication to oceanic crust seawater interaction. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 429, 107581.
| doi:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2022.107581 | - Smrzka D, Zwicker J, Lu Y, Sun Y, Feng D, Monien P, Bohrmann G, Peckmann J (2021): Trace element distribution in methane-seep carbonates: The role of mineralogy and dissolved sulfide. Chemical Geology 580, 120357.
| doi:10.1016/j.chemgeo.2021.120357 | - Jonkers L, Gopalakrishnan A, Weßel L, Chiessi C, Groeneveld J, Monien P, Lessa D, Morard R (2021): Morphotype and crust effects on the geochemistry ofGloborotalia inflata. Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology 36(4), e2021PA004224.
| doi:10.1029/2021PA004224 | - Smrzka D, Feng D, Himmler T, Zwicker J, Hu Y, Monien P, Tribovillard N, Chen D, Peckmann J (2020): Trace elements in methane-seep carbonates – Potentials, limitations, and perspectives. Earth-Science Reviews 208, 103263.
| doi:10.1016/j.earscirev.2020.103263 | - Giampouras M, Garrido GC, Bach W, Los C, Fussmann D, Monien P, Garcia-Ruiz JM (2020): On the controls of mineral assemblages and textures in alkaline springs, Samail Ophiolite, Oman. Chemical Geology 533, 119435.
| doi:10.1016/j.chemgeo.2019.119435 | - Zundel M, Spiegel C, Lisker F, Monien P (2019): Post-mid-Cretaceous tectonic and topographic evolution of western Marie Byrd Land, West Antarctica: Insights from apatite fission track and (U-Th-Sm)/He data. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 20(12), 5831-5848.
| doi:10.1029/2019GC008667 | - Vamvaka A, Pross J, Monien P, Piepjohn K, Estrada S, Lisker F, Spiegel C (2019): Exhuming the top end of North America: episodic evolution of the Eurekan belt and its potential relationships to North Atlantic plate tectonics and Arctic climate change. Tectonics 38(12), 4207-4228.
| doi:10.1029/2019TC005621 | - Smrzka D, Zwicker J, Misch D, Walkner C, Gier S, Monien P, Bohrmann G, Peckmann J (2019): Oil seepage and carbonate formation: A case study from the southern Gulf of Mexico. Sedimentology 66(6), 2318-2353.
| doi:10.1111/sed.12593 | - Zundel M, Spiegel C, Mehling A, Lisker F, Hillenbrand C-D, Monien P, Klügel A (2019): Thurston Island (West Antarctica) between Gondwana subduction and continental separation: A multi-stage evolution revealed by apatite thermochronology. Tectonics 38(3), 878-897.
| doi:10.1029/2018TC005150 | - Kibaroglu M, Klügel A, Kozal E, Hartmann G, Monien P (2019): New evidence on the provenance of red lustrous wheel-made ware (RLW): Petrographic, elemental and Sr-Nd isotope analysis. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 24, 412-433.
| doi:10.1016/j.jasrep.2019.02.004 | - Zwicker J, Smrzka D, Himmler T, Monien P, Gier S, Goedert J, Peckmann J (2018): Rare earth elements as tracers for microbial activity and early diagenesis: A new perspective from carbonate cements of ancient methane-seep deposits. Chemical Geology 501, 77-85.
| doi:10.1016/j.chemgeo.2018.10.010 | - Jerosch K, Pehlke H, Monien P, Scharf FK, Weber L, Kuhn G, Braun MH, Abele D (2018): Benthic meltwater fjord habitats formed by rapid glacier recession on King George Island, Antarctica. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A 376(2122):20170178.
| doi:10.1098/rsta.2017.0178 | - Ritterbusch D, Fladung E, Simon J, Pietrock M, Lewin C, Kettler N, Klügel A, Kirchner T, Monien P, Schmidt T (2018): Die Quappe (Lota lota) in der Elbe. Schriften des Instituts für Binnenfischerei e.V. Potsdam-Sacrow, 51.
| ISSN 1438-4876 | - Vázquez S, Monien P, Minetti RP, Jürgens J, Curtosi A, Villalba Primatz J, Frickenhaus S, Abele D, Mac Cormack W, Helmke E (2017): Bacterial communities and chemical parameters in soils and coastal sediments in response to diesel spills at Carlini Station, Antarctica. Science of the Total Environment 605-606, 26-37.
| doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.06.129 | - Roberts SJ*, Monien P*, Foster LC*, Loftfield J, Hocking EP, Schnetger B, Pearson EJ, Juggins S, Fretwell P, Ireland L, Ochyra R, Haworth AR, Allen CS, Moreton SG, Davies SJ, Brumsack H-J, Bentley MJ, Hodgson DA (2017): Past penguin colony responses to explosive volcanism on the Antarctic Peninsula. Nature Communications 8, 14914.
| doi:10.1038/ncomms14914 | - Monien D, Monien P, Brünjes R, Widmer T, Kappenberg A, Silva Busso AA, Schnetger B, Brumsack H-J (2017): Meltwater as a source of potentially bioavailable iron to Antarctica waters. Antarctic Science 29(3), 277-291.
| doi:10.1017/S095410201600064X | - Smrzka D, Zwicker J, Klügel A, Monien P, Bach W, Bohrmann G, Peckmann J (2016): Establishing criteria to distinguish oil- from methane-seep carbonates. Geology 44(8), 667-670.
| doi:10.1130/G38029.1 | - Sahade R, Lagger C, Torre L, Momo F, Monien P, Schloss I, Barnes DKA, Servetto N, Tarantelli S, Tatián M, Zamboni NS, Abele D (2015): Climate change and glacier retreat drive shifts in an Antarctic benthic ecosystem. Science Advances 1, e1500050.
| doi:10.1126/sciadv.1500050 | - Schroeder T, Bach W, Jöns N, Jöns S, Monien P, Klügel A (2015): Fluid circulation and carbonate vein precipitation in the footwall of an oceanic core complex, Ocean Drilling Program Site 175, Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems 16, 3716-3732.
| doi:10.1002/2015GC006041 | - Monien P, Lettmann KA, Monien D, Asendorf S, Wölfl A-C, Lim CH, Thal J, Schnetger B, Brumsack H-J (2014): Redox conditions and trace metal cycling in coastal sediments from the maritime Antarctic. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 141, 26-44.
| doi:10.1016/j.gca.2014.06.003 | - Schloss IR, Wasilowska A, Dumont D, Almandoz GO, Hernando MP, Michaud-Tremblay C-A, Saravia L, Rzepecki M, Monien P, Monien D, Kopczyńska EE, Bers V, Ferreyra GA (2014): On the phytoplankton bloom in coastal waters of southern King George Island (Antarctica) in January 2010: An exceptional feature? Limnology & Oceanography 59(1), 195-210.
| doi:10.4319/lo.2014.59.1.0195 | - Poigner H, Monien P, Monien D, Kriews M, Brumsack H-J, Wilhelms-Dick D, Abele D (2013): Influence of the pore water geochemistry on Fe and Mn assimilation in Laternula elliptica at King George Island (Antarctica). Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 135, 285-295.
| doi:10.1016/j.ecss.2013.10.027 | - Husmann G, Abele D, Kriews M, Monien P, Philipp EER (2012): The influence of sedimentation on metal accumulation and cellular oxidative stress markers in the Antarctic bivalve Laternula elliptica. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 111, 48-59.
| doi:10.1016/j.ecss.2012.06.003 | - Watcham EP, Bentley MJ, Hodgson DA, Roberts SJ, Fretwell PT, Lloyd JM, Larter RD, Whitehouse PL, Leng MJ, Monien P, Moreton SG (2011): A new relative sea level curve for the South Shetland Islands, Antarctica. Quaternary Science Reviews 30, 3152-3170.
| doi:10.1016/j.quascirev.2011.07.021 | - Monien P, Brumsack H-J, Schnetger B, Hass HC, Kuhn G (2011): A geochemical record of Late Holocene paleoenvironmental changes at King George Island (maritime Antarctica). Antarctic Science 23(3), 255-267.
| doi:10.1017/S095410201100006X | - Hass HC, Kuhn G, Monien P, Brumsack H-J, Forwick M (2010): Climate fluctuations during the past two millennia as recorded in sediments from Maxwell Bay, South Shetland Islands, West Antarctica. In: Howe J, Austin WEN, Paetzel M and Forwick M (eds.): Fjordic Depositional Systems and Archives. Geological Society of London Special Publications 344, 243-260.
| doi:10.1144/SP344.17 | - Poigner H, Badewien T, Suckow B, Monien P (2009): Stickstoff und Phosphoreleminierung von Bodenfiltern - Vergleichende Untersuchung eines Horizontal- und eines Vertikalfiltersystems in Niedersachsen außerhalb der Vegetationsperiode. GWF - Wasser/Abwasser, Nr. 10/2009.
