Dr. Christian Eurich


Institute for Theoretical Physics

Hochschulring 18

University of Bremen

Postbox 330 440

28334 Bremen, Germany


Telefon: +49 421 218 4559

E-Mail: eurichprotect me ?!neuro.uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

Fax: +49 421 218 62014

Raum: M3160 (NW1)




Herzog, M. and Lesemann, E. and Eurich, C. (2006) Spatial interactions determine temporal feature integration as revealed by unmasking Advances in Experimental Psychology


Bielefeld, T. and Eurich, C. (2005) Science Roadmapping für Rüstungstechnologie-Folgenabschätzung und pröventative Rüstungskontrolle Technologiefolgenabsch"atzung
Etzold, A. and Eurich, C. (2005) A direct, interval-based method for reconstructing stimuli from noise-robust tuning curves Neurocomputing
Eurich, C. and Thiel, A. and Fahse, L. (2005) Distributed delays stabilize ecological feedback systems Physical Review Letters
Stemmann, H. and Freiwald, W. and Wannig, A. and Schulzke, E. and Eurich, C. (2005) Encoding of dynamic visual stimuli by primate area MT neurons Neurocomputing


Bormann, R. and Cabrera, J. and Milton, J. and Eurich, C. (2004) Visuomotor tracking on a computer screen: An experimental paradigm to study the dynamics of motor control Neurocomputing
Etzold, A. and Schwegler, H. and Eurich, C. (2004) Coding with noisy neurons: Stability of parameter estimation depends strongly on the analysis method Journal of Neuroscience Methods
Eurich, C. and Schulzke, E. (2004) Irregular connectivity in neural layers yields temporally stable activity patterns Neurocomputing


Etzold, A. and Eurich, C. and Schwegler, H. (2003) Tuning properties of noisy cells with application to orientation selectivity in rat visual cortex Neurocomputing
Eurich, C. (2003) Alles nur eine Frage des Timings. Neurotheorie für Anfänger IV Gehirn und Geist
Eurich, C. (2003) Getrennt marschieren, vereint kodieren. Neuronale Populationskodierung Gehirn und Geist
Eurich, C. (2003) Was sieht eine Katze? Neuronale Kodierung und Dekodierung Gehirn und Geist
Herzog, M. and Ernst, U. A. and Etzold, A. and Eurich, C. (2003) Local interactions in neural networks explain global effects in the masking of visual stimuli Neural Computation
Herzog, M. and Ernst, U. A. and Eurich, C. (2003) Getting the picture Scientific American Mind
Herzog, M. and Harms, M. and Ernst, U. A. and Eurich, C. and Mahmud, S. H. and Fahle, M. (2003) Extending the shine-through effect to classical masking paradigms Vision Research


Eurich, C. (2002) Feuern im Gleichtakt. Neurotheorie für Anfänger III Gehirn und Geist
Eurich, C. and Herrmann, M. and Ernst, U. A. (2002) Finite-size effects of avalanche dynamics Phys. Rev. E
Eurich, C. and Mackey, M. and Schwegler, H. (2002) Recurrent inhibitory dynamics: the role of state-dependent distributions of conduction delay times J. Theor. Biol.
Eurich, C. and Wilke, S. (2002) Künstliches Gedächtnis. Neurotheorie für Anfänger I Gehirn und Geist
Eurich, C. and Wilke, S. (2002) Selbst ist das Netz. Neurotheorie für Anfänger II Gehirn und Geist
Freiwald, W. and Stemmann, H. and Wannig, A. and Kreiter, A. and Hofmann, U. and Hills, M. and Kovacs, G. and Kewley, D. and Bower, J. and Eurich, C. and Wilke, S. (2002) Stimulus representation in rat primary visual cortex: Multi-electrode recordings and estimation theory Neurocomputing
Herzog, M. and Ernst, U. A. and Eurich, C. (2002) Objekterkennung: Ein Kamel Ist keine Palme Gehirn und Geist
Wilke, S. and Eurich, C. (2002) On the functional role of noise correlations in the nervous system Neurocomputing


Wilke, S. and Eurich, C. (2001) Neural spike statistics modify the impact of background noise Neurocomputing
Wilke, S. and Eurich, C. (2001) Representational accuracy of stochastic neural populations Neural Computation
Wilke, S. and Thiel, A. and Eurich, C. and Greschner, M. and Bongard, M. and Ammermüller, J. and Schwegler, H. (2001) Population coding of motion patterns in the early visual system Journal of Comp. Physiol. A


Eurich, C. and Wilke, S. (2000) Multi-dimensional encoding strategy of spiking neurons Neural Computation
Eurich, C. and Wilke, S. and Schwegler, H. (2000) Neural representation of multi-dimensional stimuliNIPS\ 2000: Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems


