
Decius, J., Knappstein, M. & Klug, K. (2023). Which way of learning benefits your career? The role of different forms of work-related learning for different types of perceived employability. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 1–16.

Decius, J., Schaper, N., Klug, K. & Seifert, A. (2023). Active learning, active shaping, or both? A cross-lagged panel analysis of reciprocal effects between work design and informal workplace learning, and the mediating role of job crafting Journal of Vocational Behavior 144, 103893.

Mauno, S., Klug, K., Rantanen, J., Muotka, J. & Kiuru, N. (2023). Profiles of early career insecurity and its outcomes in adolescence: Evidence from a four-wave longitudinal study. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 33(4), 1196–1208.

Teetzen, F., Klug, K., Steinmetz, H., & Gregersen, S. (2023). Organizational health climate as a precondition for health-oriented leadership: Expanding the link between leadership and employee well-being. Frontiers in Psychology, 14, 1181599.

Klebe, L., Klug, K., & Felfe, J. (2022). When your boss is under pressure: On the relationships between leadership inconsistency, leader and follower strain. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, 816258.

Klug, K., Felfe, J., & Krick, A. (2022). Does self-care make you a better leader? A multisource study linking leader self-care to health-oriented leadership, employee self-care, and health. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(11), 6733.

Klebe, L., Klug, K. & Felfe, J. (2021). The show must go on: Health-oriented leadership during the Covid-19 crisis. Zeitschrift für Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie, 65(4), 231–243.

Klebe, L., Felfe, J. & Klug, K. (2021).Mission impossible? Effects of crisis, leader and follower strain on health-oriented leadership. European Journal of Management,1–9.

Krick, A. Felfe, J. & Klug, K. (2021). Building resilience: Trajectories of heart rate variability during a mindfulness-based intervention and the role of individual and social characteristics. International Journal of Stress Management,1–12.

Klebe, L., Felfe, J. & Klug, K. (2021). Healthy leadership in turbulent times: The effectiveness of health-oriented leadership in crisis. British Journal of Management, 32, 1203-1218.

Hauff, S., Felfe, J. & Klug, K. (2020). High-performance Work Practices, Employee Well-being, and Supportive Leadership: Spillover mechanisms and boundary conditions between HRM and leadership behavior. The International Journal of Human Resource Management,1–29.

Klug, K. (2020). Young and at risk? Consequences of job insecurity for mental health and satisfaction among labor market entrants with different levels of education. Economic and Industrial Democracy, 41(3), 562–585. (Online first October 2017)

Klug, K., Selenko, E. & Gerlitz, J.-Y. (2020). Working, but not for a living: A longitudinal study on the psychological consequences of economic vulnerability among German employees. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 1–18.

Klug, K., Bernhard-Oettel, C., Mäkikangas, A., Kinnunen, U. & Sverke, M. (2019). Development of perceived job insecurity among young workers:  A latent class growth analysis. International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health, 92(6), 901–918.

Klug, K., Drobnič S. & Brockmann, H. (2019). Trajectories of insecurity: Young adults’ employment entry, health and well-being. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 115, 103308.

Klug, K., Felfe, J. & Krick, A. (2019). Caring for oneself or for others? How consistent and inconsistent profiles of health-oriented leadership are related to follower strain and health. Frontiers in Psychology, 10, 2456.

Krick, A. Felfe, J. & Klug, K. (2019). Turning intentions into participation in OHP courses? The moderating role of organizational, intrapersonal and interpersonal factors. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 61 (10), 779–799.

Klebe, L., Felfe, J., & Klug, K. (2023). Gesundheitsorientierte Führung in Krisensituationen. In J. Felfe & R. van Dick (Eds.), Handbuch Mitarbeiterführung (S. 1-10). Heidelberg: Springer.

Klug, K., Gerlitz, J.-Y., Selenko, E. (2023). The elephant in the room? Implications of economic vulnerability for a healthy (working) life. In S. Carr, V. Hopner, D. Hodgetts (Eds.), Tackling Precarious Work. Toward Sustainable Livelihoods. SIOP Organizational Frontiers Series (p. 516-538). Routledge.

Hagemann, V. & Klug, K. (2022). Human Resource Management in a Digital Environment. In L. Hornuf, (Ed.), Diginomics Research Perspectives: The Role of Digitalization in Business and Society (pp. 35-64). Cham: Springer International Publishing.

