
Call for Papers - Input-output-Workshop: Input-output Analysis for Sustainable Development

On March 14 to 15, 2019, next year’s Input-output-Workshop will take place in Bochum, Germany, under the motto “Input-output Analysis for Sustainable Development”.

It is organized by the Institute of Economic Structures Research (Anke Mönning), the University of Bremen (working group of JuttaGünther) and the Bochum University of Applied Sciences (working group of Tobias Kronenberg). At this workshop applications of input-output analysis to questions related to Sustainable Development shall be discussed, for example the estimation of “environmental footprints”, the analysis of economic impacts of climate change or studies related to the effects of environmental policy on the distribution of income. To apply for the workshop’s paper sessions, we cordially invite you to submit an extended abstract (1-2 pages) until December 31, 2018.

Detailed information can be found here: CfP