Allgemeine und Theoretische Ökologie
Leitung: Prof. Dr. Juliane Filser
Unsere Forschung
Video 2 - Hochleistungsorganismus Boden
Basierend auf Langzeitökosystemforschung, Bodenökologie und ökologischer Theorie arbeiten wir an nachhaltigen Lösungen für eine gesunde Umwelt. Hauptarbeitsgebiete sind vorsorgende Umweltgefährdungsabschätzung, Wechselwirkungen von Primärproduzenten mit Bodentieren und deren Einfluss auf den Kohlenstoffkreislauf.
Aktuelle größere Forschungsthemen sind Kombinationswirkungen von Schadstoffen, insbesondere von Pflanzenschutzmitteln, in aquatischen und terrestrischen Systemen. Untersucht werden Wechselwirkungen mit Nanomaterialien, Düngern und Temperaturextremen.
Allgemeine und theoretische Ökologie
FB2, Zentrum für Umweltforschung und nachhaltige Technologien (UFT)
Leobener Str 6
28359 Bremen
Tel: +49 421 218-63470
02.12.2024: Oh Happy Day! We just learned that Jonas Fischer's DFG proposal will be granted! So, next to his own position (which will be funded through other sources) he will have a PhD student and ample resources to study f for three years in Christina Roggatz' group “Radical formation by copper application in agriculturally relevant clay-rich soils and its ecotoxicological consequences”. CONGRATULATIONS!!!
26.11.2024: Recently published: Soil organic matter quality in an olive orchard differently managed for 21 years: insights into its distribution through soil aggregates and depth
30.09.2024: Recently published: Faktencheck Artenvielfalt - an extensive assessment of biodiversity status and trends in Germany
29.08.2024: Recently published: Foundations for a national assessment of soil biodiversity - Journal of Sustainable Agriculture and Environment
14.08.2024: Very happy to learn that our former Master student Jingzhong Lu ("Logos") has accepted a postdoc position with Anton Potapov at Senckenberg Museum of Natural History in Görlitz - meanwhile another cluster of former group members...
12.08.2024: Recently published: Nest site selection and fidelity of European pond turtle (Emys orbicularis) population of Babat Valley (Gödöllő, Hungary)
19.07.2024: I am very happy to announce that my successor, Dr. Alice Claßen, has officially accepted the position as Professor of Animal Ecology! She will start at the beginning of 2025 and move to the new BIOM building. A warm welcome, Alice!
15.07.2024: Welcome back to Dr. Mazi Sanda, Université of Ngaoundéré, Cameroon. He will stay with us until mid December and work on Collembola ecotoxicology in relation to environmental stressors.
31.03.2024: Juliane Filser officially retired but will continue managing the group and being involved in some teaching.
03.01.2024: recently published:Global fine-resolution data on springtail abundance and community structure | Scientific Data (
29.08.2023: Offene Stelle: Professor:in (w/m/d) für das Fachgebiet Tierökologie Fachbereich 2 - Biologie / Chemie - Anhörungtermine: 20.11-22.11.2023
22.08.2023: recently published: Extracting DNA from soil or directly from isolated nematodes indicate dissimilar community structure for Europe-wide forest soils