- Kibaroğlu M, Kozal E, Crewe L, Martin M, Hein I, Monien P, Bergoffen C (2024): Production and distribution of Late Bronze age Black Lustrous Wheel-made Ware in the Eastern Mediterranean: An archaeometric perspective. 8. Symposium Archaeological Research & New Technologies (ARCH_RNT), Kalamata, Griechenland (Poster).
- Smrzka D, Lin Z, Monien P, Bach W, Peckmann J, Bohrmann G (2024): Pyrite-based trace element fingerprints for methane and oil seepage. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2024, Wien, Österreich.
- Smrzka D, Lin Z, Monien P, Bach W, Peckmann J, Bohrmann G (2023): Trace element behavior at natural marine hydrocarbon seeps: Preliminary results and new insights from oil and methane seepage-derived authigenic pyrite. Goldschmidt Konferenz 2023, Lyon, Frankreich.
- Galerne CY, Bach W, Wiggers C, Neumann F, Hoefig TW, Lizarralde D, Kahl W-A, Teske A, Cheviet A, Buatier M, Peña-Salinas M, Stock J, Karsten J, Berndt C, Monien P, Negrete-Aranda R, Böttner C (2023): Geology of a steady state low-temperature hydrothermal system at the subseafloor, a live example from the Guaymas Basin, Gulf of California. AGU Chapman Conference, Agros, Zypern.
- Sun Y, Smrzka D, Feng D, Monien P, Peckmann J (2022): Mineral formation and life at methane seeps through time and space: A journey from the Himalaya to the South China Sea. 21. International Sedimentological Congress, Peking, China.
- Smrzka D, Zwicker J, Lu Y, Sun Y, Feng D, Monien P, Bohrmann G, Peckmann J (2022): Trace element distribution in methane-seep carbonates: The role of mineralogy and dissolved sulfide. 21. International Sedimentological Congress, Peking, China.
- Galerne C, Bach W, Berndt C, Schwark L, Höfig T, Buatier M, Cheviet A, Kahl W-A, Hasenclever J, Lizarralde D, Stockhausen M, Wiggers C, Karstens J, Monien Pand the IODP Expedition 385 scientists (2022): Magma-sediment mingling processes, control and longevity of related hydrothermal systems - Implications for the Earth’s Carbon-, Plate-, Life-Cycles (IODP Exp 385, Guaymas Basin, Gulf of California). European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2022, Wien, Österreich.
- Wiggers C, Galerne C, Acosta M, Pistone M, Bach W, Kahl W-A, Burwicz-Galerne E, Monien P, Baumgartner LP, Höfig T, Klügel A (2022): Microstructural and chemical investigation of magma-sediment mingling in natural and laboratory samples. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2022, Wien, Österreich.
- Meier K, O'Sullivan P, Monien P, Piepjohn K, Lisker F, Spiegel C (2022): The Eurekan in eastern North Greenland: insights from thermochronology. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2022, Wien, Österreich.
- Meier K, O'Sullivan P, Jochmann M. Monien P, Piepjohn K, Lisker F, Spiegel C (2022): Connecting the thermal evolution of Northern Greenland and Svalbard by dating thermal anomalies in Upper Cretaceous-Paleogene sediments. 28. Internationale Polartagung 2022, Potsdam.
- Meier K, O'Sullivan P, Jochmann M, Monien P, Piepjohn K, Lisker F, Spiegel C (2021): Thermal imprints along conjugated continental margins in response to the opening of the northern North Atlantic - case studies from eastern North Greenland and western Svalbard. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2021, Wien, Österreich.
- Smrzka D, Vandyk T, Kettler C, Monien P, Le Heron DP (2020): A Neoproterozoic, shallow marine, anoxic stromatolite habitat from the mixed carbonate – clastic Horse Thief Springs Formation, Death Valley. 59th British Sedimentological Research Group Annual General Meeting 2020, Liverpool, Großbritannien.
