Studies abroad
Special funding programmes
DAAD RISE Worldwide!
RISE stands for Research Internships in Science and Engineering. RISE Worldwide offers summer research internships across the world to German undergraduate students with academic training in biology, chemistry, computer science, physics, earth sciences, engineering or a closely related field. RISE Worldwide is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research.
moreStudies or internships abroad
Get out - personal enrichment as a consequence of a stay abroad or studies abroad!
There are basically 3 different ways to study abroad: within Europe (e.g. as guest student on the EU program ERASMUS), outside Europe (e.g. as a guest studient on one of the worldwide exchange programs) or worlwide, outside an university cooperation.
The International Office (IO) at the University of Bremen offers a lot of information concerning studies abroad, internships abroad.
The European exchange program ERAMUS+ (studies)
ERASMUS+ studies
The ERASMUS program enables students and graduates of the University of Bremen to study in another European partner university.
Benefits for students participating in the ERASMUS+ study program
- no tuition fee has to be paid to the hosting university
- intensive counseling, both at the home university as well as at the host university
- language preparation
- recognition of credits awarded abroad
- mobility grant according to country category
ERASMUS representative FB2
Dr. Ute Meyer
Studienbüro FB2
Room NW2 A 1030
erasmusfb2protect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de
phone +49 (0) 421 218 62810
The European exchange program ERASMUS+ (internships)
ERASMUS+ internships
The ERASMUS program enables students and graduates of the University of Bremen to complete an internship, funded with an Erasmus grant.
Benefits for participating students
- financial support based on the cost of living in the host country (minimum 400 Euro)
- internships at least 2 months (60 days)
- maximum funding up to 12 months
- up to 12 months in each study cycle (Bachelor, Master, PhD)
- compulsory elective module as part of an Intercultural Certificate
- recognition of credits in study program "at home" possible (General Studies or Specialty Studies)
Contact ERASMUS+ internships / International Office
Mathias Bücken
auslandspraktikaprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de
+49 (0) 421 218-6037
"Going out" with PROMOS
Studies or internships abroad - outside the Erasmus zone
Students enrolled in Bachelor or Master study programs can apply for PROMOS.
The program supports student studies, practical and language stays abroad - outside the Erasmus zone. Under certain circumstances, doctoral students may also be eligible for support by partial scholarships.
The basis for the students' application is the nomination of PROMOS representatives in the departments.
Please notify: All scholarship grants for PROMOS will be made by the International Office in December and April.
moreContact PROMOS in the faculty 2 Biology/ Chemistry
Dr. Andrea Krause
akrauseprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de
+49 (0) 421 218 62895
PROMOS representative for Biology and Chemistry
Prof. Dr. Soerge Kelm