Avio 550 Max ICP-OES
The Avio 550 Max spectrometer covers the entire wavelength range from 163 to 782 nm and therefore has the highest spectral resolution of all simultaneous spectrometers from Perkin Elmer. The ICP-OES is used for the multi-element determination of elements in samples of different matrices and reliably detects them in the mg/L concentration range. In addition, lower detection limits of a few µg/L are also possible, e.g. by selecting an ultrasonic nebulizer.
View of the plasma of the Avio 550 Max when injecting a 2% HNO3 ...

... and the same view into the plasma when injecting a 2% HNO3 solution with 1000 mg/L sodium (λ = 589.592 nm)

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