- Meier K, Jochmann M, Blumenberg M, Kus J, Piepjohn K, O'Sullivan P, Monien P, Kolb V, Lisker F, Spiegel C (2020): Thermal anomalies in Late Mesozoic to Cenozoic basin deposits: What can they tell us about the separation of Greenland from Svalbard? European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2020, Wien, Österreich.
- Kibaroğlu M, Kozal E, Klügel A, Hartmann G, Monien P (2019): Tracing the provenance of red lustrous wheel-made ware (RLW): Petrographic, geochemical and Sr-Nd isotope analysis. EMAC 2019, Barcelona, Spanien.
- Vamvaka A, Pross J, Monien P, Piepjohn K, Estrada S, Lisker F, Spiegel C (2019): Episodic exhumation along the northern Canadian margin, with implications of the tectonic, geotectonic and environmental evolution of the Arctic from Paleocene to Oligocene times. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2019, Wien, Österreich.
- Kibaroğlu M, Kozla E, Klügel A, Hartmann G, Monien P (2018): On the origin of Red Lustrous wheel-made ware (RLW): Preliminary results of chemical, Sr and Nd isotopic analysis and archaeological interpretation. 11. Internationaler Kongress über die Archäologie des alten Nahen Ostens (ICAANE), München, Deutschland.
- Meier K, Spiegel C, Monien P, Klügel A, Kolb V (2018): Tracing trails of fault activity along a major shear zone in Calabria, Southern Italy – Implications for the geodynamic evolution and for methodological aspects of (U-Th-Sm)/He-thermochronology. 17th Symposium of Tectonics, Structural Geology and Crystalline Geology, Jena, Deutschland.
- Giampouras M, Garcia-Ruiz JM, Bach W, Garrido CJ, Los CL, Fußmann D, Monien P (2017): Effect of hydrochemistry on mineral precipitation and textural diversity in serpentinization-driven alkaline environments; Insights from thermal springs in the Oman Ophiolite. American Geoscience Union, Fall Meeting 2017, New Orleans, USA.
- Türke A, Bach W, Boetius A, Diehl A, German C, Köhler J, Mertens C, Monien P, Prause S, Sueltenfuss J (2017): Dissolved-particulate exchange in the proximal hydrothermal plume at the Aurora Vent Field, Gakkel Ridge, Arctic Ocean. Goldschmidt Konferenz 2017, Paris, Frankreich (Poster).
- Roberts S, Monien P, Foster L, Loftfield J, Hocking E, Schnetger B, Pearson E, Juggins S, Fretwell P, Ireland L, Ochyra R, Haworth A, Allen C, Moreton S, Davies S, Brumsack H-J, Bentley MJ, Hodgson DA, Verleyen E (2017): Past penguin colony responses to explosive volcanism and climate change on the Antarctic Peninsula. SCAR Biology Symposium 2017, Löwen, Belgien.
- Kibaroğlu M, Kozal E, Klügel A, Hartmann G, Monien P (2017): On the origin of red lustrous wheel-made ware (RLW): Preliminary results of chemical, Sr and Nd iotopic analysis and archaeological outcomes. European Meeting on Ancient Ceramics 2017, Bordeaux, Frankreich.
- Giampouras M, Garcia-Ruiz JM, Bach W, Garrido CJ, Los CL, Fussmann D, Monien P (2017): Mineral textures in serpentine-hosted alkaline springs from the Oman ophiolite. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2017, Wien, Österreich.
- Monien P, Roberts S, Foster L, Loftfield J, Schnetger B, Pearson E, Hocking E, Fretwell P, Ireland L, Ochyra R, Haworth A, Allen C, Brumsack H-J, Bentley M, Hodgson D (2016): Past penguin colony linkages to climate change and catastrophic volcanism on the northern Antarctic Peninsula. American Geoscience Union, Fall Meeting 2016, San Francisco, USA.
- Spiegel C, Klügel A, Monien P, Kolb V (2016): Potential influence of apatite chlorine content on (U-Th-Sm)/He thermochronology. 15th Int. Conference on Thermochronology, Maresias, Brasilien.
- Schroeder T, Bach W, Jöns N, Rausch S, Monien P, Klügel A (2014): Olivine carbonation and multiple episodes of carbonate veining during basement rock denudation in an oceanic core complex, ODP Site 1275, Mid-Atlantic Ridge: A natural analog for engineered carbon sequestration. American Geoscience Union, Fall Meeting 2014, San Francisco, USA.