Felfe, J., Klebe, L., Klug, K., Krick, A. & Ducki, A. (2021). Prävention auch in der Krise? Die Bedeutung gesundheitsförderlicher Führung. In B. Badura, A. Ducki, H. Schröder & M. Meyer (Eds.), Fehlzeitenreport 2021. Betriebliche Prävention stärken – Lehren aus der Pandemie (p. 279–293). Springer.

Klug, K., Bernhard-Oettel, C., Selenko, E. & Sverke, M. (2020). Temporal and person-oriented perspectives on job insecurity. In Griep, Y. & Hansen, S. (Eds.), Handbook on the Temporal Dynamics of Organizational Behavior(p. 91–104). Edward Elgar.

Klug, K. & Felfe, J. (2019). A person-oriented approach to mixed leadership and health – State of the art and a research agenda. In D. Alewell & W. Matiaske (Eds.), Standards Guter Arbeit – disziplinäre Positionen und interdisziplinäre Perspektiven (p. 19–37). Nomos.

Klug, K. (2017) Der Berufseinstieg als Krise? Arbeitsplatzunsicherheit bei jungen Beschäftigten. In B. Badura, A. Ducki, H. Schröder, J. Klose, & M. Meyer (Eds.), Fehlzeitenreport 2017. Krise und Gesundheit – Ursachen, Prävention, Bewältigung (p. 153–161). Springer.

Klug, K. (2018). Job and employment insecurity among young adults. A longitudinal analysis of patterns, antecedents and associations with health and well-being. Dissertationsschrift, Universität Bremen.

Klug. K. & Hoppe, A. (2010). Was ist uns gute Pflege wert? Arbeitsbedingungen in der Altenpflege. Wissenswert (2), 30-32.


Casper, A. & Klug, K. (Chairs). Neue Entwicklungen in der Arbeitsgestaltung. Symposium auf der 13. Fachgruppentagung der AOW- und Ingenieurspsychologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie, 12.–.15. September 2023, Kassel.

Klug, K., Casper, A., Andrei, D. & Parker, S. Arbeitsgestaltung als Führungsaufgabe: Experimentelle Ansätze zu situativen Einflussfaktoren auf Arbeitsgestaltungsentscheidungen. Vortrag auf der 13. Fachgruppentagung der AOW- und Ingenieurspsychologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie, 12.–.15. September 2023, Kassel.

Klug, K. & Casper, A. (Chairs). New directions in work design research: Understanding mechanisms between work characteristics and their antecedents in the changing world of work. Symposium auf dem 21st Congress of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology (EAWOP), 24.–27.05.2023, Katowice.

Klug, K., Casper, A., Andrei, D. & Parker, S. When do we design good work for others? An experimental approach to situational antecedents of individual work design decisions. Vortrag auf dem 21st Congress of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology (EAWOP), 24.–27.05.2023, Katowice.

Klug, K. & Drobnič S. Who is secure in the long run? On trajectories of labor market attachment, their socio-demographic predictors, and consequences for mental well-being. Vortrag auf dem 21st Congress of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology (EAWOP), 24.–27.05.2023, Katowice.


Klug, K. & Klebe, L. (Chairs). Healthy leadership: New insights on well-being and situational influences in challenging times. Symposium auf der 15th European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology Conference (EAOHP), 6.–8. Juli 2022, Bordeaux.

Klug, K. & Selenko, E. (Chairs). Precarious work: Toward a comprehensive understanding of unemployment, job insecurity and financial stress. Symposium auf der 15th European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology Conference (EAOHP), 6.–8. Juli 2022, Bordeaux.

Klug, K., Bernhard-Oettel, C. & Sverke, M. Job retention schemes as signals of insecurity: The long-term effects of short-time work on perceived job insecurity and employee well-being. Vortrag auf der 15th European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology Conference (EAOHP), 6.–8. Juli 2022, Bordeaux.

Klug, K., Klebe, L. & Felfe, J. Does flexibility in schedules and locations influence the effects of health-oriented leadership? A week-level study of staff care, self care and well-being. Vortrag auf der 15th European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology Conference (EAOHP), 6.–8. Juli 2022, Bordeaux.


