Applied Statistics


We are a group of mathematicians and statisticians in the Department of Mathematics at the Faculty 03 - Mathematics/Computer Science - of the University Bremen. Head of the working group is Prof. Dr. Werner Brannath. We are belonging to the Department’s Institute of Statistics.

We are interested in the development and investigation of statistical methodology. Our research is motivated by applications mainly from life sciences and engineering. Current research topics are adaptive and group sequential designs, multiple testing and simultaneous inference, statistical modelling in clinical trials and in observational studies, statistical methods in laboratory medicine, the evaluation of classification algorithms and the design of experiments in material sciences.  

A major part of our group is involved in the Biometry Section of the Competence Center for Clinical Trials Bremen (KKSB). We are also core members of the ZeSOB - a cluster of statistically oriented researchers from the Universities in Oldenburg and Bremen.

We are teaching and supervising bachelor and master students in Mathematics and students of the master program "Medical Biometry/Biostatistics" at the University Bremen.


Prof. Dr. Werner Brannath
FB03 Mathematics / Computer Science - Institute for Statistics
E-mail: brannathprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de
Tel.: +49 (0)421 218 63781


E.mail: kksbsekrprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de
Tel: +49 (0)421 218 63780