- Roberts SJ, Monien P, Watcham E, Hodgson D, Bentley M, Brumsack H-J, Loftfield J, Schnetger B, Fretwell P, Ochyra R, Hey A, Allen C, Moreton S, Pearson E, Taylor L, Manograsso-Czalbowski T, del Valle R (2014): Holocene deglaciation & ecosystem change on the South Shetland Islands. SCAR Open Science Conference 2014, Auckland, Neuseeland.
- Roberts SJ, Heredia P, Monien P, Taylor L et al. (2014): Deglaciation and Holocene climate change on the South Shetland Islands, Western Antarctic Peninsula (WAP). UK Antarctic Research Symposium, Bristol, England (Poster).
- Manograsso-Czalbowski NT, Monien P, Moretti L, Chaparro MAE, Böhnel HN, Morrás H, Paladino IR, Brumsack H-J, Schnetger B (2014): Geochemistry and mineralogy as tools for sediment provenance and sedimentary dynamics studies in Potter Cove, Isla 25 de Mayo (King George Island).1stIMCONetWP5 Workshop, Bremerhaven, Deutschland.
- Manograsso-Czalbowski NT, Monien P, Moretti L, Chaparro MAE, Böhnel HN, Morrás H, Paladino IR, Brumsack H-J, Schnetger B (2013): Geoquímica y mineralogía de los sedimentos de Península y Caleta Potter, Isla 25 de Mayo (KGI): Sus implicancias en los ambientes sedimentarios actuales de Antártida. 7th Latin American Congress of Antarctic Science 2013, La Serena, Chile.
- Monien D, Monien P, Brünjes RM, Widmer T, Schnetger B, Brumsack H-J (2013): Sedimentary regimes at Potter Cove, King George Island, maritime Antarctica - from source source to sink. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2013, Wien, Österreich (Poster).
- Roberts SJ, Monien P, Watcham EP, Pearson EJ, Taylor L, Manograsso-Czalbowski NT, Hodgson DA, Bentley MJ, Loftfield J, Schnetger B, Brumsack H-J, Griffiths HJ, Juggins D, del Valle R (2013): Linking past environmental and ecosystem changes on the South Shetland Islands, Antarctica. XI. SCAR Biology Symposium, Barcelona, Spanien.
- Abele D, Quartino L, Falk U, Schloss IR, Monien D, Bers V, Piquet A, Sahade R, Dominguez C, Wasilowska A, Braun M, Hass HC, Torre L, Monien P, Hernando MP (2012): ESF-IMCOAST: an integrated multi-disciplinary study of coastal climate change effects in Western Antarctica. SCAR Open Science Conference 2012, Portland, USA.
- Roberts SJ, Hodgson DA, Watcham EP, Bentley MJ, Monien P, Brumsack H-J, Pearson E, Juggins S, Taylor L, Manograsso Czalbowski NT, del Valle R. (2012): Reconstructing past environmental & relative sea level change on the South Shetland Islands, Antarctica, from lake sediment and terrestrial records (2012). UK Antarctic Science Conference, Cambridge, England (Poster).
- Poigner H, Monien D, Monien P, Kriews M, Brumsack H-J, Wilhelms-Dick D, Abele D (2012): Element ratios between digestive gland and gill tissues of the Antarctic bivalve Laternula elliptica as a proxy for element uptake from different environmental sources. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2012, Wien, Österreich.
- Poigner H, Monien P, Monien D, Brumsack H-J, Wilhelms-Dick D, Abele D (2012): Redox conditions in coastal sediments as a controlling factor of iron assimilation in the Antarctic bivalve Laternula elliptica. IMCOAST Workshop 2012, Buenos Aires, Argentinien.
- Roberts SJ, Hodgson DA, Watcham EP, Monien P, Brumsack H-J, Pearson E, Juggins S, Taylor L, Manograsso Czalbowski NT, del Valle R (2012): Reconstructing past environmental & relative sea level change on the South Shetland Islands from lake sediment and terrestrial records. IMCOAST Workshop 2012, Buenos Aires, Argentinien.
- Vázquez SC, Mac Cormack WP, Monien P, Jürgens J, Helmke E (2012): Response of bacterial soil communities to a small oil-spill at the Argentine base Jubany on King George Island (Antarctic). Int. Conference on Contaminants in Freezing Ground, Obergurgl, Österreich (Poster).
