Blog & News

The adaptive nature of social dialogue to crises
Social dialogue in times of the financial and the pandemic crisis - what are similarities and differences? Philipp Gies discusses this question in his blog post that you can find here.
Working [with] solidarity
This was the topic of our stakeholder conference which we have held in Kraków (Poland) at the beginning of September, 2023. To find out more about this conference, read here.
Collective action and AI.
The next stage in accelerating digital transformation. In this blog post, Marcus Franke discusses challenges and opportunities of artificial intelligence for collective action. You can find the text here.
Das Global Framework Agreement von H&M
In einem kleinen Gastbeitrag beschreibt unsere Praktikantin Amy Christians das Global Framework Agreement von H&M. Eine Darstellung was das ist und was es beinhaltet findet sich hier.
SOHA @ SASE in Amsterdam 2022
In July 2022, we have participated in the SASE Annual conference at the University of Amsterdam. Here, we have successfully carried out a Mini conference on "Collective Action in Transformation" (together with other colleagues). You can find more information about our participation here.
How could the development of transnational justice shape transnational solidarity?
You can find a new blog post by our team member Marcus Franke here. In this post, he discusses the interrelation of transnational justice and transnational solidarity. By referring to Nancy Frasers "Scales of Justice", he outlines which role redistribution, representation and recognition can play in the context of transnational employment relations.
Working Paper "Theoretical conceptions of transnational solidarity in working relations"
Our first project related working paper is online and can be retrieved here.
Towards a European minimum wage – different forms of networking among unions and employers’ organisations in the EU
In this blog post, SOHA team member Ilana Nussbaum Bitran gives a first insight into her research on the European minimum wage. With the aim to understand how cooperation between national and transnational organisations of the social partnership is clustered, she studies networks and positions of actors in the road transport, construction and cleaning sector. You can find the full text here.
Workers solidarity in the EU multilevel system: When and where can it occur?
Trade unions have the task to organise collectively and establish relations of solidarity amongst working people. And yet, they have often found it difficult to extend this solidarity across borders within the European Union (EU). In his blog post, Andreas Bieler argues that while the capitalist dynamics of Uneven and Combined Development (U&CD) make transnational solidarity often difficult, it is not impossible either.
Solidarity in MNCs: when and where does this occur? Shedding light on the interplay and coordination processes between different institutions and actors in MNCs
In multinational companies, solidarity among employees must be developed across national and cultural boundaries and, quite often, against the backdrop of site competition. A key question is therefore: What preconditions have to be met that employee representatives develop mutual support, cooperate with each other, and identify common concerns and interests? You can find here blog post here!
Reconfigured arenas in times of the Covid 19 pandemic? Challenges and opportunities for acts of workers solidarity.
The Covid 19 pandemic as a global health phenomenon covered the whole world more or less at the same time. It is yet another occurrence in our globalized world that shows that responses have to be more than on a national level. Instead, this crisis had to be addressed from a multilevel perspective as seen in the European industrials relations, for example. We discuss this topic in our blog post on reconfigured arenas in times of the Covid 19 pandemic?
Call for Papers | SASE Mini-conference | ‚Labour and Collective Action in Transformation’
Together with colleagues, we have organized a Mini-conference on Labour and Collective Action in Transformation at the next SASE Annual meeting at the University of Amsterdam. You can find the Call for Papers here!
Online expert workshop "Assesssing solidarity"
We have organized a digital experts workshop with researchers on solidarity in transnational (working) relations. More information here.
Special Session @ 19th ILERA World Congress 2021
We have organized a Special Session @ ILERA World Congress 2021. More information here!
Kick-off in April 2021
Better late than never, this is how we can describe our project leitmotif. Due to administrational issues, we were supposed to start later than initially planned with our project activities.
At the beginning of April, the complete SOHA team finally managed to meet virtually for a common kick-off.