Eurich, C. and Pawelzik, K. R. and Ernst, U. A. and Cowan, J. and Milton, J. (1999) Dynamics of self-organized delay adaptation Physical Review Letters


Eurich, C. and Schwegler, H. (1997) Coarse coding: calculation of the resolution achived by a population of large receptive field neurons Biol. Cybern.
Eurich, C. and Schwegler, H. and Woesler, R. (1997) Coarse coding: applications to the visual system of salamanders Biol. Cybern.
Eurich, C. and Wiggers, W. (1997) Salamander - Simulander: Simulation komplexer Vorgänge am Gehirn durch künstliche neuronale Netze Unterricht Biologie


Eurich, C. and Milton, J. (1996) Noise-induced transitions in human postural sway Phys. Rev. E


Eurich, C. and Roth, G. and Schwegler, H. and Wiggers, W. (1995) Simulander: a neural network model for the orientation movement of salamanders J. Comp. Physiol. A
Wiggers, W. and Eurich, C. and Roth, G. and Schwegler, H. (1995) Salamander and Simulander: Experimente und Modellierung zur Raumorientierung bei Schleuderzungensalamandern Neuroforum
Wiggers, W. and Roth, G. and Eurich, C. and Straub, A. (1995) Binocular depth perception mechanisms in tongue-projecting salamanders J. Comp. Physiol. A



Ernst, U. A. and Etzold, A. and Eurich, C. and Herzog, M. (2002) Transiente Merkmalsbindung und raumzeitliche Aktivitätsdynamik in einem Modell des visuellen Kortex Frühjahrstagung: Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft (DPG)
Ernst, U. A. and Etzold, A. and Herzog, M. and Eurich, C. (2002) Transient activation of neural populations in a cortical model accounts for the transient visibility of masked stimuli Society for Neuroscience Meeting 2002



Pawelzik, K. R. and Eurich, C. (2005) Self-organized critical control
Schulzke, E. and Stemmann, H. and Freiwald, W. and Eurich, C. (2005) Dynamic stimuli and dynamic neurons: Encoding properties of MT Cells in awake monkeys
Westhoff, G. and Morsch, M. and Eurich, C. (2005) Response characteristics of infrared sensitive neurons in the Tectum opticum of the rattlesnake Crotalus atrox


Etzold, A. and Schwegler, H. and Eurich, C. (2003) A comparison of decoding strategies for neuronal responses Georg Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart
Schulzke, E. and Eurich, C. (2003) Activity patterns in neural layers are enhanced by disordered connectivity Georg Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart
Stemmann, H. and Wannig, A. and Schulzke, E. and Eurich, C. and Freiwald, W. (2003) Population analysis of stimulus representation in rat primary visual cortex Georg Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart
Thiel, A. and Greschner, M. and Eurich, C. and Ammermüller, J. (2003) Stimulus velocity reconstructed from retinal ganglion cell activity using Bayes\textbackslash method Georg Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart


Ernst, U. A. and Eurich, C. (2002) Cortical population dynamics and psychophysics The Handbook of Brain Theory and Neural Networks, 2nd edition
Eurich, C. (2002) Neuronale Netzwerke Spektrum, Heidelberg
Mirmohammadhosseini, A. and Eurich, C. and Schwegler, H. (2002) Neural control of heartbeat in the medicinal leech
Thiel, A. and Wilke, S. and Eurich, C. and Greschner, M. and Bongard, M. and Ammermüller, J. and Schwegler, H. (2002) Temporally faithful representation of salient stimulus movement patterns in the early visual system Kluwer Academic / Plenum Publishers, New York


Eurich, C. (2001) Die Ratte im Labyrinth - Lernen und Repräsentation aus neurowissenschaftlicher Sicht
Thiel, A. and Wilke, S. and Greschner, M. and Bongard, M. and Ammermüller, J. and Eurich, C. (2001) The time course of retinal population activity faithfully represents rapid changes in stimulus velocity Georg Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart
Wilke, S. and Eurich, C. (2001) Diversity in neural populations improves encoding accuracy Georg Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart


Eurich, C. (2000) Alte Fragen und neue Antworten aus der Hirnforschung oder Wie fängt ein Salamander seine Beute? Lit Verlag, Münster
Eurich, C. (2000) Neuronale Netze Spektrum, Heidelberg
Milton, J. and Cabrera, J. and Rayburn, E. and Hunter, J. and Eurich, C. (2000) Survival times for a pencil balanced at the end of a finger
Wilke, S. and Thiel, A. and Eurich, C. (2000) Processing of movement information in the early stages of the visual systemIEEE Computer Society, Los Alamitos, CA


Wilke, S. and Eurich, C. and Schwegler, H. (1999) Modeling the physiology of tectum neurons from retinal input in plethodontid salamanders Georg Thieme Verlag


