Research portal of the Department of Maltese at the University of Malta
Deutsch-Maltesische Gesellschaft / Maltese-German Association
Die Deutsch-Maltesische Gesellschaft e.V. (Adenau) versteht sich als Dachverband anderer Gesellschaften gleicher oder ähnlicher Zielsetzung in Deutschland. Sie vertritt die Interessen ihrer Mitglieder in Deutschland und Malta.
Deutsch-Maltesischer Zirkel / German-Maltese Circle
The German-Maltese Circle was founded on the 18th October 1962 with the aim of “promoting a closer understanding between Germany and Malta in all appropriate fields of activity and relationship excluding political activities”
Il-Kunsill Nazzjonali tal-Ilsien Malti / the National Council for the Maltese Language
Il-Kunsill Nazzjonali tal-Ilsien Malti was set up on April 2005 after the passage of a Bill in the House of Representatives of Malta. Its work is to regulate new words coming into Maltese and promote the standard Maltese language in education and other new sectors.
Akkademja tal-Malti was the prime regulatory body responsible for the Maltese language from the early 20th century up to the end of the millennium, when a Government sponsored law was passed to protect issues related to the national language. On joining the European Union, Maltese became one of the recognised languages of the EU - no mean achievement for a language spoken by less than half a million people.
L-università ta' Malta – Dipartiment tal-Malti / University of Malta – Department of Maltese
Through its teaching and research activity, the Department of Maltese of the University of Malta strives towards the advancement of the study of Maltese linguistics and grammar, the history of Maltese language and its literature. Areas of special interest include language contact and language policy. The Department offers courses leading to the award of undergraduate and postgraduate degrees in Maltese.
L-università ta' Malta – L-Istitut tal-linguistika / University of Malta, Institute of Linguistics
The Institute of Linguistics (IoL) aims at promoting and coordinating research in both General Linguistics and Applied Linguistics. It promotes interdisciplinary research, striving to foster the study of the various fields of linguistics, involving academics in practical cooperation that cuts across departmental and faculty boundaries. It is also involved in efforts to maintain the standard of English and Maltese for Academic Purposes among University students.
Maltese Language Resource Server
The Maltese Language Resource Server (MLRS) is a project coordinated by the Institute of Linguistics and the Department of Intelligent Computer Systems at the University of Malta whose primary aim is to create and make available basic language resources for the Maltese language, as well as develop natural language processing tools for Maltese.
META-NET Language White Paper for Maltese
As part of an EU initiative, University of Malta joined a consortium of 8 partners for the EU project METANET4U, which aims at contributing to the establishment and consolidation of a pan-European digital platform that makes available language resources and services. The META-NET Language White Paper series “Languages in the European Information Society” reports on the state of each European language with respect to Language Technology and explains the most urgent risks and chances. The series will cover all official European languages. While there have been a number of valuable and comprehensive scientific studies on certain aspects of languages and technology, there exists no generally understandable compendium that takes a stand by presenting the main findings and challenges for each language. The META-NET white paper series will fill this gap.