Dr. Angela Pannek
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin

The abundance of species on earth varies greatly – while some occur all over the place, others can only exist under very distinct conditions. My main research interests include macroecological patterns of vascular plants, trying to explain the reasoning between the temporal and spatial variation in commonness and rarity of species.
My PhD thesis focused on “Species responses along environmental gradients on different spatial scales”.
In addition, I am the membership administrator in the steering committee of the Young Scientist Section of the International Association for Vegetation Science (IAVS).
Arbeitsgruppe Vegetationsökologie und Naturschutzbiologie
Institut für Ökologie
Fachbereich 02
Universität Bremen
Leobener Straße
D-28359 Bremen
2011 - 2015 | Ph.D student, Vegetation Ecology and Conservation Biology, University of Bremen |
2010 | Master of Science, Ecology, University of Bremen |
2008 | Bachelor of Science, Biology, University of Bremen |
2005 | General Qualification for University Entrance, Business High School Cuxhaven |
Pannek, A. 2015: Nischencharakteristika von Pflanzen – Indikatoren für Seltenheit & mögliche Hilfe bei Wiedereinbürgerungen. Bundesamtes für Naturschutz - Interdisziplinäre Nachwuchswissenschaftlertagung zum Übereinkommen der biologische Vielfalt, 24.-28.08.2015 Insel Vilm/Rügen, Germany.
Pannek, A. Palmquist, K., Fidelis, A. and Lee, M. 2015: IAVS Young Scientists. 58th Symposium of the International Association for Vegetation Science (19-24.07. 2015): Abstract Book p. 289. Brno, Czech Republic.
Pannek A. & Diekmann, M. 2014: Comparison of resource based and co-occurrence based determinants of species niche breadth. 57th Symposium of the International Association for Vegetation Science (01-05.09. 2014): Abstract Book p. 169. Perth, Australia.
Pannek, A. & Diekmann, M. 2013: Effects of nitrogen deposition and soil phosphorus availability on species incidence in acidic grasslands - congruence between spatial and temporal patterns. 56th Symposium of the International Assocciation for Vegetation Science (26-30.07. 2013): Abstract Book, p. 188. Tartu, Estonia.
Pannek, A. & Diekmann, M. 2012: Available niche breadth explains the range sizes of forest vascular plants in Germany. Verhandlungen der Gesellschaft für Ökologie Band 42 p. 217-218. 42 Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland (10-14.09. 2012), Lüneburg, Germany.
Pannek, A. & Diekmann, M. 2012: Available Niche Breadth Predicts the Range Size of Forest Vascular Plants in Germany. In: Lee, E.J. et al. (eds), 55th Symposium of the International Assocciation for Vegetation Science (23-28.07. 2012): Abstract Book, p. 191. Mokpo, South Korea.
- Plant Identification (Formenkenntnis Pflanzen): 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015
- Basics in Ecology (Grundkurs Ökologie): 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
- Statistical Data Analysis (Statistische Datenauswertung): 2012, 2013, 2014
- Ecological Field Course (Ökologisches Geländepraktikum): 2014, 2015
Michaelis, J., Pannek, A., Diekmann, M. Soil pH limits of forest vascular plants determine range size and threat level. Journal of Vegetation Science, 27: 535-544
Pannek, A., Manthey, M., Diekmann,M.: Comparison of resource based and co-occurrence based determinats of species niche breadth. Journal of Vegetation Science 27: 596-605.
Diekmann, M., Michaelis, J. & Pannek, A. 2015. Know your limits - the need for better data on species responses to soil variables. Basic and Applied Ecology 16: 563-572.
Pannek, A., Duprè, C., Gowing, D.J.G., Stevens, C.J. & Diekmann, M. 2015. Spatial gradient in nitrogen deposition affects plant species incidence in acidic grasslands. Oecologia 177: 39-51.
Pannek, A., Ewald, J. & Diekmann, M. 2013. Resource-based determinants of range sizes of forest vascular plants in Germany.Global Ecology and Biogeography 22: 1019-1028.
- Young Scientist Oral Presentation Award 2014- Award from the International Association for Vegetation Science
- DAAD Travel Grant 2012, 2014