Dicke, U. and Eurich, C. and Schwegler, H. (1998) A model to describe the effects of short-term plasticity in the mammalian somatosensory cortex Georg Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart, New York


Eurich, C. and Uhlenwinkel, O. (1997) A network model for adaptive delay modification in the auditory system of the barn owl Georg Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart, New York
Foss, J. and Eurich, C. and Milton, J. (1997) Noise, multistability and long-tailed interspike interval (ISI) histograms
Uhlenwinkel, O. and Eurich, C. and Schwegler, H. and Woesler, R. (1997) Biosonar prey capture in cluttered space - modelled with spiking neurons Georg Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart, New York
Woesler, R. and Eurich, C. and Roth, G. and Schwegler, H. and Uhlenwinkel, O. (1997) Classification of data from extracellular recordings in amphibian optic tectum Georg Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart, New York


Woesler, R. and Eurich, C. and Roth, G. and Schwegler, H. (1996) An algorithm for classification of neurons with an applicatin to amphibians


Eurich, C. and Schwegler, H. (1995) Neural network modelling of object tracking and depth perception in salamanders Georg Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart, New York


Eurich, C. and Roth, G. and Schwegler, H. and Wiggers, W. (1994) Simulander II: achieving depth perception by construction of large three-dimensional receptive fields Georg Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart, New York
Uhlenwinkel, O. and Eurich, C. and Schwegler, H. (1994) A neural network for the auditory system of barn owls Georg Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart, New York


Eurich, C. and Roth, G. and Schwegler, H. and Wiggers, W. (1993) Simulander: a neural network model for the orientation movement of salamanders Georg Thieme Verlag



Eurich, C. and Pawelzik, K. R. (2005) Optimal control yields power-law behavior Springer-Verlag, Berlin
Schulzke, E. and Eurich, C. (2005) Neuronal coding strategies for two-alternative forced choice tasks Springer-Verlag


Stemmann, H. and Freiwald, W. and Wannig, A. and Schulzke, E. and Eurich, C. (2004) Encoding of dynamic visual stimuli by primate area MT neurons


Ernst, U. A. and Etzold, A. and Herzog, M. and Eurich, C. (2003) Dynamics of neuronal populations modeled by Wilson-Cowan system account for the transient visibility of masked stimuli Neurocomputing
Eurich, C. (2003) An estimation-theoretic framework for the presentation of multiple stimuliMIT Press


Ernst, U. A. and Etzold, A. and Herzog, M. and Eurich, C. (2002) Object representation through transient neural dynamics Dynamic Perception (Workshop of GI section 1.0.4.)
Thiel, A. and Eurich, C. and Schwegler, H. (2002) Stabilized dynamics in physiological and neural systems despite strongly delayed feedback Springer-Verlag, Berlin


Wilke, S. and Thiel, A. and Eurich, C. and Greschner, M. and Bongard, M. and Ammermüller, J. and Schwegler, H. (2001) Extracting motion information using a biologically realistic model retina D-Facto, Evere


Eurich, C. and Herrmann, M. and Ernst, U. A. (2000) Avalanches of activity in neural networks: finite size effects Bielefeld
Eurich, C. and Pawelzik, K. R. and Ernst, U. A. and Thiel, A. and Cowan, J. and Milton, J. (2000) Delay adaptation in the nervous system Neurocomputing
Schwegler, H. and Eurich, C. and Henkel, R. (2000) Netzwerkmodellierung kognitiver Leistungen Pabst Science Publishers, Lengerich


Dicke, U. and Eurich, C. and Schwegler, H. (1999) Postontogenetic short-term plasticity in the somatosensory system: a neural network model University of Edinburgh
Eurich, C. and Conradi, T. and Schwegler, H. (1999) Critical and non-critical avalanche behavior in networks of integrate-and-fire neurons D-Facto, Brussels
Eurich, C. and Ernst, U. A. (1999) Avalanches of activity in a network of integrate-and-fire neurons with stochastic inputICANN 1999
Wilke, S. and Eurich, C. (1999) What does a neuron talk about? D-Facto, Brussels


Eurich, C. and Ernst, U. A. and Pawelzik, K. R. (1998) Continuous dynamics of neuronal delay adaptationICANN 1998 Perspectives in Neural Computing


Eurich, C. and Cowan, J. and Milton, J. (1997) Hebbian delay adaptation in a network of integrate-and-fire neurons Springer-Verlag, Berlin
Eurich, C. and Dinse, H. and Dicke, U. and Godde, B. and Schwegler, H. (1997) Coarse coding accounts for improvement of spatial discrimination after plastic reorganization in rats and humans Springer-Verlag, Berlin


Eurich, C. and Woesler, R. and Schwegler, H. (1996) A coarse coding model for prey localization in tongue-projecting salamanders Sedona, AZ