- Vázquez SC, Jürgens J, Monien P, Minetti RP, Mac Cormack WP, Helmke E (2012): Response of bacterial soil communities to a small diesel-spill at the Argentine station Carlini on King George Island (Antarctic). 14thInt. Symposium on Microbial Ecology (ISME), Kopenhagen, Dänemark (Poster).
- Monien P, Watcham EP, Roberts SJ, Loftfield J, Hodgson DA, Bentley MJ, Schnetger B, Brumsack H-J (2011) A 9000-year history of climate change as recorded by ornithogenic lake sediments at Ardley Island (maritime Antarctica). INQUA 2011, Bern, Schweiz (Poster).
- Monien P, Roberts SJ, Loftfield J, Watcham EP, Hodgson DA, Bentley MJ, Schnetger B, Brumsack H-J (2011): Penguin droppings vs. magmatic rocks: Evidence of Holocene climate variability as recorded by lake sediment geochemistry at Ardley Island (maritime Antarctic Peninsula). ISAES 2011, Edinburgh, Schottland.
- Watcham EP, Bentley MJ, Hodgson DA, Monien P, Fretwell P, Lloyd J, Larter R (2011): A new relative sea level curve for the South Shetland Islands. ISAES 2011, Edinburgh, Schottland.
- Roberts SJ, Hodgson DA, Verleyen E, Vyverman W, Bentley MJ, Watcham EP, Pearson E, Monien P, McCulloch MJ & University of Ghent project members (2011): Reconstructing Holocene climate change across the Polar Frontal Zone. ISAES 2011, Edinburgh, Schottland (Poster).
- Monien P, Loftfield J, Roberts SJ, Schnetger B, Brumsack H-J (2010): Holocene paleoenvironmental changes at King George Island (maritime Antarctica) as recorded by lake sediment geochemistry. IMCOAST Workshop 2010, Cordoba, Argentinien.
- Hass HC, Kuhn G, Monien P, Wittenberg N, Wölfl A-C (2010): Periods of stronger and weaker meltwater discharge into Maxwell Bay (King George Island, Antarctica) during the past two Millenia. IMCOAST Workshop 2010, Cordoba, Argentinien.
- Kuhn G, Wittenberg N, Monien P, Hass HC (2010): Sedimentary and geochemical cycles in the Maxwell Bay cores. IMCOAST Workshop 2010, Cordoba, Argentinien.
- Abele D, Braun M, Dominguez C, Monien P, Wasiłowska A, Tatur A, Schloss IR, Hernando MP, Quartino L, Torre L, Sahade R, Philipp EER et al. (2010): Rapid climate related change at King-George Island: an interdisciplinary approach to coastal systems change. SCAR Open Science Conference 2010, Buenos Aires, Argentinien.
- Hass HC, Kuhn G, Monien P, Brumsack H-J (2010): Late Holocene sedimentation processes in Maxwell Bay, King George Island, Antarctica. SCAR Open Science Conference 2010, Buenos Aires, Argentinien (Poster).
- Monien P, Schnetger B, Hass HC, Kuhn G, Brumsack H-J (2010): Geochemical characterization of Maxwell Bay sediments – evidence for late Holocene climate variability at King George Island, maritime Antarctica. SCAR Open Science Conference 2010, Buenos Aires, Argentinien (Poster).
- Hass HC, Kuhn G, Monien P, Brumsack H-J (2009): Late Holocene climate dynamics: A high-resolution sediment core from Maxwell Bay, South Shetland Islands, Antarctica. American Geoscience Union, Fall Meeting 2009, San Francisco, USA (Poster).
- Monien P, Hass HC, Kuhn G, Brumsack H-J (2009): Late Holocene climate variability at the Western Antarctic Peninsula as evidenced by geochemical proxies from coastal sediments. Workshop on the response of marine and terrestrial biota along the Western Antarctic Peninsula to climate change and the global context of the observed change, Madralin, Polen (Poster).
- Monien P (2014): The geochemical response of sedimentary archives to rapid recent glacier retreat at the western Antarctic Peninsula: from source to sink. Doktorarbeit, Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg.
- Monien P (2008): A geochemical comparison of Holocene sediments from Maxwell Bay and Potter Cove off King George Island (Antarctic Peninsula). Diplomarbeit, Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg.