
First Summer School on Methods and Economic Policy Advice

This year, the association "Netzwerk ökonomische Bildung und Beratung e.V." (Network for Economic Education and Consulting, NÖBB e.V.) organised a summer school for methodological training and economic policy advice at the Ruhr University Bochum. Between 25 and 30 young economists participated in each of the two parts of the Summer School. The Summer School on "Theory and Practice of Economic Policy Advice" was co-organized by JuttaGünther and supported by the Mercator Foundation and the Stifterverband.

The members of the working group actively participated in the Summer School: Philip Kerner, Matheus Leusin, David Karpa and Jarina Kühn took part in the international Summer School on "Complexity Economics, Behavioral Economics and Data Science" from 2 to 4 September 2019. Katharina Friz and Tobias Wendler attended the Summer School "Theory and Practice of Economic Policy Advice" from 05 to 06 September 2019. JuttaGünther worked as a lecturer on the topic "Theory and Practice of Economic Policy Advice" and focused in particular on the role of empirical economic research in economic and innovation policy advice.

The association "Netzwerk ökonomische Bildung und Beratung e.V." (Network Economic Education and Consulting, NÖBB e.V.) was founded in 2018 in Bochum and advocates economic, social and ecological sustainability as well as methodological pluralism in economics. Among other things, the association wants to point out career perspectives in economic policy consulting to young scientists and bridge the gap between theory and practice.

Gruppenbild Summer School Bochum 2019