Eurich, C. (2006) Der Tag als man Erich Fromm konditionierte, Rezension des Buchs Nervensachen von Manfred Spitzer Pages: 85 Volume: 3


Eurich, C. (2005) Qual der Wahl, Rezension des Buchs Illusion Freiheit? von Michael Pauen Pages: 85 Volume: 3
Eurich, C. (2005) Unwahrscheinlicher Betrug, Rezension des Buchs Mit an Wahrscheinlichkeit grenzender Sicherheit von Hans-Herrmann Dubben und Hans-Peter Beck-Bornholdt Pages: 86 Volume: 10
Eurich, C. and Thiel, A. and Fahse, L. (2005) Distributed delays stabilized ecological feedback systems Volume: 25


Schulzke, E. and Stemmann, H. and Eurich, C. and Freiwald, W. (2004) Reconstruction of dynamic visual stimuli from macaque MT responses Pages: 139–144


Schulzke, E. and Eurich, C. (2003) Disordered connectivity facilitates self-maintaining neural activity


Etzold, A. and Ernst, U. A. and Herzog, M. and Eurich, C. (2002) Bunsen-Roscoe-Bloch\textbackslash s law holds for visibility of stimuli in neural populations whose activity obeys a Wilson-Cowan dynamics
Etzold, A. and Schwegler, H. and Eurich, C. (2002) A critical assessment of measures for the tuning of cells with special emphasis to orientation tuning
Schulzke, E. and Eurich, C. (2002) Structural disorder in neural networks enhances structure formation
Thiel, A. and Eurich, C. (2002) Regular dynamics in hippocampal pyramidal cells despite strongly delayed recurrent inhibition


Etzold, A. and Eurich, C. and Herzog, M. and Ernst, U. A. (2001) Shine-through – dynamical effectsVolkswagenStiftung
Eurich, C. and Bormann, R. and Herzog, M. (2001) A dynamical system approach to emerging visibility as found in the shine-through effect Boston
Eurich, C. and Ernst, U. A. (2001) Analytical approach to avalanches of spike activity in neural networks
Eurich, C. and Mallot, H. (2001) Mathematics for the neural and cognitive sciences Bremen


Eurich, C. and Pawelzik, K. R. (2000) Neuronale Signalverarbeitung
Pawelzik, K. R. and Eurich, C. (2000) Das Gehirn als dynamisches System
Thiel, A. and Wilke, S. and Greschner, M. and Bongard, M. and Ammermüller, J. and Eurich, C. (2000) Dynamics of retinal responses to salient stimulus movement patterns Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg, Delmenhorst
Thiel, A. and Wilke, S. and Greschner, M. and Bongard, M. and Ammermüller, J. and Eurich, C. (2000) Neural responses in retina and optic tectum reflect the temporal structure of salient stimulus movement patterns
Wilke, S. and Eurich, C. (2000) Correlated neuronal activity and its implications for coding accuracy Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg, Delmenhorst


Eurich, C. and Wilke, S. (1999) Neuronal strategy for encoding multi-dimensional stimuli Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg, Delmenhorst
Thiel, A. and Wilke, S. and Eurich, C. (1999) How to tell flies from worms – visual prey discrimination in salamanders by analyzing movement pattern Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg, Delmenhorst
Wilke, S. and Eurich, C. (1999) Optimal coding of multiple stimulus features Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg, Delmenhorst


Eurich, C. and Pawelzik, K. R. and Milton, J. (1998) Encoding temporal patterns by delay adaptation in networks of spiking neurons Pages: 115
Woesler, R. and Schwegler, H. and Roth, G. and Eurich, C. (1998) Neural networks for object segmentation in amphibians: spotligh model and model with synchronizing neurons Zentrum für Kognitionswissenschaften, Universität Bremen


Woesler, R. and Roth, G. and Schwegler, H. and Eurich, C. (1997) Algorithm for classification of neurons with an application to amphibian data Zentrum für Kognitionswissenschaften, Universität Bremen


Eurich, C. and Schwegler, H. (1996) Sensomotorische Verarbeitung mit grossen rezeptiven Feldern, Repräsentation und Bedeutung Pages: 21–52 Volume: III


Eurich, C. (1995) Objektlokalisation mit neuronalen Netzen


Eurich, C. (1994) Verteilte Erregungsverarbeitung im Nervensystem und ihre Rolle beim Beutefangverhalten von Schleuderzungensalamandern
Eurich, C. and Schwegler, H. and Strohmeier, M. (1994) Coarse Coding: Die Berechnung des Auflösungsvermögens von Ensembles breitbandig abgestimmter rezeptiver Felder
Straub, A. and Eurich, C. and Schwegler, H. (1994) Optomotor processing in the prey catching of amphibia Zentrum für Kognitionswissenschaften, Universität Bremen


Eurich, C. (1991) Zur Streudynamik des anisotropen Kepler-Problems