Selenko, E. & Klug, K. (Chairs). Prekäre Beschäftigung: Neue Perspektiven auf Arbeitsplatzunsicherheit und ökonomische Stressoren. Symposium auf der 12. Fachgruppentagung der AOW- und Ingenieurspsychologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie, 22.–24. September 2021, Chemnitz.

Klug, K., Klebe, L. & Felfe, J. Stabilität und Veränderung gesundheitsförderlicher (Selbst-)Führung: Welche Rolle spielen Zeiteffekte für das Wohlbefinden? Vortrag auf der 12. Fachgruppentagung der AOW- und Ingenieurspsychologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie, 22.–24. September 2021, Chemnitz.


Reiner, A. & Klug, K. (Chairs). Unterstützendes und gesundheitsförderliches Führungsverhalten. Symposium auf der 11. Tagung der Fachgruppe Arbeits-, Organisations- und Wirtschaftspsychologie (AOW) der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie, 25.–27. September 2019, Braunschweig.

Klug, K., Krick, A. & Felfe, J. A healthy climate: Individual and team-level effects of self care on employee strain and health.Vortrag auf  der 11. Tagung der Fachgruppe Arbeits-, Organisations- und Wirtschaftspsychologie (AOW) der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie, 25.–27. September 2019, Braunschweig.

Klug, K. & Krick, A. (Chairs). Occupational health promotion: Leadership and resources.Symposium auf dem 19th Congress of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology, 29. Mai–01. Juni 2019, Turin.

Klug, K., Krick, A. & Felfe, J. Profiles of health-oriented leadership and employee strain. Vortrag auf dem 19th Congress of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology, 29. Mai–01. Juni 2019, Turin.


Krick, A. & Klug, K. (Chairs). Gesundheitsförderung: Führung und Ressourcenförderung. Symposium auf dem 51. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie, 17.–20. September 2018, Frankfurt am Main.

Klug, K., Krick, A. & Felfe, J. A person-oriented approach to mixed leadership and health. Vortrag auf dem 51. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie, 17.–20. September 2018, Frankfurt am Main.

Klug, K., Drobnič S. & Brockmann, H. Trajectories of insecurity: Young adults’ employment entry, health and well-being.Vortrag auf der 13th European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology Conference, 05.–07. September 2018, Lissabon.

Klug, K., Krick, A. & Felfe, J. A person-oriented approach to mixed leadership and health. Vortrag auf der 13th European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology Conference, 05.–07. September 2018, Lissabon.

Klug, K., Drobnič S. & Brockmann, H. Trajectories of insecurity: Young adults’ employment entry, health and well-being.Vortrag auf dem Spring Meeting of the Research Committee on Social Stratification and Mobility (RC28) of the International Sociological Association, 25.–27. Mai 2018, Seoul.


Klug, K., Bernhard-Oettel, C., Mäkikangas, A., Kinnunen, U. & Sverke, M. Trajectories of job insecurity among young workers and their association with predictors, self-rated health and well-being. A latent class growth analysis. Vortrag auf dem 18th congress of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology (EAWOP), 17.–20.Mai 2017, Dublin.


Klug, K. Arbeitsplatzunsicherheit bei jungen Beschäftigten: Auswirkungen auf die psychische Gesundheit und die moderierende Wirkung des Bildungsgrades. Vortrag auf dem 50. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs), 18.–22. September 2016, Leipzig.

Klug, K. Young and at risk? Consequences of job (in-)security for mental health and well-being among labor market entrants of different educational levels.Poster auf der InGRID Summer School „Quality of Working Life and Vulnerabilities“, 09.–13. Mai 2016, Paris.


Klug, K., Employment stress and health among labor market entrants: Psychosocial demands and resources in atypical employment and their association with socio-economic status. Poster auf dem 17th Congress of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology, 20.–23. Mai 2015, Oslo.

Klug, K., Boundaryless or precarious? Employment stress and wellbeing among different types of workers in atypical employment. Poster auf dem 17th Congress of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology, 20.–23. Mai 2015, Oslo.

Klug, K., Health effects of employment-related demands and resources among labor market entrants in Germany. Vortrag auf der 11th International Conference on Occupational Health “Work, Stress and Health”, 06.–09. Mai 2015, Atlanta.